[Help] After updating, the print quality turned to 💩.

So after updating to the latest RatOS. I did this by reflashing the latest 64bit version, my print quality turned to 💩. Here is a photo comparing the two. This is using identical gcode. The 💩 one the left is running the latest version and the one on the right is the old version. Does anyone know what I need to change here in RatOS/Klipper to get it working correctly again? Note I have the old version on one SD card and the new one on another, so I can switch between the two for testing easily
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24 Replies
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
This is a screenshot of the old version I was running which yields the good print
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stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Here is my old original config
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
And here is my new config for the latest version of RatOS
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
And here is a screenshot of the versions I am on for the latest release
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stormy-goldOP•2y ago
---- So a reminder that the gcode is exactly the same, only thing that has changed was the version of RatOS (and the accompanying modules) As far as I know, I have got the printer config files the same too
fascinating-indigo•2y ago
Did you copy your custom config, custom includes? (pressure advance, input shaping, pid settings)
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
yep, all of that was copied
miklschmidt•2y ago
This is just pressure advance
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
But all those setting were copied across though? (unless I'm mistaken)
miklschmidt•2y ago
There's no pressure advance in your new config, also this should be set in the filament profile in your slicer. OrcaSlicer has an actual setting for it, use SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=whatever in others. Oh and you should not be overriding the macro's with out of date old macro's Chances are the reason you overrode it earlier is now supported via variables anyway In either case, this pic is clearly a case of pressure advance being too high. Take a look at what it says in mainsail dashboard while printing. The extruder section shows the current PA value. Hmm.. Actually, on a second look, it looks more like crazy underextrusion Aaah, i know..
dir_pin: !e_dir_pin # Remove ! in front of pin name to reverse extruder direction
rotation_distance: 7.68
dir_pin: !e_dir_pin # Remove ! in front of pin name to reverse extruder direction
rotation_distance: 7.68
This did nothing in your old config as it was located before the orbiter include. In your new printer.cfg it's located after. Just remove the rotation distance here 🙂
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Ah there we go! And yeah pressure advance is being set in my slicer. Some of those config setting go wayyy back to version 1 of ratos
miklschmidt•2y ago
(this is why you always put modifications in user overrides btw)
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
So don't touch the default and any changes sit at the bottom? Such as if I was to need to reverse the stepper direction, I leave the default and then add a 2nd on in user overrides with the ! ? (as an example)
miklschmidt•2y ago
In the printer configuration section, you can change the parameters that are already there. New parameters / sections go into user overrides. It's also fine to just do Everything in user overrides. In 2.0 it's not really critical as both are at the bottom. It wasn't in the very old config template you were using in v1 though.
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Thanks for clearing that up. I'll test it in the morning, but I'm 99% sure that is the issue. I appreciate the help! Can confirm that was the issue. I removed that line and it printed beautifully @miklschmidt the modification to my START_PRINT macro is to get the heated bed heating before it does anything to speed up the start of the print. I think this is a really good modification, Should I create a PR to add it into the repo, or is there a reason against it?
miklschmidt•2y ago
It's actually not great, you need time for the heat to spread through the alu plate However i recommend you use the user macro hooks instead of overriding START_PRINT
miklschmidt•2y ago
Configuring RatOS Macros | RatOS
RatOS comes with a bunch of flexible predefined macro's that can be customized via variables and macro hooks.
miklschmidt•2y ago
Ah nevermind, it doesn't shorten the time the bed is heated, it just starts it before homing. The reason it doesn't do that by default was because of worries that heaters could affect probe accuracy back in the day, i think that was a complete myth however, so i might add a M140 before homing in the future.
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
The issue is we can't use m140 as that waits for it to heat up, hence why I used
SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET={params.BED_TEMP|default(printer.heater_bed.target, true) }
SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET={params.BED_TEMP|default(printer.heater_bed.target, true) }
which starts heating, but doesn't slow everything down by waiting for it to heat before it goes onto the next step
miklschmidt•2y ago
No m140 doesn't wait, m190 does. M140 is effectively SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE, both will work. (i hate standard gcode commands for this reason, there's no logic to it)
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Ah gotcha, my mistake Yeah so basically we start the intiual heating, then do leveling probing etc. Once that is done we continue the normal commands of actually waiting for the stuff to heat before we continue. But since we already starting heating before while it was probing, leveling etc, the actual waiting part is a lot shorter. It seems to speed up my prints a lot. Especially if I'm doing 90c abs on the bed
miklschmidt•2y ago
Yeah that seems fine. To be fair though, i do ABS at 110 and always preheat for at least 20 minutes 90c won't work for normal ABS/ASA, maybe for the modified stuff?
stormy-goldOP•2y ago
Ah great, I do too. But last time I said that I got burnt at the stake, so I toned it down by saying 90 😂
miklschmidt•2y ago
Oh really? Some people are weird lol

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