Reinstalling Klipper
Is there a way to reinstall klipper without creating issues with RATOS macros and such ? I'm tryna test out smooth shapers but seems like dmitry's branch doesnt like Ratos klipper install. after switching to that branch, klipper doesnt reboot back up even after reset and such.
32 Replies
^ resintalling klipper via kiauh like normal.
reinstalling via Kiauh is going to mess it up
yeah i figured.
i wonder how hard it would be to just download all the macros and rebuild.
i just like ratos macros, my printer.cfg has so many overrides its basically a normal config now lmao.
its not that simple
take a look at the gitlab pipeline to get some idea of what happens when you build ratos
....... lol okay, ill stay away ahahah
i guess ill rock it for now and maybe down the line ill just do the grunt work to build me own config and such. 😄
thanks for the info.
Can you link the branch (i’m guessing it’s a PR?) and show me the error (klippy.log)?
GitHub - dmbutyugin/klipper: Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware
Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware. Contribute to dmbutyugin/klipper development by creating an account on GitHub.
these error images above are from a few months back troubleshooting with jamesH in klipper server
i wanna say this is the issue ^
when trying to restart klipper after the install it doesnt want to come back 😦
Which branch? Master is over 3 years old
klipper/docs/ at scurve-shaping · dmbutyug...
Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware. Contribute to dmbutyugin/klipper development by creating an account on GitHub.
If that’s the issue, you just need to update the requirements file (it’s probably already updated) and run pip install for the klipper virtual env.
Has nothing to do with RatOS though
would you be able to give me a brief step to step ? Im currently printing something so ill have to do this after lol.
im not that knowledgeable on the firmware stuff side. so its sorta... gibberish to me lol.
Python. It’s just python.
I checked the branch and i doubt you’ll want to do what you’re trying to do. It’s 2,5 years old and abandoned, nothing will be compatible, you’ll have to run everything else 2.5 years back in time too. S-curve does not have enough benefits over IS.
What made you want to go down this ancient (in klipper terms) rabbit hole?
smooth shaper.
maybe this is the wrong branch for that....
What is “smooth shaper”?
What you linked is a 2.5 year old s-curve branch.
hmmm okay. maybe ive been looking at the wrong branch lmao.
one sec ill get confirmation
From where? Where are you getting this from?
smooth shaper.
annex crowd
i could have sworn that was the branch for it.
So different shaper models?
But.. how are these useful unless your graphs look like the above (in which case fix the hardware problem instead of bandaid fixing with software).
okay so i asked churls and he said its actually dmitrys "advanced-features" branch, not scurve-shaping.
my bad
Okay let me take a look
the smooth shaper stuff goes hand to hand with PA. allowing for a much more reduced PA value.
"experimental" though i think.
just wanted to try it for shiz and giggles.
Yeah theres an input smoother for the extruder too, interesting. Alright then, this is new enough that it should work fine.
Was the error with the wrong branch or the “advanced-features” branch?
wrong branch
im only finding out its the wrong branch rn ahahah
i guess ill go install the proper branch and it will prob work since its not 2.5years old lol
I think so 🙂
thanks for the help <:thumbs_up:1167972177715404870>
Np, always available for some good ol’ rubber ducking 😂