VC4 400 IDEX Resonances on T1

Hello! I've been tuning my belts for about 3 days already. I tried a multitude of different tension-ratios on x and y, but I just can't get my T1 Y to look any good. I guess there's something wrong on my Dual_Carriage_X_Axis belt path or on my T1. Could anyone take a look at my graph, and see if there's something obvious there that I can't see? If more graphs of different tension-ratios would help, I could upload those as well. Thanks!:)
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tillibilli5671OP6d ago
Alright, I tested a few more things and came to a point at which I'll stop to keep my Sanity haha I've documented the method that worked in the end for me, and hope it might help anyone: Final Method: 1. Relax all Belts 2. Move Gantry to the back and make sure it is square 3. Home Printer → Idex Mirror 4. Tune X-Belts to 120-125Hz/40-43N 5. Measure protrusion from pulleys. If not the same, shorten one belt. 1T=1mm 6. Tune X-Belts again 7. Tune Y-Belts to 105-110Hz/33-37N 8. Measure Pulley protrusion and adjust belt length that they are the same, 1T=0.5mm 9. Tune Y-Belts again to 105-110Hz/33-37N 10. Run X-Graph, make sure it’s both MZV, otherwise adjust Frequency and try again 11. As soon as you reach MZV on both X-Axes, move on to the Y-Graphs. Try a few different Tensions, always the same tension on both belts. Freq-Measuring Points for X-Belts: Between XY-Joiner and Tensioner Pulley in Home → Idex Mirror Position Freq-Measuring Points for Y-Belts: Between XY-Joiner and Tensioner Pulley in Home → Idex Mirror Position Special thanks to @tg73 for compiling the spreadsheet (hope it's ok that I upload it here, for completeness sake), this helped me immensely!!

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