cant get my 4028 to work. I have even bought a new one and still it does nothing.
I wired the blue to ground and the red and black to the upper fan header. set the correct voltage.
Included my printer.cfg and picture of my wiring.
Included my printer.cfg and picture of my wiring.

14 Replies
i also tried [fan]
pin: !PA8
cycle_time: 0.01
enable_pin: PA3 and then moving the ground wire to heater pa3. but there is no life what so ever...
i see the picture but not the printer.cfg
if you disconnect the pwm wire, does it spin up to 100%?
the fan does nothing when the pwm wire is disconnected
then most likely it is dead
it should run 100%
pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin
cycle_time: 0.01
enable_pin: PA3
but this config is fine right ?
not according to how you have it wired up
Oh no i chhanged the
and plugged it into the heater pa3
are you sure PA3 is the correct pin?

i bought another 4028 but the wires are all black
so i dont know if the wiring is the saem
thanks i will check this out