Noisy and jamming y rails after installing titanium tube

Hello. Do you have any tips on how to adjust the Toro axle correctly so that it runs smoothly and nicely and quietly without any ball noise? I managed to adjust the old original rail, which is why the two Y rails have to be parallel and I don't think I need to adjust them. But it seems to be jamming like this. If one side is loose then it runs better and more quietly but still not optimally. Where is the best place to loosen and tighten screws? Is the Toro titanium tube possibly jammed or twisted and do I also need to remove the M5 from the stacks?? They clamped the rails against the plate. Please help
26 Replies
03Julian04•3mo ago
I have the same Also the ti tube from toro And I have print problems Maybe the problems come from this
03Julian04•3mo ago
03Julian04•3mo ago
Do you have any solution?
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
I have loosened the screws on the gantry several times and loosened everything on the Y rails, the carriages too, and then adjusted the rails again, even though they were already there. I'm starting to despair because everything was great and I was convinced. Were my printed parts not good? I put a 0.1mm shim on top of the M5 because the tube protrudes. Maybe print them again? The Allen key in the screws will soon be broken. It still doesn't run smoothly and if I loosen a holder on a carriage it runs on its own and as soon as I fasten it it no longer runs. Can anyone help us here? Have you never had problems like this? You designed and tested them, didn't you? @Mike-Toro3D
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
03Julian04•3mo ago
What if you just pull one side is the other side stooping ? Can you take the ti tube out and measure how long it really is ? Anything new ?
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
I think my tube is twisted an not straight I can't manage to adjust the rails and the ends so that it runs flawlessly. I printed a form for measuring but unfortunately I have to print it again. Helge gave the tip. But it looks like this and I'll print it again I just know I can't print it like that. I'll give up on titanium and stick with aluminum before I get into the unsolvable problems. Maybe I'll ask if he takes it back. I'm currently trying to install the normal extrusion again. I'm a bit disappointed with the tube if it really isn't 100% straight and given the length that makes a difference. Unfortunately, this is a tube and not a milled or ground material. He would have to have that reworked at spannsysteme, for example. I'll see what the gauges say tomorrow
03Julian04•3mo ago
Ah okay please give me an update And how do you test if the tube is twisted so I can test this too
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Hello. I tried it with a tool I drew and printed myself, following Helge's instructions. So the mount is based on the pipe size and then with the leg. As you can see, one side is crooked, so the pipe must have a twist. I would like to convert it back to standard and try to return the pipe. I don't want to risk anything here and don't want to cause any problems. Spannsysteme supplies a safer, more precise gantry, but unfortunately no titantium. Wrote in the German thread
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uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
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uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
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03Julian04•3mo ago
Ah okay könntest du mir die Datei auch zur Verfügung stellen dann würde ich das auch mal testen
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Ja ist aber eine thinkercad Vorlage mit einen 20,25 mal 20,04-07 rohr Keine Ahnung ob die passt
03Julian04•3mo ago
Ja ich habe die selbe Tube von Toro Also sollte auch passen
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Je nach Charge sind die verschieden
03Julian04•3mo ago
Ach so okay
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Denke auch das da nicht viel um sein wird
03Julian04•3mo ago
Ja gut notfalls zeichne ich schnell selbst was ist ja gleich gezeichnet aber ich würde die von dir mal versuchen
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Probiers mal.
03Julian04•3mo ago
Ja danke
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Kein Problem. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen
03Julian04•3mo ago
Aufjedenfall Daran habe ich garnicht gedacht das sie ja gedreht sein könnte
uzi 🇦🇹
uzi 🇦🇹OP•3mo ago
Ja ich hab hier alle möglichen channels geentert und dann hat mich Helge drauf aufmerksam gemacht. Der Typ ist vom Wissen eine chorifee und meinte er hat schon von so was gehört
03Julian04•3mo ago
Ja das stimmt Haha er weiß echt sehr viel

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