Modified pin for LED
Hi. I have a LED strip stick on my frame.
So what I wanna do is to define it in printer.cfg as [led]
But then how can I turn it on by define another macro ?
My board is Octopus V1.1 446
6 Replies
this depends
if the strip only has +5V and GND you cant cnotrol it out of the box
you would need a 3 pin strip
in your case you would need a relais or something
Someone Told me that I can use HE1 or Hot end port to control it .
HE1 is 24V
and i dont know id this strip is PWMable
you can try it
it may flicker
Yeah. Worth trying isn’t it
it’s on !
Depends on pwm either false (on or off), true (can make it flickering with PWM)