Connect HDMI monitor to Raspberry pi4 (RatOs)

Hello everybody, I want to connect and external HDMI monitor without touch to my raspy4 (vcore 3.1). I bought the adapter and try to connect tò the monitor but i have the NoSignal error. Can you help me? Best regards
5 Replies
cgrr17mo ago
Many of those units need a USB cable for power. Knowing which unit it is would be helpful.
SYG|Krizalid87OP17mo ago
a common HDMI Monitor for PC desktop
CHIEFdotJS17mo ago
if the NoSignal error is on your monitor, then it has power. have you tried restarting your raspi? Some of the video modes only startup at boot
SYG|Krizalid87OP17mo ago
Restarted but Always no signal My monitor works on my PC Fixed, It works After a reboot of the Pico...but i see the klipperscreen😅 Not the desktop of the distro
cgrr17mo ago
Klipperscreen is what you are supposed to get, unless you go to your laptop.

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