Hotend moving back and forth.
I can move my hotend back and forth when it is hot but it won't move when it is cold. I made sure the screws at the top are tight. Has anyone seen this problem before? My other hotend doesn't move at all. I've attached the video but there is much more movement than what is in the video.
5 Replies
Check the 3 screws from the heatbreak also
Also your duct is dmgd did you crash somehow?
Wow! It came that way. Wonder why I didn't notice it before I guess I'll have to reprint it. My other head is fine. I checked all the screws and they're good. Just strange that it doesn't wobble when it is cool - just hot.
Thermal expansion
Also did you notice anything while setting up your beacon?
Like a negative thermal expansion ?
Not really - but what exactly do you mean. I didn't notice anything with setting up the Beacon but I do keep loosing contact with the Beacon randomly.
during first setup of beacon you gonna run a Thermal Expansion test
if that is negative you should check your mounting of toolhead and hotend/beacon
but if you are saying the top 4 screws on the hotend are tight
check the 3 holding the heaterblock