Print bed adhesion because of worn print bed?

Hey, For a few days now, I can't print on my V-Minion because the print bed adheres poorly or not at all when I print a simple square without a brim. I cleaned the bed with dish soap and isopropanol. Calibrated the Z-offset and did a PID tune. And this happened with several different PLAs that worked fine before. I don't know what to check next. Is it possible that the print bed is worn out?
15 Replies
TetradecarOP16mo ago
The flow looks good too...
Oskait16mo ago
Does the print bed look worn? if it is worn to the point that nothing sticks you should probably see a big difference in the middle compared to the corners of the sheet (where u usually print way less) Does the first layer not stick or does it only occur on taller prints?
TetradecarOP16mo ago
The surface looks good. It is happing when I try to print fine models like this:
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TetradecarOP16mo ago
I reduced the speed of the firstlayer but it is warping instanly up. With all my plas atm. Last year it was working...
K1ear16mo ago
Honestly same issue here on a different printer but also with a pei plate. Increasing your hot end temp to help the pla adhere to the surface should do it. That's what did it for me
TetradecarOP16mo ago
When I print, I use for the firstlayer +5°C for Hotend and Bed. Is that bad or good? It worked for almost 2 years Still the same problem. I ordered now a new print bed.
K1ear16mo ago
Does it have adhesion problems with other filaments for example PETG? Cause for me pla had trouble sticking but petg bonds strongly no matter what
TetradecarOP16mo ago
Don`t have PETG here. Printing now with brim, the prints looks very good and all surface are good. So I wait for the new bed. But overall thanks!
MONSOONO16mo ago
Post a picture of first layer
TetradecarOP16mo ago
After starting from scratch, calibrating and cleaning everything, and increasing the hot end temperature. It works again. I noticed that the filament was not sticking as good in the area where I print most of the time (middle of the bed). After googling, other people had the same problem with the Pei bed after many hours of printing. So I am waiting for the new surface.
TetradecarOP16mo ago
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MONSOONO16mo ago
You can also try giving it a scrape with some steel wool. That might help. If anything, your first layer looks a little low and underextruded. Any flow changes for layer 1?
TetradecarOP15mo ago
I noticed, that the filament brand changed the bed temperature for newer spools. I tried is with the steel wool, now it is stinking again. The first layer was to low, changed. Printed a cube with 10mm height and measured it with 10.6mm. The flow for the first layer is in superslicer Flow -> flow ration-> first layer: 100% In the v-minion profile it under xy first layer compensation -0.1mm. Ok. Tt turns out, that was a speed problem from superslicer version Switched back to stable There is no underextrusion. I noticed it, because a 20mm square with 0% infill and 2 perimeters walls only needed 4 minutes instate of 24min...
MONSOONO15mo ago
Oh, we'll that's good news.
TetradecarOP15mo ago
Little Update. It was also an adhesion problem. After a lot of trouble with the ordered print bed I can confirm, that was the main problem. Now it is working with the stl from the link! I think I destroyed the PEI surface with my metal scraper...

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