How do i uninstall octoeverywhere from RatOs?
Installed octoeverywhere, realised my old webcam (original pi camera) was craptastic and didnt want to pay to get a more useful one. How do i uninstall it? I used their single line install script to install but that doesnt give me an option to remove, their support emailed me back saying use Kiauh but that doesnt help by installing more stuff i dont need to be able to uninstall stuff i dont need. I dont know linux commandline nearly enough to work it out on my own :/
4 Replies
Remove octoeverywhere from moonraker.conf (next to your printer.cfg) and run
sudo rm -rf ~/octoeverywhere*
that should get rid of most of it. There might be a systemd service script to stop and disable as well, i don't know. This is really something octoeverywhere should provide you with.rival-blackOP•2y ago
ok i replied to their email for a way that doesnt require me to install kiauh but if they arent helpful i'll just remove it how you suggested. thanks
@fartingbob did you ever figure it out? I’m in the same boat. It is actually crashing my long prints by using up too much CPU.
rival-blackOP•16mo ago
No, I wiped what I could find like Mikl said, they did get back to me and say they were working on an uninstall function but I guess not yet.