Z Offset not saving?

Hey guys im having an issue everytime I set my z offset to lets say -0,135 right and his save config and restart it doesnt seem to want to save the setting where Do i find the z offset within the cfg file on the machine tab and how do i make the thing save it for the next print
17 Replies
cgrr7mo ago
Did you hit the save z offset button (or typed the same in the console)?
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
Yea i have it just doesnt want to keep it at all Tried it over and over
cgrr7mo ago
Ratos 2.02 or 2.1?
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
RatOS 2.1
cgrr7mo ago
How many initial calibrations have you done? If several it may not know which to save it to (a guess).
Sören7mo ago
is there a green generated block on the bottom of the printer.cfg that has the z offset in it?
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
I am currenlty unsure I can check later once im at home just got to work As far as i can remeber not from what i saw.
cgrr7mo ago
You may not have done the initial calibration or you did not save it.
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
Okay and if i didnt what do I do to redo it?
cgrr7mo ago
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/beacon_contact.md at documentation_v2...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
I dont have a beacon tho i have a probe?
cgrr7mo ago
Which one? Someone else will have to chime in to help you, since I am only familiar with the Beacon (which I highly recommend).
Sören7mo ago
i guess super pinda
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
Super pinda is what he got yes
Double check you aren't setting the offset in your slicer
Mrr_NateOP7mo ago
Using orca slicer can I do that I though klipper overrides that ?
yeah you can do that (because I do it in my slicer). For example in my printer.cfg I have
z_offset: 1.920
z_offset: 1.920
and then in my slicer for ABS (because I don't use it that often and I am calibrated for PLA) I have SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=-0.365 Please start your own post

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