v2,1 Install problems.

I download the image and and used Etcher to write to SD. My first problem is when it verifies at thr rnd I get an error. on the check. Tried 3 different SD cards but al the same . And in two cases It screwed 2 SD cards now the y are seen as 7.63GB, Even with diskpart or disk genius there is no why to fix them. So I tried RUFUS and it wrote the images without errors. Ant way when I try to install the hotspot does not show up. Is it Rufus and why does Etcher not work? I ordered new SD cards to try. Any suggestions? thanks
35 Replies
miklschmidt•9mo ago
And in two cases It screwed 2 SD cards now the y are seen as 7.63GB,
What SD cards were those and where did you get them? Try balena etcher 1.18, some people have reported problems with 1.19, but it doesn't make your cards smaller 😅
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
The Sd cards are Kingston,. As for the fact I do not see the Hotspot?
miklschmidt•9mo ago
failed verification = failed image. Where did you get them? It sounds like you got yourself fake sd cards.
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
Thats why I took them back. Rufus wrote the image and gave no errors. Is it not a valid app for this?
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miklschmidt•9mo ago
Windows has a screenshot app, i can't see anything on these. RUFUS may work, but it's also very easy to screw up
TheTik•9mo ago
Those are unreadable. Are you able to take a proper screenshot and post the images from the computer? (Win+Shift+S)
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
Those are from the phone and reduced must send the full size. A part that , I wrote the 2.0.2 by mistake and that one I did see the hotspot. Well must wait till I get the new cards and see.
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Maybe you downloaded the wrong image
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
Release RatOS-v2.1.0-RC1 · Rat-OS/RatOS
Documentation is underway, 2.1.0-RC1 is marked as a pre-release until it's ready. Update all packages after connecting RatOS to your wifi network. If you like the project and want to see it con...
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
trying now another SD card i found lets see.
miklschmidt•9mo ago
there are 2 different images.. The CB1 one does not work on raspberry pi's and the rpi32 one does not work on CB1's.
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
opps my bad, but here is the error i get writing the sd card.
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SynapsisOP•9mo ago
I can't find the v1.18 , still looking for it I'll try that if i find it maybe change pc. 🤨 this is the img 2024-05-28-RatOS-2.1.0-RC1-armbian-CB1.img.xz found the 1.18 trying it now
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Are you using a BTT CB1? this is just an image of the partition sizes, those are expanded on first boot, doesn't have anything to do with the sd card itself.
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
Yes I have the Manta M8P with the CB1
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Aight, the hotspot is known to be flakey on the CB1, @blacksmithforlife there's a file you can edit to manually set wifi credentials, right?
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
Yes I believe I saw that somewhere in a youtube tutorial on installing the RatOS
miklschmidt•9mo ago
Remember you can't compare raspberry pi to cb1 (they're different OS's) and those tutorials are most likely quite outdated.
blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
yeah, one sec let me find it again /boot/system.cfg change this part
# wifi name
# wifi password
# wifi name
# wifi password
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
thanks will do that tommorow when i get the new sd cards I want to get it ready for when i get my beacon 3d, which for now is lost in the mail. Tried in the Rat Rig store but they don't have it yet .Have to wait now 40 days before they send a new one. Hoping it gets here.
DJDupid•9mo ago
I just went through this too. I used two cards after balena etcher 1.19 gave me errors. After my 32g card kept reading 700mb no matter how many times I reformated the card. I put the big image of 2.1 back on the card which was obviously larger than 700mb. I then downloaded the older balena etcher 1.18 and it saw my cards as 32g. I flashed it and all is well now
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
I tried Etcher on another pc and did a fresh download. and the same error. Rufus works fine wrote the boot USB. Still no HotSpot showing. My questione is to install it Can I put the SD card in the mcu slot snd just turn on or do I have to disconnect the power supply and use the jumper on the USB to power and install? I tried to new cards one is a Sandisk Extreme pro 64gb but made no difference. My luck has it that mt Beacon arrived today. 😉 but now I can't use it. 😦
blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
the hotspot only shows if it can't connect to the wifi - if you edited the /boot/system.cfg file then it would be expected to not have the ratos hotspot
Jasmin•9mo ago
I had the same issue writing a compressed image with balena etcher to sd-card on my Mac - I solved the issue by extracting the image first and was able to write the extracted image without any issue.
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
I tired both with the system .cfg modified and not modified. I write the image to the sd card and put it into the Manta when I turn on the printer its starts like always. no hotspot even when I have not modified the cfg. Is it normal that the printer starts as always?
blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
did you put it in the right slot? there are 2 SD card slots, one for the CB1, the other for the mainboard CPU
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
I put in the one thats says MCU where the video connectors are. the other it labled SOC.
blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
should be the one with the circle, not the one with the X
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blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
from the back
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blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
so yeah - you are putting it into the wrong SD card slot
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
ok my very bad I followed something I saw. going to go down stairs and the that. What an $%& i am .
blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
SOC = System On a Chip in this case the CB1 but could also be a raspberry compute module (CM4)
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
got this error : Error Could not flash firmware to Manta M8P v1.1: An error occured while attempting to run script: Running board script /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p-11/flash.sh\n\n /home/pi/klipper /home/pi/ratos-configurator Flashing /dev/btt-manta-m8p-11 Building hid-flash gcc -c -Wall -std=gnu99 -I . pkg-config libusb-1.0 --cflags main.c -o main.o gcc -c -Wall -std=gnu99 -I . pkg-config libusb-1.0 --cflags hid-libusb.c -o hid-libusb.o gcc -c -Wall -std=gnu99 -I . pkg-config libusb-1.0 --cflags rs232.c -o rs232.o gcc -no-pie main.o hid-libusb.o rs232.o pkg-config libusb-1.0 --libs -lrt -lpthread -o hid-flash Flashing out/klipper.bin to /dev/btt-manta-m8p-11 dfu-util 0.11-dev Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc. Copyright 2010-2021 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Please report bugs to http://sourceforge.net/p/dfu-util/tickets/ Flashing failed. /home/pi/ratos-configurator Entering bootloader on /dev/btt-manta-m8p-11 sudo dfu-util -p 2-1.4 -R -a 0 -s 0x8002000:leave -D out/klipper.bin dfu-util: Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature dfu-util: A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release dfu-util: No DFU capable USB device available Failed to flash to /dev/btt-manta-m8p-11: Error running dfu-util If the device is already in bootloader mode it can be flashed with the following command: make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11 OR make flash FLASH_DEVICE=1209:beba If attempting to flash via 3.3V serial, then use: make serialflash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/btt-manta-m8p-11 make: *** [src/stm32/Makefile:111: flash] Error 255 when I select my borad i get this: Manta M8P v1.1 detected Warning: Version mismatch The board is running version v0.12.0-114-ga77d0790 but you your pi is on version v0.12.0-207-g6cd17420. If you want to update your board click 'flash again' below. Proceed to the next step or Flash Again should i flash again or proceed?
blacksmithforlife•9mo ago
Flash again
SynapsisOP•9mo ago
I had did that before I got that error (flash again) and no errors. Will try again this evening. Ok did not work with auto mode but flashing via DFU on the motherborad and toolboard worked. Now I have to put in all my settings but at least its connected even if not configured.

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