V Minion homing fails after printing

Fresh install of ratos on a new kit v minion, running sensorless homing. Printer homes fine after boot and successfully prints without isses. However if I then try to home it aft words or run another print that has it home at the beginning, it then throws a move out of range error. The x moves all the way to the end and stops like it homed, but doesn't move to the middle like it normally does and instead throws the error. Is this something to do with sensorless? or the homing macro?
4 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
I can't reproduce this myself. Until i can, so i can fix it, issue a RESTART before starting the next print. No need for booting
rival-blackOP2y ago
That's what I've been doing I'm thinking add a restart to the end gcode, is that reasonable? also are there any logs that might be helpful? I can send cfg files and logs
miklschmidt2y ago
Yeah that'll do I've seen quite a few by now and there's nothing useful in them unfortunately, but if it's not too much trouble please post them here 👍
rival-blackOP2y ago
Ok will do tomorrow. Thanks!

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