Problem with Beacon RevD after upgrading to ratOS 2.0.2

I upgraded RATOS to 2.0.2 from version 1.0xxx I have been running a Beacon RevD probe for around 6 months with no issue. All went fine with the upgrade - they appear to have streamlined and intergrated the beacon setup . my issue is that the z probe always shows as triggered, when I know it's not. If I manually trigger it the indicator light comes on as expected. Anyone else had this issue? If I setup for my superpinda it works fine. It was not disconnected during the setup so I don't feel any damage occured there, I have also commented out the call to include Beacon.cfg and used the manual method as per my RATOS V1.0 printer.cfg but have the same issue. So at a bit of a loss at the mo 😩 I have ordered the latest Beacon Version (Did this a week ago as they were on sale) that will hopefully get to me soon - I will see what that one gives me, I have attached my printer.cfg and Klippy log. I appreciate any guidance given! Regards Ian
Well it turned out that I was an dumb idiot, - I ignored the instruction in printer.cfg that simply said " just connect it and run BEACON_CALIBRATE" - I was afraid to do the Beacon_Calibrate before checking it's operation to make sure I did not crash the head into the bed, run the macro and like magic all worked. - Sorry to waste anyones time!
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6 Replies
TheTik•13mo ago
If you manually trigger the beacon and run the "query_endstops" command, does it show as triggered or open?
sanqunetti•13mo ago
I just purchased a Beacon Rev H and installed it. I had a similar issue until I added [stepper_z] dir_pin: !z0_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse Z stepper direction rotation_distance: 4 # 4 for TR8*4 lead screws endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop # use beacon as virtual endstop the "endstop_pin: " line in the [stepper_z] seemed to fix the issue
Ian_2024OP•13mo ago
No Change - Triggered I am certain I tried this, But will retry tomorrow and let you know. - Thanks for the replies guys.
TheTik•13mo ago
Someone with beacon experience will have to chime in, I don't know enough to guide further. Good luck!
Ian_2024OP•13mo ago
Sorry for the late response. I had tried that befor and retried after your post, but no change, I will wait until my RevH arrives, In the meantime have switched back to superpinda. Thanks for the response!
Ian_2024•13mo ago
Well it turned out that I was an dumb idiot, - I ignored the instruction in printer.cfg that simply said " just connect it and run BEACON_CALIBRATE" - I was afraid to do the Beacon_Calibrate before checking it's operation to make sure I did not crash the head into the bed, run the macro and like magic all worked. - Sorry to waste anyones time!

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