Banding on print

Hello all, and thanks in advance for any help. my vcore 500 is having these banded lines on the print at certain points. I am not sure what to do, I ran through all of orca slicers tests to calibrate recently, so im not sure where to go next. I am not sure if it is mechanical or software. Any tips to point me in a direction would be very helpful.
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10 Replies
Shurr6mo ago
for reference I ran the auto shaper graphs with an adxl and this is what it spit out/ is in the save_config section of printer.cfg: ## [input_shaper] ## shaper_type_x = 2hump_ei ## shaper_freq_x = 87.2 ## shaper_type_y = mzv #*# shaper_freq_y = 32.4
EternalPath6mo ago
I think maybe your print is warping. What material is it and is your printer enclosed?
Shurr6mo ago
polymaker PLA+ and no it is not enclosed, bed adhesion seems good
nonchalanto6mo ago
This isn’t gonna help, but I’m having the same damn problem with my printer—exactly the same artifacts. No one seems to know what’s wrong with it :/ I’ll let you know if I ever find out though
EternalPath6mo ago
im actually seeing two types of artifacts on this print. i wonder if they are related? (highlighted in red and blue here)
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EternalPath6mo ago
The vertical ones are your classic VFA's think (vertical fine artifacts). Which have at least one cause rooted in motor/printer resonances
EternalPath6mo ago
Technical Details
We've solved MRR(VFA)! Have you ever seen this pattern in your prints? People usually call it Vertical Fine Artifacts(VFA). But according to our research, we believe Motor Resonance Rippling or MRR is a more appropriate name. If you are interested in technical details, please continue. Or you can visit our product pa
EternalPath6mo ago
But there could be other causes like extruder gear eccentricity.
nonchalanto6mo ago
I actually think it’s a kind of ringing or something to do with the belt. Those seem spaced exactly the distance each tooth is on the belt. Mine are like that too. VFA’s are usually much finer and closer spaced, and they are more uniform
EternalPath6mo ago
Ah yea. That same link I posted has this solution to belt tooth induced ripples:
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