Where do you put the wifi login for a rasberry pi 4b with 2.1?

I just got a rasberry pi for my chonk and can't find the folder to put my wifi login. I have done this with the CB1 on another printer with no issue but this time it doesn't seem so smooth. I first used balena etcher and I saw a wifi section but never saw it on my wifi. I just reflashed it with raberry imager and now I dont see a wifi section in the text folders
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11 Replies
miklschmidt6mo ago
Read the installation docs.
DJDupidOP6mo ago
i reflashed it with balena etcher and i get the ratos text folder. I forgot the uncomment my country last time. Trying again. no luck though... in rasberry imager it says 64bit recommended. Just making sure it isn't 32bit where?
miklschmidt6mo ago
Nils6mo ago
Connect to the WiFi I build up and than put the password of your WiFi inside
DJDupidOP6mo ago
I ended up reflashing the sd card with balena etcher. When I use rasberry imager I don't see a folder to add my wifi info. With Balena I see the folder. I don't see the option for 32bit vs 64bit in balena though.
cgrr6mo ago
You want to use the 32 bit, the 64 had some issues and is not supported. You can add the wifi info later.
DJDupidOP6mo ago
its asking me for a password rasberry isn't working for the password balena etcher doesn't give you the option how do I know which one balena used?
cgrr6mo ago
If I remember correctly the download was a 32 bit version only. Are you flashing 2.01 or 2.1RC2?
DJDupidOP6mo ago
2.1rc2 I see the configurator now so if balena etcher is 32bit then i can move forward. If not I need to try rasberry imager again I am in the configurator and I flashed the skrat but after when I select my ebb36 1.2 toolboard I select flash with dfu and after many attempts cycling the boot and reset in the order it asks the flash wont start on the toolboard
cgrr6mo ago
I don't know about the 36 but on the 42 holding the two DFU buttons was a PITA, took several tries before it finally flashed,

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