ASA first print
This looks like over extrusion. But in some places it looks fine.
Seems to be blobby around where layers start/end, and sharp corners.
By the way this isn't a Ratrig. I'm trying to get some acceptable settings to print parts for my new Ratrig on an old printer.
No active cooling. I have a cardboard box to enclose. 105C bed and 250C hotend.
10 Replies
I went ahead and did what I should have done a long time ago for this old printer and replace the extruder drive.
Will post updates but if there's an issue here someone spots besides having to do with extrusion lemmie know.
Okay I got fairly similar results even with a new filament drive.
I have the fan at 0% and I wonder if I should turn it to a low 5% or 10%
The lower layers seem super melty, as do any overhangs
Corners are still kinda bad
A lot of blobs are still forming where the layers start and I forget how to solve that besides extrusion. It does not appear to otherwise be over-extruding.
Some of the layer starts seem like they're fine, too.
Just finished this one. Best result so far and probably usable for printed parts. But I feel like I could tune in some more niceness. Especially for the top surfaces.
I am wondering though, why there are some random voids. Tiny holes in the side of the hull, and an entire missed layer portion above the doorway to the roofed section.
I just need "good enough" for functional printed Ratrig parts anyway.
yelping-magenta•2y ago
Reduce your EM and youse more fan.
yelping-magenta•2y ago
This guide is the best for tuning your profiles
I keep seeing the abbreviation EM -- what does that stand for?
Is it referring to extrusion steps/mm?
Oh, extrusion multiplier
frozen-sapphire•2y ago
Yes, it stands for extrusion multiplier. I don’t have much experience printing asa but as far as I know it likes a warm breeze