VC4 500mm - Can't figure out toolhead vibrations

So, I finally got some good graphs but I've always had this same noise on all my graphs. I can't figure out where it's coming from. Here is my latest graph and pictures of my toolhead. I rebuilt and retightened everything down on my toolhead. Rerouted my wiring, tried different orientations. I just don't know what to do at this point so any help greatly appreciated. The noise is the same in every graph at the 115-135 range. Has that exact same shape. Just need some guidance on what to look for or if I should just move on. I get it, look for loose stuff on the toolhead but I've literally checked everything. I've wasted an incredible amount of time trying to fix it and have projects that I need to get printed and done. Thank you. Also, I just realized that I can run the tension graph even without changing anything and it will produce different results. Maybe I should just align my gantry up front and call it a day.
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13 Replies
chicken6mo ago
The amplitude of that noise is fairly low. What does your shaper graphs look like? I suspect they are clean and you are ready to print
DapperDangusOP6mo ago
Thanks chicken. I just wasn’t sure. I haven’t moved on yet tbh because I wanted to get it figured out. Should I go ahead and install my hybrid belts then do my shaper graphs? I’m starting to think it’s just my table. It’s a little wobbly but not terribly.
chicken6mo ago
Run shaper graphs before hybrid belts to make sure things look clean While a wobbly table is not optimal I don’t think it’s going to show up that much. See what accel you are getting on X and y and make sure they are inline with other vc4 500s in coreXY mode. If they are move onto hybrid then. If they are not inline let’s figure out why and fix that before you move on as hybrid will mask some problems and make it harder to figure out what’s wrong.
DapperDangusOP6mo ago
I'll be honest, I don't exactly know what I am supposed to be looking for on these. But, they look pretty similar to this other person you helped out. I think I'm good enough to move on?
DapperDangusOP6mo ago
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DapperDangusOP6mo ago
ah thats a 400 ill do some youtube research well this person says to stop the video if my graph looks like that haha
DapperDangusOP6mo ago
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
How to Read and Analyze Input Shaper Graphs Generated by Klipper
This video is supposed to be a brief overview on what the input shaper graphs can tell us. It is the first video of a series of videos which will give a more in depth view on the kinematic system and input shaping in Klipper. As always: feel free to jump to those parts, that help you with your problems: 00:00 Intro 00:57 What we can learn from...
DapperDangusOP6mo ago
at 11:45 he says if my graph looks like that then I am good to go
chicken6mo ago
Just heading to bed. They looks fairly clean though you have a little bit of a Z spike on your X graph. Each graph you should have a nice clean single spike which you do have. Your acceleration is a little low compared to my 500. I was getting about 15k mzv on X and 3100 mzv on the y before hybrid. I am running 48v though so maybe that’s the difference. Ask in the vc4 channel and see what people are getting on their 500 in coreXY mode.
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chicken6mo ago
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chicken6mo ago
In the configurator, are you using beacon or the tool board for resonance measurement? If it’s beacon change to the tool board. .
DapperDangusOP6mo ago
if this is the spot then tool board for sure
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