Horizontal cracks at one side of the print
Hey guys,
For the first time, I am encountering issues with a printed object from my vcore 300.
For my son, I am printing parts for an Iron Man helmet with Geetech Copper silk PLA. I run it at 205 deg.
The print overall looks good, but on one side I am having horizontal cracks / delaminations.
I now print the part again, and the cracks haven’t appeared again, BUT I see strong horizontal lines at the same spot.
What could that be?
4 Replies
Silk PLA is weird, so you have to print it slower and hotter than normal PLA
probable-pinkOP•2y ago
yes, but if was the filament.. why does it happen on two prints at the same spot, but nowhere else?
but thx for the tip
Check your slicer preview, I bet that area is different than the rest (maybe faster, or different fan amount, etc)
probable-pinkOP•2y ago
I will, but this object is total symmetrical... so it should be the same on the opposite site. Maybe I try the same file with a non-silk PLA tomorrow just to rule other issues out