Weird communication issues out of nowhere

Hey guys, I have an octopus 1.1 and an EBB42 toolboard. Everything was fine until yesterday, but today I wanted to home the machine and the console told me "Communication timeout during homing z". When I home the axis one by one (like first x, then y and then z), it works fine. Just homing them all at once leads reproducibelly to this issue. Any ideas? Regards!
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128 Replies
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
of course I did. didnt help. Then I googled and found some other users with the same issue... someone recommended to disconnect the webcam, and this did the trick for me. With webcam, I always ran into that issue.... without, it was stable. That gave me the idea that my power supply for the raspi is maybe to weak... swapped it with a stronger one, and since then the problems are gone....
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Interesting. You should've gotten undervoltage warnings in a notification in mainsail if the power delivery was insufficient. But it makes sense that would be the cause. Good you got it sorted ๐Ÿ‘
Andycโ€ข2y ago
Ive got the same issue, in process of adding toolboard ebb42 to my printer, was working last night, ran the updates and added a nozzle cam and tonight its giving the timeout error when homing Z, z was getting lower each time I tried as it drops when you do x and y, wound it back up manually so it was close and it managed to home all axes correction its not fixed it, just be resetting z offset, reboot and its giving same error homing Z but try again and it homes ok
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Does it work if you home x, y and z individually?
Andycโ€ข2y ago
x and y will home always, z only sometimes
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
So if you home x and y. Then G28 Z it will sometimes fail?
Andycโ€ข2y ago
just tried that , no it gave Communication timeout during homing z twice sorry gives this error twice in the consol I am getting under voltage errors , but I always have and its never caused a problem I'll unplug my nozzle cam and see if it makes a difference.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Yeah i'd fix this first. Adding a camera just increases the power requirements If your pi is undervolted, it's unreliable.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
buck converter its powered from is reading 8v
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Problem isn't the buck converter, it's your wiring. Use 2 pairs. Also put it down to 5 before you power it on again or the pi will blow.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
3 home alls all worked
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
between 5.1 and 6 (IIRC) should be safe.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
2 pairs ? what do you mean
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
5.1 is fine as long as your wires are thick enough (ie, use 2 pairs instead of 1). 2 5v, 2 gnd. Assuming you're connecting it to the GPIO
Andycโ€ข2y ago
no its a usb from the buck converter
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Yeah that's problematic. The usb cable power wires are usually only 26AWG, sometimes 24AWG. Single pair. That isn't enough. 22AWG should work. Or 2 pairs of 26 or 24.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
ok so wire the power to the gpio pins, to 4 pins on the gpio or just 2?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
4 is gauranteed to work So do 4
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Just assume the SKRat is your buck.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
Ive always had the warnings about undervoltage and throttling but its never caused an issue and didnt know how to fix it, but I guess a toolboard and a camera are now overdoing it
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
toolboard shouldn't draw any power, it's powered by 24v. The camera will however.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
so power the pi from the octopus board?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
When you get power errors, it'll work until it doesn't. Ie. it's unreliable. Sure you can do that, or you can keep using your buck, it's the connections on the pi that's important. But yeah, the octopus is made to power a pi. It has an 8A 5v rail, so plenty of juice.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
ok Thanks for your help, one again, you guys are superstars for all the work you put in developing this stuff and the endless hours supporting it
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Btw, there's a guide on how to use the octopus to power the pi right here:
Rat Rig
12. Wiring, Firmware & RatOS
Step by Step Guide on how to assemble and wire the electronics on the V-Core 3.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
Ah just looking for where to wire it from, this stuff was not around when I wired my Vcore, build instructions were great but you were kinda left to it when it came to wiring it
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Yeah they've been busy behind the scenes working on that ๐Ÿ™‚
Andycโ€ข2y ago
by the way can I swap out the pi from a 3b to a 4b, just change it and insert the sd card, is everything saved on the sd card?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Andycโ€ข2y ago
Great , guess ive got a bust weekend wiring ! The toolboard came with a heatsink, like the ones on the motor drive boards but not been able to find a picture of where it sticks on, guess its the extruder motor driver, where is this on the ebb42?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Yup you stick it on the driver, look for the trinamic logo
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
unfortunately, the issue is back... communication timeout while probing a bed mesh... then I rebooted the raspi, and after that I ran into this:
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quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
klippy.log says Last MCU build version: v0.11.0-279-g7bd32994 Last MCU build tools: gcc: (Raspbian 10.2.1-6+rpi1) 10.2.1 20210110 binutils: (GNU Binutils for Raspbian) 2.35.2 Last MCU build config: ADC_MAX=4095 CLOCK_FREQ=50000000 MCU=linux PCA9685_MAX=4096 PWM_MAX=32768 STATS_SUMSQ_BASE=256 No build file /home/pi/klipper/klippy/../out/klipper.elf mcu 'toolboard': got {'oid': 9, 'next_clock': 2979717251, 'value': 7481, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 33.912559883, '#receive_time': 34.008338685} mcu 'toolboard': got {'oid': 10, 'next_clock': 2980357251, 'value': 7876, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 33.912559883, '#receive_time': 34.0203428} mcu 'mcu': got {'oid': 17, 'next_clock': 847316416, 'value': 7575, '#name': 'analog_in_state', '#sent_time': 33.985662539, '#receive_time': 34.128321498}
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Another reboot helped. @miklschmidt do you think I should start a new thread for that?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
I think it's related, klipper recently made a bunch of changes to the usb communication, and i'm suspecting that might be the issue here. You can try resetting klipper to before those changes and reflashing the boards. Here's how:
cd klipper
git reset --hard 7bd32994d4ee7eff613413d7a813bb3b17b8f6d3
sudo systemctl restart klipper
cd klipper
git reset --hard 7bd32994d4ee7eff613413d7a813bb3b17b8f6d3
sudo systemctl restart klipper
Then go to ratos.local/configure, click the action dropdown in the top right. Click "Flash all connected mcu's". @_sebastianm If that fixes the issue we need to get Kevin involved. (this is only relevant if you updated klipper within the last week)
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Indeed. This happened after a full update.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
If you didn't then your issues is likely a deteriorating USB cable or a dying toolboard. Could be due to lack of proper strainrelief at the USB connector.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Cable and toolboard are brand new
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Then i'd definitely give the above a shot Yeah that really points in the direction of a klipper issue
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Will do and post an update within the next 90min ๐Ÿ˜‰ Do I need to disconnect 24v and add the jumper on my ebb42 when I reflash it ?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
nope it's all automated It's the same thing that happens each time you update klipper When klipper is already flashed to the board, you can programatically instruct it to enter the bootloader and flash it over usb via DFU. That's how those work The other thing is only necessary to get klipper onto a board initially
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
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quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
homing and probing works now. print started successfully. seems like that did the trick!
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
fuck So i'm gonna have to explain to kevin that something is wrong with his code.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
lol. I delete that thread for 5 bucks ๐Ÿ™‚
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Ha, i'm not sure that's gonna do any of us any good ๐Ÿ˜‚ I noticed in your log that your octopus was running an older version of klipper than your toolboard, i'm not sure if that could be part of the problem. Is there a chance i can have you checkout master and reflash the boards again and see if the issues come back? Would be:
cd klipper
git pull
sudo systemctl restart klipper
cd klipper
git pull
sudo systemctl restart klipper
It should flash the boards automatically, but just to be sure go ahead and flash them all from the configurator like last time.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Yes. Will try that tonight. will be on vacation for the next 7 days.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Much appreciated ๐Ÿ™ Just wanna cover all my bases before i go insinuating klipper jesus done goofed something ๐Ÿ˜„
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
just cause I am curious... which role does the octopus play here? the toolboard is attached directly to the raspi....
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
It's just a hunch, since the change was to usb buffering my thinking is that if one board is using double buffering and the other is not, then the klippy host may get confused.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
ok. might also explain why unconnecting the webcam helped?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
No that one is a mystery Can't explain that :/
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
lol. ok. maybe the old powersupply was another issue that happened in parallel.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
That would explain it yes, two separate issues.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
doing it now..
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quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
sooo... I did as requested.. everything worked fine.... then I rebooted... did several homings without any problems... thought I do a last "stress test" and ran a full bed mesh... And... unfortunately.. on the last point, it failed again
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
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quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Did the reset / downgrade again and ran a full bed mesh without any issues.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Aight this seems pretty convincing now, i'll try and bring it up with Kevin
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Any idea why I seem to be the only one with that issue as of now?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
You don't, @andyc5461 had similar issues and there's another 2 users over here:
oliofโ€ข2y ago
@miklschmidt I just had a communication error with klipper v0.11.0-279 on a fly sht 36 running via USB ... looking at the changelog that was before the changes @Helge Keck ^
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
yeah -279 is quite old, they happened before this but mostly caused by other factors (undervolted pi, improperly secured connectors, shorts, etc etc. multiple causes), but it seems rather prevalent after the code changes.
oliofโ€ข2y ago
I dont have the time right now to see if it gets worse after updating since I run dual toolboards on the idex branch and I am not entirely comfortable with updating that
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Fair ๐Ÿ‘
Andycโ€ข2y ago
Mine is still doing it randomly, been running the warmu warmup gantry macro on 500 repeats, seems to do this ok, but if I print 50% of the time it fails with the lost connection to mcu error, as Ive only just installed the EBB42 I thought it was something Ive done Iโ€™ve even swapped out my pi 3B for a 4B and it still the same, 3b is old so thought usb ports might be dirty or corroded
oliofโ€ข2y ago
I am running a 3B+ because my 4B died sudden death
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
This could just be a loose connection
Andycโ€ข2y ago
So bought a new usb C cable from Amazon and replaced the 3DO one I was using, also did a reinstall of Ratos from scratch, have not updated klipper to the version that was giving the trouble but everthing else bar beacon is updated. with the new cable its still extemly touchy to the usb c socket on the toolboard, slightest touch and it will loose the connection to the toolboard. Finally managed to find a cable tying position with the cable tie both clamping the plug and pulling it towards the toolboard into the socket that seems to work, running the gantry warmup routine on repeat and it seems to be working for now, about to start a small print and I'll see what happens. Are the usb sockets usually this sensative / dodgy ? Maybe I have dry solder joint on the board around the usb c socket, if it gives trouble again I'll take it off and examine it under a microscope.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
with the new cable its still extemly touchy to the usb c socket on the toolboard, slightest touch and it will loose the connection to the toolboard.
Sounds like someone didn't do proper strain relief
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
That's why this section is in the docs
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Andycโ€ข2y ago
EBB42 / LGX-Lite mount for EVA v3 by Tom Oinn | Download free STL m...
Compact mount for the EBB42 toolboard and LGX-Lite extruder for use on the EVA v3 tool-head | Download free 3D printable STL models
Andycโ€ข2y ago
It has a mount bracket thats directly in line with the socket, Tom designed it this way, just seems the usb socket is a bit touchy, Ive now cable tied the plug to be pulling into the socket as well as against the bracket
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
What an odd choice of placement. Should work though, didn't you tie down the plug?
Andycโ€ข2y ago
yes good and tight
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
So the the plug couldn't wiggle the USB connector/receptacle loose? Doesn't take much to fracture those solder connections on the receptacle
Andycโ€ข2y ago
but i i placed a finger on the socket it would error even though the plug was tightly mounted
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
That almost sounds more like something is shorting.. Really odd.
Andycโ€ข2y ago
checked all the wiring and pins in the plugs onto the toolboard multiple times, all seem ok , I'm still thinking I might have a dry solder joint on the toolboard usb socket, but its printed a part so gona leave it alone ! the more I play and modify the more I break things.....
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
@miklschmidt is it confirmed now that my / our issues are related to the latest Klipper update?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Unfortunately no, i can't confirm it's the klipper changes :/
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Oh. That means I have another issue?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
There's a good chance of that yes. But i can't say for sure.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Weird that up/ downgrading toggled that behavior here
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Yes, very. Unfortunately it's the only indication i have towards the klipper update being the cause.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Anything else I can do / provide ?
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
The only thing i can think of is test a different toolboard, but that's a fair bit of work, especially if you don't have one on hand ๐Ÿ™‚ I will let you know once i know more
Pinkyโ€ข2y ago
Hmmmmmm could it be that 277 also had the issues already? I always after a print is finished run into toolboard timer issues ๐Ÿ™‚ This happens after a print has been finished
Stats 242915.2: gcodein=0 mcu: mcu_awake=0.001 mcu_task_avg=0.000006 mcu_task_stddev=0.000004 bytes_write=202339974 bytes_read=34130105 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=3466763 receive_seq=3466763 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=180004104 toolboard: mcu_awake=0.002 mcu_task_avg=0.000013 mcu_task_stddev=0.000009 bytes_write=87754186 bytes_read=14059693 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=1540672 receive_seq=1540672 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.000 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=51630370 adj=-706097937 Octopus: temp=38.5 raspberry_pi: temp=54.0 heater_bed: target=0 temp=75.3 pwm=0.000 beacon: mcu_awake=0.000 mcu_task_avg=0.000000 mcu_task_stddev=0.000000 bytes_write=270123 bytes_read=8279498 bytes_retransmit=0 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=42101 receive_seq=42101 retransmit_seq=0 srtt=0.001 rttvar=0.000 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 freq=16158589 adj=-883595196 beacon: coil_temp=45.7 toolboard: temp=36.9 Step: temp=31.1 chamber_temp: temp=28.9 chamber_heater: target=0 temp=27.9 pwm=0.000 sysload=20.94 cputime=27986.809 memavail=20372 print_time=38765.236 buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=53 extruder: target=0 temp=84.7 pwm=0.000 Resetting prediction variance 242914.269: freq=51630370 diff=-5557005841 stddev=64000.000 Resetting prediction variance 242915.209: freq=38286808 diff=-2334349439 stddev=64000.000 Resetting prediction variance 242914.135: freq=180004104 diff=-34359730188 stddev=4767.519 Resetting prediction variance 242915.206: freq=83495926 diff=-11007959081 stddev=180000.000 Resetting prediction variance 242916.185: freq=64661881 diff=-6338854173 stddev=180000.000 Resetting prediction variance 242916.185: freq=16158589 diff=-448625164 stddev=32000.000
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
No, didn't happen until 400+ That doesn't look like an actual error?
Pinkyโ€ข2y ago
Can send you the whole log ๐Ÿ™‚ there is way more in it that leads to the sudden MCU Overload (when idle) buffer_time=0.000 print_stall=53 extruder: target=0 temp=80.8 pwm=0.000 MCU 'toolboard' shutdown: Rescheduled timer in the past clocksync state: mcu_freq=64000000 last_clock=2487435339675 clock_est=(242730.722 2481902273919 30853272.528) min_half_rtt=0.000106 min_rtt_time=242314.766 time_avg=242730.722(10480.871) clock_avg=2481902273919.413(323369164128.327) pred_variance=4096000000.000 clock_adj=(45205.313 -404167441.324) Dumping serial stats: bytes_write=87754244 bytes_read=14061755 bytes_retransmit=9 bytes_invalid=0 send_seq=1540679 receive_seq=1540679 retransmit_seq=2 srtt=0.002 rttvar=0.003 rto=0.025 ready_bytes=0 upcoming_bytes=0 Dumping send queue 100 messages Sent 0 242681.052071 242681.052071 62: seq: 13, queue_step oid=7 interval=8894 count=26 add=64, queue_step oid=7 interval=10871 count=15 add=275, queue_step oid=7 interval=15640 count=7 add=1146, queue_step oid=7 interval=25811 count=3 add=5432, queue_step oid=7 interval=62089 count=1 add=0, set_next_step_dir oid=7 dir=1, queue_step oid=7 interval=90970 count=2 add=-30996, queue_step oid=7 interval=34671 count=4 add=-4523 Sent 1 242681.052071 242
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Rescheduled timer in the past is a MCU (in this case toolboard) speed issue indeed. Odd though, i'll admit All i can suggest for these is take them to klipper discord, especially if you suspect it's because of new code I guess in any case you could argue that this should never ever happen when idle. Something must be wonky
Pinkyโ€ข2y ago
Exactly ... during print all works good ... print finished .. kaboom ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway print running now and disabled a few things as test if not then i go pre 277 version.
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Iโ€™d update to the most recent version, might be fixed in master and you canโ€™t report it as a bug on an old commit
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
I have been searching the Klipper discord for this issue and there are multiple explanation attemptsโ€ฆ some say this behavior comes from deep within the Linux kernel, others say it has to do with the probe not being connected to the same mcu as the z steppers. And they say that trsync should be raised to 0.050ms (from 0.025)โ€ฆ. But you (mikl) said here somewhere that this is a bad idea as it reduces the z accuracy
oliofโ€ข2y ago
doubling the sync window basically allows for the various boards to deviate. 5 hundredths of a second are a lot if you move at high accelerations with 100mm/sec, which would be slow for the average v-core
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
Actually I donโ€™t know how fast I do the homing (can check tomorrow), but we are talking about a delta of 2.5 hundredths. However, I am just quoting the guys from the Klipper discord and discourse. E.g
CANBUS Communication timeout while homing Z
Whenever I let me printer heat soak for an hour before printing, the probe always gives a โ€œCommunication timeout while homing Zโ€ error. Like it will fail 5 times in a row. Restarting the machine with firmware restart immediately fixes the problem. When I try running another print after that one completes, it fails again. Restart and it works aga...
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
The weird thing is that this communication timeout seems to occur for everyone only while homing/ probing. Never when printing or doing a resonance test, which I consider to be more stressing for the system.
oliofโ€ข2y ago
I just had "no probe after full move" until I completely reset the machine, but only during prints, manually triggering a probe via mainsail worked fine. I really don't think this is a "weird Linux issue"
Pinkyโ€ข2y ago
It's just the CAN fraction trying to piss off the USB fraction. Get out the Tar and Feathers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oliofโ€ข2y ago
hmmm? If I wanted to feel smugly superior, I would convert this machine to RRF and run proper CAN (-:
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
This isn't anywhere close to an issue on USB. The doubling of the sync timeout is only relevant for CAN really. USB is nearly instant, close to zero latency (not the case with CAN, on the contrary). I've run a toolboard on my v-core for a year at this point, never had a single problem with this. Even before that, the old voron's used to run 2x RAMPS, which is exactly the same setup just waaaay slower MCU's, it worked fine. not everyone. Far from it, in fact the vast majority use this without any issues. It's something else. Also you gotta remember, the beacon inherently works this way. It's its own usb MCU. Thousands are running beacons without this issue. This is also a thread about CANBUS not usb btw ๐Ÿ™‚ However, there's been a widespread "issue" for at least a year at this point, where klipper will sometimes pause during a bed mesh right after retracting from a probe dive randombly. It didn't cause any problems, as it was a pause during no critical operations, so it was just a small delay. I actually observed this in one of vez's videos ages ago (where he even pointed it out). If that short pause has been turned into an error, that could also explain it.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
@miklschmidt today that issue happened again - even with the "downgraded" / older klipper version. That means you were right, it seems not to be related to that SW update. It seems to help to deactivate crowsnest during the probing / homing procedure or just unplug the camera....
miklschmidtโ€ข2y ago
Hmmm.. Do you have another pi you could try? (you can just swap the SD cards, so fortunately that part is easy).
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
I dont, but I will try an active usb hub tomorrow. no idea if it helps
adverse-sapphireโ€ข2y ago
Similar/Same problem for me. Oct 1.1, EBB 42 connected via USB/USBC. Been working for about 10 months. Recent update I get the communication timeout while homing Z. It is only Z. X and Y always home. I have unconfigured and disconnected my camera, no help. I then disconnected my screen that was USB powered from my Pi3 (needs to be powered from the Pi because it provides the HID device back to the Pi and it now works. Plug in the screen and problem homing Z.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
I think I have a solution / workaround for this. At least for me. Yesterday, I bought a raspi4 and swapped it for my old raspi 3b+. At the beginning, nothing changed... I ran into the same issue as before. Then I googled a bit and found this link and tried the described solution long story short - I attached the octopus and the ebb42 to the USB3.0 ports and the webcam to the usb 2.0 ports. Since then it is running stable. I repeatedly ran a bedmesh (did probably over 400 probing points) with no issues so far. Before, I couldnt even complete one full bed mesh.
oliofโ€ข2y ago
@_sebastianm that won't work for people with multiple toolboards, but I will move my toolboard with the Z probe to USB 3
quickest-silverOPโ€ข2y ago
It does with a usb hub, doesnโ€™t it ? But for the vast majority this should be doable I guess
oliofโ€ข2y ago
I don't have a USB hub. I am not using the HDMI so I will look into disabling that completely
quickest-silverOPโ€ข17mo ago
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quickest-silverOPโ€ข17mo ago
Andycโ€ข17mo ago
@miklschmidt The connection problems I was having have been solved by a new EBB42 board, Whilst waiting for it to arrive Ive also done a complete rewire and fitted an electrical panel ( was all screwed to a piece of plywood when first built) Ive have tried to get things running with the old EBB but was still getting disconnect issues, swapped to the new one now its arrived and it all works fine so far.
miklschmidtโ€ข17mo ago
Sounds good, definitely points to a strain relief issue then. They really should make a toolboard with a JST connection (or something else) for the USB, makes it a bit harder to fuck up. Are you using endstops?.. in that case if it was USB/communication related you should have the exact same issues for X. Hyperlapse?... Could you try with a vanilla RatOS configuration / setup (well aside from the necessary changes to make your printer print).
quickest-silverOPโ€ข17mo ago
You mean disabling the webcam/ timelapse? I havenโ€™t changed or installed any plugins or extensions .. this is pretty much vanilla ratos. Hyperlapse is Timelapse without parking the print head
miklschmidtโ€ข17mo ago
Ah so you basically just enabled the timelapse module? But yeah, try disabling it.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข16mo ago
Hello together, unfortunately, I have to "reopen" this thread. In the last weeks I swapped my raspberry 3b for a new raspi 4, I got a new EBB42 and I bought a new usb cable. But still, I randomly run into these errors. Now, I have no clue what to do or how to proceed. I can reproduce this error when I let my vcore do a constant loop of bed meshing... sometimes it fails after 1 hour, sometimes after 4 hours, and very rarely it fails before a print.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข16mo ago
update: found this interesting topic I know the setup from this user is not 100% comparable, but it seems like they narrowed it down to the crowsnest custom-flag "--camera-force_active=1" which has been added as default a few weeks ago in one of their updates.... Will try setting it to "0" and report back here...
Crowsnest USB bandwidth requirements causing CAN bus timeouts ยท Iss...
What happened On my modded Voron 2.4, when having cameras enabled with high resolution (in my case, a chamber and a nozzle camera, each running at 720p), any devices that use CAN bus for communicat...
cgrrโ€ข16mo ago
Good find and please let us know, I've been having the same issues on Manta 8 + CM4 and I am only running one cam at 15 frames rate.
quickest-silverOPโ€ข16mo ago
Added --camera-force_active=0 to my crowsnest.conf, but not sure if its "working". Webcam is still active, although the printer has been idling for 30min now.... shouldnt the camera go to "sleep"?
cgrrโ€ข16mo ago
I don't believe there is a sleep mode, at least I have never encountered it in Crowsnest 3 or 4.

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