[MCU] Connection only when Octopus powered via USB and no Cables plugged into the Octopus.
-Octopus v1.1
-Pie 3a+
Hello, My issue is the my RatOS instance only connecting to the MCU via USB when the Octopus 1.1 has no Cables plugged into it except the USB cable and the USB-Power Jumper beeing jumped. Then the Raspy also doesnt generate a /serial/by-id directory.
There also is no lsusb when the Octopus has all wiring plugged in, BUT if ONLY the usb cable and Power jumper are plugged in, The lsusb shows the board.
Ive read up on the klipper forum and Cant pin point what the issue is.
Maybe the Pi not generating a /serial directory, when its connected to the fully plugged in Octopus board, but i cant figure out why that would be the case.
Maybe some of you have an insight to help me along 😦
10 Replies
Did you flash the firmware to the octopus yet?
like-goldOP•2y ago
how did you verify that it flashed correctly?
like-goldOP•2y ago
The Setup assistend said it connected and .cur.
It connects, but only if no cables except the usb cable to the pi is connected and the power jumper set
did you connect just the power to the octopus board and the usb from octopus to pi?
like-goldOP•2y ago
Pi 5.2V 3A psu -> pi -> usb cable -> octoboard (with power jumper set)
its super weird, i know 😄
yes, now you need to test
pi -> usb cable -> octoboard
psu-> octoboard
like-goldOP•2y ago
yep, that works too
then start only plugging stuff in one at a time
like-goldOP•2y ago
Did that, but stopped after the temp sensors for bed and hotend. Will do all others now
Update: it was the endstops
i checked those like 3 times during the build
I changed the polarity during my build but changed it back due to it beeing apparently beeing fixed as of the shipments post dez 22. aparently i got a old kit