MCU issues

Did my flash and all. Did the update on the RatOS and then updated all the others after that. Then i got to the point to ionstall the V Core thee config. then when it restarts i get the MCU mcu unable to connect issue. Once the underlaying issue is corrected ese the firmware restart command to reset the firmware and reload the config Anyone know what to do here? Second time i done this and got to the same point both times. I got the Manta M8P board and the CB1
62 Replies
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
In the printer config. Shou i use thge manta m8p or the manta m8p-11 now i have the m8p-11 and i dont have a section in my printer.cfg file that has the mcu anywhere. Isnt that where i should link it to my cb1 board. i see that in the klippy log file. there is a mcu log there but the id there is wrong.
sounds like you didn't edit the printer.cfg? Can you upload it please?
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
Here it is. i did edit it. but cant see where the mcu is to be put in
line 28 handles that for you. Did you verify that it flashed correctly?
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
when i used balena etcher? yeah it did. or is there some place to look that it did flash correctly to? All worked fine until i did the v core three config
no, you need to flash the MCU. Balena is for installing ratos go to http://RatOS.local/configure?step=1
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
all new to btt flashing. but i did complete the wicard there too. thats when i update the ratos and then do the update all right after i did the initial setup and setup the wifi 'biqu@Rattie:~$ ls /dev/serial/by-id/ usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_23004C000E504B4633373520-if00
no, that's not how RatOS works. It makes a specific serial that it connects to
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
so this is the one from the mobaxterm
this tells me you didn't actually flash it via the configuration wizard let's follow along step by step in the wizard. Can you post the screenshots of what you did for each page?
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
ok so i did all that i was supposed to as i could see. then after i did the wifi setup then i got the ratos up again
if you tried to do it while not connected to the internet then that is your problem. It won't actually compile correctly without internet
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
yeah i dint get the corret site up i guess. cus now i see something else the link you sendt dint work. typed the ip and cofigure step 1 now i got a new site
that't the configuration wizard. You need to go through that to actually flash the manta board
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
so should i flash via dfu or sd card
either, but DFU I think is easier as you don't need to move SD cards around
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
now dfu deviuce detected. now press flash this step just got skipped both times i tried it,. cus after the wifi settings i got straight into the ratos part. so thats strange. now its flashing though manta m8p detected dont have a toolboard now at this time so skipping that part now klipper at startup
yeah, you just missed this step after doing wifi
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
stil have the mcu issue
try restarting your manta board. If it still isn't working then it didn't flash properly
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
restarting. thanks alot for the help so far. only used the duet cards so far and my other ratrig 1.3 pro also has the duet board. bought the manta boards for that one and the v core 3.1 500 i have yet to build still no on the mcu unable to connect. guess i have to try the sd card flash then should i use the manta m9p v1.1 or the manta m8p i have the V1.0 any way to check my board if its been flashed in the mobaxterm or any other way to check it? or am i just on the cb1 on the mobaxterm?
you should pick what you actually have
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
i have it all connected up and ready should i dissconect it all and do it some other way?
the configurator should verify that it was flashed. On that page I believe there is a button to check
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
cant choose the manta v1.0 since its not there.
@miklschmidt help? screenshot please
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
trying the flash one more time. and see after its done flashing if there is a check there its flashing now it states so ill see after that
wait, what are you flashing if your board isn't in the list?
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
im flashing my manta m8p v1.0 with the m8p v1.1 now it states manta m8p v1,1 is detected proceed to the next step or flash again
i mean, there are differences there so this is going to cause problems
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
now my hotend fan started at least that i havent noticed the last time klipper reports shitdown
yeah, we need Mikel to figure out why manta 1.0 isn't in the list
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
mcu adc out of range. this generally occurs when a heater temperature exceeds try the firmare restart is what i get now.
yeah, you don't have your thermistors connected, this is expected
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
now i saw the correct at least. gonna go check the config file now now it might be the thermistor settings that is wrong
your config file is fine from what I saw. But there are differences between the manta 1.0 and 1.1. So this is going to cause problems no, ratos does this all for you. You need to physically connect the thermistor to the correct place but since you flashed with 1.1 and you have 1.0 it is probably using the wrong pins this is why you shouldn't flash it with the wrong version
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
hmmm ok. is the manta m8p the right one then since its not the v2 thats all new i think
yeah just manta is 1.0 and you need to change your printer.cfg to use line 27 instead of line 28 to match
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
flashing with the m8p version and will redo the printer.cfg file after that then we can see now my part cooling fired at 100%. hahha that 4028 fan is pusing some air
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
i think i have that sorted. cus i have the 4 pin and its correctly wired with the 3 wires and not the yellow since thats only for rpms MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range This generally occurs when a heater temperature exceeds its configured min_temp or max_temp. this is what klipper reports now.
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
Here is my fan wired. I used the 4 pin for the part fan as stated on the Manta wiring
No description
double check your thermistors. I see they are connected but maybe it is a bad crimp or something. You can also add this to your USER OVERRIDES section of your printer.cfg
min_temp: -120

min_temp: -120
min_temp: -120

min_temp: -120
if you are using the 4 pin fan header, you should wire all 4 wires as in the diagram
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
yeah i asked some others and they said that the yellow wasnt that important since its only for the rpms added that and all is good extruder shows -55degrees
that just gets rid of the error, you still have the problem that one or more of your thermistors is reporting incorrectly is the thermistor a pt1000 by any chance?
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
it might be. its the rapido. so i tried to check and ask for it from the guy i boguht it from so i think its the pt1000
sensor_type: PT1000
sensor_type: PT1000
to your USER OVERRIDES section
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
that did not work. fan started at 100 again the parts cooling fan but getting real close though. just gotta figure out the thermistor now. thermistors arent dependent on + and - right? 104nt-4-ro25h42g is the thermistor i think. in the ratos hotends rapido config it stated atc semitec 104gt2
correct, they are just a resistor see so yours would be
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
still gives -55
either thermistor isn't connected well, or you have the wrong type defined
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
yeah something like that
you did plug in the correct thermistor into the correct port and didn't switch the extruder with the bed thermistor right? looking at your picture and the wiring diagram, I think you have them backwards you plugged the bed thermistor into the port ratos is expecting for the extruder, and the extruder thermistor in the port ratos is expecting for the bed thermistor
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
this looks correct to me
ok. then yeah we are back to either bad connection or a bad thermistor or wrong thermistor type
BuddienorwayOP14mo ago
it wasnt connected up at the toolhead.
yup, that will do it!
BuddienorwayOP13mo ago
Yeah now i got to home it. So its alive and kicking. Now to try to get it to home and auto lvl the bed and do a bed mesh and all that stuff to get it to do a test print. Try to find some macros for that or where the macros are. And eventually do a test print
the START_PRINT macro does all that for you. Just add it to your slicer
BuddienorwayOP13mo ago
Test print away.
TheTik13mo ago
*sniff I love a story with a happy ending

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