Please comment VC4-300 CoreXY and Hybrid
These were my charts for CoreXY configuration after tuning (Ok, but not great; I just was not able to get the peak at 100Hz away)
5 Replies
These were my charts after attaching Hybrid belts and tuning. Looks OK to me. What do you think?
FYI: I had to tighten the coreXY belts for 1/4 to get a clear second peak in Hybrid frequency response. Increasing the tension of the Hybrid belts reduced height of second peak.
the belt tension macro only gives valid results if the hybrid belts are not installed. Once the x/y belts are tensioned, then install hybrid belts, and use the input shaper after that.
Ah ok, I first tensioned the x/y belts (first graphs) and then installed and ran the other graphs. Out of curiosity I ran also belt tension macro.
Your shaper graphs look good, so probably best to disregard the post-install tension graph