Orbiter 2.0 Current

Hi, Just something I have seen while using the wizard. I selected "Orbiter 2" initially and had lots of extruder motor step skips. Only to realize the current was set to 0.35 Amps. Went back to wizzard and enabled "Advanced" and see that the "LDO-36STH17" was selected. Changed it to "LDO-36STH20" but see the current does not update to 0.85A Is this supposed to updated automatically in the wizard? I eventually just added the correct stepper current line in my printer.cfg manually. (could have maybe also gone with lower 0.707A)
4 Replies
MDFPereira6d ago
To make the change permanent you need to complete and save the configurator. And 0.85 is the max rms current. It is never safe to run it at the max. .707 is a safe 83/84% of the max
RainingRustyOP5d ago
Just as a test, Ran the wizard again (did not accept any changes to printer.cfg as this was not needed and dont want to loose my setup). Check RatOS.cfg and find current still at 0.35 even though the Motor has been updated to "LDO-36STH20-1004AHG"
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RainingRustyOP5d ago
Note that I also run RatOS 2.0 on my other RR500 and this worked perfectly when selecting the correct motor. Hence why I was able to compare. Just thought to mention. If my wizard or myself are "smoking" something.... then fine... Just ignore this thread and close.
MDFPereira5d ago
No problem! I will test it later today, thanks

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