Disable sleep mode - Is this RatOS issue or my touch screen?

My touch screen goes blank after 10 or so minutes and the only way I can wake it back up is to unplug its USB/Power connection. I searched the pi forums and saw people referencing DPMS, but those commands return "unable to open display" so not sure what the actual issue is. I know on my linux servers the console will sleep after inactivity and those have no GDE/GUI installed. Is there some switch in RatOS to disable this or is it possible the hardware on my touch display?
4 Replies
KrocostimpyOP17mo ago
I dont see any options in the touch screen settings
miklschmidt17mo ago
So aside from a different dtoverlay kms default (in /boot/config.txt) RatOS doesn't change anything related to screens, anything you can google related to raspberry pi's and your particular screen is better than any advice i can offer i'm afraid. Did you try disabling screen blanking with raspi-config (would be the first result on a google search): https://linuxhint.com/disable-screen-blanking-raspberry-pi/
Awais Khan
Screen blanking on Raspberry Pi – How to disable it?
Screen Blanking occurs when you are inactive on your Raspberry Pi for a longer time. This article is a guide on how to disable screen blanking on Raspberry Pi.
KrocostimpyOP17mo ago
Thanks! your search terms must have been much better than mine. That seems to have sorted it.
miklschmidt17mo ago
Nice 👍

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