Realtime Analysis not working with BTT lis2dw card

I was having problems with my adxl345 recently and decided to "borrow" the BTT lis2dw card from another printer. The Input shaper and belt comparison macros work fine but I am getting errors when I try to run the RatOS2.1 Realtime Analysis tool. Error and config file is attached
they're not supported
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15 Replies
miklschmidt•8mo ago
You can't even pick those btt cards in the realtime analysis tool 🙂
miklschmidt•8mo ago
they're not supported
miklschmidt•8mo ago
The realtime analysis tool uses the klipper adxl345, beacon and lis2dw dump endpoints. It doesn't care about your resonance tester configuration You select the chip you want to use in the menu. The BTT usb accelerometer won't be there. I'm assuming you've selected "Control board" and have nothing connected to the SPI port on your control board (shown in the RatOS wiring diagrams).
abcurrieOP•8mo ago
Did not know I had to choose. I now see config for just Host and Control Board. For some reason my adxl345 connect to the control board decide to stop working and I don't know why. It took the lis2dw off my Voron and put it on my Ratrig and normal macros worked fine. I am assuming then that the LDO toolboard that I am hoping to install soon will also not work with the Realtime analysis tool.
miklschmidt•8mo ago
Which LDO toolboard? The Orbitool? That works 🙂 As long as it's a RatOS supported board (and you have it selected for your toolhead in the hardware configurator) it'll work
abcurrieOP•8mo ago
Yes, I saw that the LDO Orbitool showed up on the configurator list this past week. Fantastic to see as I just received one a week ago. Great work you guys are doing. Thanks!
miklschmidt•8mo ago
Sure thing! There's no wiring diagram yet, but it should be fairly straight forward since all the ports are used for their intended purposes 🙂
StrashaCZ•7mo ago
Sorry to steal this chat, but i think same issue but on different HW. @miklschmidt so lis2dw over USB to RPi is not supported at all? I am trying to at least get the input shaper (resonance tester) up and running on my V-Minion at RatOS 2.1. But no way i am able to make it run. I used old config style i used at RatOS 2.0 and nothing. It always trigered me error. If i select Beacon for X and none for Y, or adxl for Y (and change it to lis2dw) or beacon also for Y and change it. Klipper hlásí: ERROR mux command ACCELEROMETER_MEASURE CHIP None already registered ({'controlboard': <bound method AccelCommandHelper.cmd_ACCELEROMETER_MEASURE of <extras.adxl345.AccelCommandHelper object at 0xf5e9abc8>>, 'lis2dw': <bound method AccelCommandHelper.cmd_ACCELEROMETER_MEASURE of <extras.adxl345.AccelCommandHelper object at 0xf5f34310>>, None: <bound method AccelCommandHelper.cmd_ACCELEROMETER_MEASURE of <extras.adxl345.AccelCommandHelper object at 0xf5f34310>>, 'beacon': <bound method AccelCommandHelper.cmd_ACCELEROMETER_MEASURE of <extras.adxl345.AccelCommandHelper object at 0xf5e7dc40>>}) Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" command to reload the config and restart the host software. Printer is halted
StrashaCZ•7mo ago
this way it allowed me to run it but showing error with invalid adxl ID too when starting Y shaper graphs
No description
StrashaCZ•7mo ago
original lis2dw setup
No description
miklschmidt•7mo ago
It's supported like it's supported in any other klipper installation, RatOS doesn't change klipper code. I haven't seen that error before, it's not very useful Oooh I believe by "None already registered" it's trying to tell you you have to name your lis2dw as there's already an accelerometer that isn't named so just do [lis2dw usb] and accel_chip_y: lis2dw usb
StrashaCZ•7mo ago
Like realy? Cmoon. Stupid i am. Could have thought about it. Yes it worked! Thank you. :ratrig_heart: Is it in plan that it will be implemented also to the real time analysis?
miklschmidt•7mo ago
eventually sure lot of other things to look at
StrashaCZ•7mo ago
absolutely understands. its nice to have. sure you have other priorities. 😉 But thanks for the great work, its a wonderful piece if work 😉
blacksmithforlife•7mo ago
Please start your own post as the rule #1 says

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