Help with x resonances
My y graph looks near perfect, but the x is having problems. Does anyone know what I should do?
26 Replies
compatible-crimson•3y ago
How is the Belt graph?
havent checked
ill run the test
@squeegiee thats the belt tension
and thats the y graph
compatible-crimson•3y ago
Try tension your belts to fix that first
so more tension?
like should i make them tighter?
compatible-crimson•3y ago
Hard to say start there and if it gets worse its laready to tight
its pretty tight
hmm lemme try again
ill tighten them
@squeegiee it doesn’t seem to have improved too much
Should I try loosening it?
compatible-crimson•3y ago
How much did you tigned it?
Quite a it
compatible-crimson•3y ago
Start going the other way then
i went down and it still looks bad
lemme try doing less drastic changes
compatible-crimson•3y ago
Dont bother about X/Y graphs before your belt is done correct
belts seem a little better
x graph seems to have improved?
not sure what the vibration at 75hz is
@helgekeck you were saying something about binding earlier. Ive removed the belts, and reatatched them, and it hasn't really been fixed. Since there are no issues in the y graph, would this be a xy joiner pulley issue and not a loose component in the EVA?
I checked all the idlers and they run smooth
I held up the umbilical by hand and the graph improved dramatically
I guess I’ll be installing a hanger with some zip ties
@miklschmidt switching to usb drastically improved my resonances
Hi, What do you mean by switching to USB? what did you change?
switched my umbilical to a usb cable
using a can toolboard