Config files not displayed after update

After a long overdue update my config files are no longer displayed in Mainsail. I was hoping this would fix it: Unfortunately runnning the script does not solve the issue. The printer is still working and the config is clearly still there (visible with ftp client under ~/printer_data/config) Can someone tell me what I have to do to get things back to normal?
Folder/Path configuration change · Issue #516 · Arksine/moonraker
UPDATE 10/15/2022: Some users have experienced errors during the update process. For users of MainsailOS and FluiddPi with a default installation I have pushed a script that should recover Moonrake...
3 Replies
can you show a screenshot of the issue?
TheTik12mo ago
Betting you've got more than 10 files and its cutting off. Scroll down and click the right chevron to see more, or the dropdown to see more at a time.
No description
dodo9769OP12mo ago
there were no files displayed at all. Neither in config, nor docs or logs. However it seems that the script I posted did work after all. Now that I powered the printer up to make a screenshot its back to normal. Looks like It needed another power cycle to make the fix apparent.

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