Reverse Elephant foot..

Trying to print this small piece of Lego.. .. I get what appears to be a taper or a "reverse" elephant foot in the first few layers.. I can't figure out what setting might be causing this.. I'm also seeing that the corners are rounded just so ever slightly.. In PLA, extruder at 210C, bed at 65.. nozzle is 0.6mm.. print speed is at 35mm/s with first layer speed at 20mm/s.. I've also played with the first layer compensation in superslicer.. initial value was -1mm so I put this to 0mm and things seemed to improve but very slightly.. I then further increased the layer compensation to 1 and then some but the problem seems to persist no matter what number I plug in there.. I thought at 5mm I would start to see an elephant foot but nope.. Further settings I've tried are first layer width.. 130 to 150%.. layer height is 0.2mm first layer and 0.1mm remaining layers.. Although i don't belive it to be able prove z setting at this point in just not sure.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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2 Replies
beejayf2y ago
You should look at the z offset. I had that, too
sherbs2y ago
For a part that small I'd suggest trying a much smaller nozzle... 0.2 maybe... You'll get much sharper corners and it might even solve your first few layers being a bit under size - or at least mitigate it enough that it won't matter... Do you see this same effect on larger parts?

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