Fan 4028 fan running at 100% when set to 0
I know there have been some posts on this but I cannot figure out what to do from this readme. Can someone post some specific on what the override code is to get this problem solved?
Includes & Overrides | RatOS
RatOS uses a modular configuration that heavily takes advantage of the config file include and merge logic in Klipper. For this reason, the order of includes and overrides are very important, do not change the order of the configuration unless you know what you're doing.
3 Replies
grumpy-cyan•2y ago
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
grumpy-cyan•2y ago
Scroll down to “my fan doesn’t turn off…..”
You have to define an enable pin.
environmental-roseOP•2y ago
There it is! Thanks!