Upgraded my toolhead on RR3.1 and the printer has gone full stupid.

Gong to the commissioning steps and it seems to "home" okay but when I run z-tilt, it's making awful noises almost like I have a stepper backwards. I have checked all the cables, and I am at a loss as to what could be the difference between the two. Also sometimes, when trying the z tilt, the console shows no trigger after full movement, but the pinda is way off the plate either forward or off to the side. Now I did have the controller fan off, is it possible I nuked a driver?
Come to find out some of the drivers were bad, I did have the bed crash into the nozzle while not paying the required amount of attention
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11 Replies
MikeyOP•2mo ago
Homing okay
MikeyOP•2mo ago
Grinding Ztilt
TheTik•2mo ago
That seemed to only happen when the head was moving directly diagonal, hm. If you try moving the head manually with the buttons on the mainsail interface, does it make those terrible sounds?
MikeyOP•2mo ago
Nope, Look at the first video, its clean in the x axis and y axis both ways. Only silly when you ztilt and it does that madness. I'm leaning towards a cooked driver sinfe i would think a manual move is not as fast as the z tilit initialted.
TheTik•2mo ago
Are you in performance mode?
blacksmithforlife•2mo ago
That sounds like something is skipping or the geared pulley isn't firmly attached
MikeyOP•2mo ago
well because of the oscillations, it feels like the steppers are fighting each other. Currently I am not.
TheTik•2mo ago
I've heard here that non-performance mode should really be named "training wheels", as in once you're confident with the endstops and homing, and have the stepper drivers cooled, you should turn "performance" (normal) mode on.
MikeyOP•2mo ago
I'll give it a shot. gonna swap Z axis drivers with the XY and see if the issue moves
AsicResistor•2mo ago
I've had something that looks familiar when my steppers couldn't keep up. I think I had the wrong model selected in the configurator. After switching to the correct stepper model it went away for me. I almost rebuild my printer before finding that out 🥲
Mikey•3w ago
Come to find out some of the drivers were bad, I did have the bed crash into the nozzle while not paying the required amount of attention

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