Updated RatOS and now it complains my Python doesnt meet minimums (3.7 vs 3.8)

I updated RatOS via the web UI as one does... Had no issues and all components are showing up to date. Printer is still working via web UI, but on the touchscreen attached to the Pi, I get the error that my Python is not v3.8. How did that not get upgraded with the system? It is possible I did system updates last and something in Klipper is unhappy ( I assume klipper because the error says to check the klipper logs) from the time where it was upgraded and the system was not.
19 Replies
miklschmidt9mo ago
KlipperScreen is what's running on your screen, i don't know why they're requiring python 3.8 all of a sudden, will check.
miklschmidt9mo ago
[BUG] error the system doesn't meet the minimum requirement minimum...
What happened? after update no screen What did you expect to happen instead? still working............................. How to reproduce this bug? use update Additional information: No response Log...
miklschmidt9mo ago
KlipperScreen doesn't start anymore · Issue #1379 · KlipperScreen/K...
What happened? After Upgrade Klipper Screen not work anymore flashing blank.. What did you expect to happen instead? I was removed klipperscreen and tryed again clean install not work. After I was ...
miklschmidt9mo ago
How old is your installation? Which RatOS version are you on @Krocostimpy ? I'm asking since RatOS 2.0 contains python 3.9 so i'm assuming you're on the long discontinued RatOS v1?
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
Yep, still v1.2 I dont use the print that much lately, so I havent kept up I have a niche install (I assume) with an SKR Pro v1.2 and e3d Hemera, so wouldnt be surprised if its no longer supported Seems like everyone is using an Octopus and a Mosquito of some form but thank you for all that info you provided
No, mosquito is NOT recommended
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
yeah, I am way out of date well good news for me, the vCore 3.1 upgrade I bought included the Rapido Pro, so I'm good on that part 😆 Maybe this forces me to do the upgrade finally. geez... just finding out there's a vCore 4... 🤦‍♂️ Maybe I should add an SKRat to my parts list would save me the cost of buying the U2C canbus module
miklschmidt9mo ago
You won’t need this regardless of what you’re running. SKRat needs a toolboard to make up enough drivers for the v-core though.
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
When I bought the 3.1 upgrade kit I included the EBB
miklschmidt9mo ago
Excellent 👍 Your skr pro will still work fine
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
but I also need the U2C board, no?
miklschmidt9mo ago
Slap on RatOS 2.1-RC1 and you’ll be running in no time Nooe U2C is a usb to CAN board. We don’t do CAN around here.
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
well now I am confused AF 😆
miklschmidt9mo ago
Usb from pi to skr pro. Usb from pi to ebb That’s all you need RatOS 2.1-RC1 takes care of the rest
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
oh.. nice.. I guess that explains why U2C isnt part of the options for the upgrade
miklschmidt9mo ago
KrocostimpyOP9mo ago
thank you for the clarification If I may ask, why is CAN "forbidden"? every stupid EBB video on YouTube seems to want to use it Never mind.. I just read the blog post on how CAN doesn’t work on RatOS and how its a piece of crap
miklschmidt9mo ago
Hahaha, it's not crap, it's just old and made for a completely different usecase. It's a 41 year old protocol. I don't know who thought that was a great idea for consumer 3d printers. I wasn't even born when it was specced.

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