gcode_macro _VAOC_CALIBRATE_Z_OFFSET:gcode'

Error message is: Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _VAOC_CALIBRATE_Z_OFFSET:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Unexpected y-coordinate detected, VAOC aborted. Expected 525.639 but got 525.788.
67 Replies
RewireOPā€¢5mo ago
RewireOPā€¢5mo ago
Shoot. Firmware restart turns off debug. Let me run this again....
RewireOPā€¢5mo ago
RewireOPā€¢5mo ago
Console for this log
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
this error is coming from the new sanity check that makes sure not to kill your build plate this error happens when you try to make any VAOC calibration but the toolhead is not on the correct VAOC y coordinate its a safety measurement i think there was a bug in the VAOC code. IF you have changed the nozzle alignment and run z calibration without prior changing the nttols it can lead to this messsage just pushged a bugfix for that usecase
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
That would still fail in this case. I believe the mismatch is because of things like skew_correction. they won't be equal in that case as you're checking for now VAOC is calibrated without skew calibration loaded
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
well, there was really a bug that i have fixed as i described
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
So the coordinates are different yes i saw that, but it introduced another one šŸ˜„
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
if you start the z calibraiton without tany potential new control point coordinates have been saved it threw that error how?
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
so you mean i need to check the gcode coordinates? or better said check the offsets
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
Yeah or allow a tolerance like it did before (just maybe not 5mm).
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
well before id didnt allowed any tolerance šŸ˜†
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
If you check the requested gcode position instead of actual position it should be equal
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
there is still a issue with thsi approach
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
It did, just only in one direction šŸ˜‚
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢5mo ago
we need to work with a tolerance, we cant use exact coordinates since we cant be sure if any new coordinates have been tuned but not saved and we cant save them in this situation i almost pushed a wrong update which could have lead to a catastrophy thats the result of removing the save button from the UI :kekw:
RewireOPā€¢5mo ago
all good to keep waiting or try the new fix?
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
Your issue seems to stem from skew correction, if you load your skew profile before calibrating VAOC, then clear it when you're done, your problem should be gone. The current code should work without it though (if you haven't updated since your last message, do it now)
RewireOPā€¢5mo ago
there doesn't seem to be an update pushed. version is still the same as when this was happening RC3-65 I dont have a skew profile....so.....not sure how to load tht. or you mean input shaper? should i set that to 0?
miklschmidtā€¢5mo ago
Huh... Then i'm not sure how you're getting the error you're getting. There's some kind of x/y compensation going on. You're right, i forgot we didn't publish it yet, it still needs testing
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
any progress on this? or ideas for a fix?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
we have already a fix but it isnt merged yet there are other things that we need to test first, we are making some changes to the post processor as well
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
sorry to be a hassle. no rush. just was wondering.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
but if you want you can test it by switching to the development branch
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
all good, i'll wait for the update. working on CAD in the meantime, was multi-tasking before. Pretty sure the printer is almost ready for game-time. just need this done, and then enclosure, replacement parts from rat rig that were damaged
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
A new error has appeared as of the most recent RC: 9:41 PM Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _VAOC_ENSURE_TOOLHEAD_WITHIN_CONTROL_POINT:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Unexpected x-coordinate detected, VAOC aborted. Expected 214.672 but got 218.005. 9:41 PM Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _VAOC_ENSURE_TOOLHEAD_WITHIN_CONTROL_POINT:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Unexpected x-coordinate detected, VAOC aborted. Expected 214.672 but got 218.005. 9:41 PM _VAOC_CALIBRATE_Z_OFFSET Also, when I hit "Stop VAOC": 9:41 PM Move out of range: 561.133 250.178 30.000 [0.000] 9:41 PM Move out of range: 561.133 250.178 30.000 [0.000] 9:41 PM Move out of range: 561.133 250.178 30.000 [0.000] 9:41 PM _VAOC_END
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
please run _VAOC in the console and share the output also share your ratos-variables.cfg
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
8:21 PM expected_camera_y_position: 530.5 8:21 PM expected_camera_x_position: 212.5 8:21 PM loaded_skew_profile: 8:21 PM t1_bowden_sensor_enabled: 0 8:21 PM t0_bowden_sensor_enabled: 0 8:21 PM t1_toolhead_sensor_enabled: 0 8:21 PM t0_toolhead_sensor_enabled: 0 8:21 PM cache_toolchange_zhop: 1.0 8:21 PM cache_toolchange_travel_accel: 5000 8:21 PM cache_toolchange_travel_speed: 300 8:21 PM toolchange_travel_accel: 5000 8:21 PM toolchange_travel_speed: 300 8:21 PM camera_cooling_temperature: 50 8:21 PM camera_cooling_fan_speed: 0.3 8:21 PM enable_camera_cooling: True 8:21 PM auto_z_offset_calibration: True 8:21 PM safe_z: 30 8:21 PM additional_safe_distance: 50 8:21 PM is_started_at_temp: False 8:21 PM is_started: False 8:21 PM is_fixed: True 8:21 PM _VAOC [Variables] idex_applied_offset = 0 idex_xcontrolpoint = 214.67229847001371 idex_xoffset = -3.332561139239715 idex_ycontrolpoint = 526.4420401952984 idex_yoffset = -0.17805725164043906 idex_zcontrolpoint = -1.2400000000000002 idex_zoffset = 0.0 idex_zoffsetcontrolpoint = 0.0 nozzle_expansion_applied_offset = 0 nozzle_expansion_coefficient_multiplier = 0.6969696969696967 nozzle_expansion_coefficient_t0 = 0.06 nozzle_expansion_coefficient_t1 = 0.06 t0_filament = ('', '', 0) t1_filament = ('', '', 0)
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
your x-offset is too high dex_xoffset = -3.332561139239715 tune your endstop positions according to the commissioning guide
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
hmm, this is new ok ill ahve to go through it so, doing the commissioning guide leads to my "max endstop" being lower than it's actual physical value. "tuning" them leads to this error upon homing: 2:18 AM Move out of range: 557.800 250.000 15.000 [0.000] 2:18 AM Move out of range: 557.800 250.000 15.000 [0.000] 2:18 AM Move out of range: 557.800 250.000 15.000 [0.000] 2:18 AM G28 because the new values recommended by the calculator are lower than that
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
before doing a new endstop calibration you need to reset the current toolhead offsets with _VAOC_RESET
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
ah, ok. that's probably it. i did see that there was an x offset being applied wait, so start over that section from scratch now after doing the reset then?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
when doing the endstop calibration you need to make sure that the system hasnt applied any toolhead offsets 1. _VAOC_RESET 2. endstop calibraiotn 3. VAOC calibration
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
So, i did the endstop tuning, and still ended up with this idex_xoffset = -3.634339009393699 both my nozzles are at the edge of the bed when set to x 15 and x -15 for t0 and t1, respectively at Y = 250, though the guide doesnt specify which Y the tuning should be done at. If i move to Y= 10, they are off, and if I move to Y=500, they are off again, almost as if my bed is not square This shows going from 500 to 0 and then back to 250
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
hmm. this means my z-rear extrusion is not in the right place, doesn't it. fuck me. how could it be off by so much? z rear motor works fine and is lined up
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
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RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
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RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
Looks centered
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
Looks angled when viewing vaoc
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RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
there is a slight rotation on the rear z extrusion...maybe 2-3 degrees at most.....skewing the whole bed slightly on Y and due to the size of the bed...means there's about 6-7mm of variance on x when moving from front to back.....ha....im going to have to take off the entire electronics enclosure and back panel......doing idex was a mistake........sigh..... can't access the quick connects because of the panel and enclosure.... So I fixed that issue. The X offset ends up being still -2.5686790298390463, but my endstops seem good. It seems that -2 is probably because of this: [stepper_x] dir_pin: !x_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse the direction of stepper_x rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys homing_speed: 50 position_min: -62 position_max: 500 position_endstop: -62 #---------------------------------------------- DUAL_CARRIAGE ----------------------------------------------- The X axis motor for the right toolhead, located at the rear right of the printer #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [dual_carriage] dir_pin: !dual_carriage_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse the direction of dual_carriage rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys position_min: 0 position_max: 559 position_endstop: 559 safe_distance: 55 They are off by 497 instead of 500. But they are over the edges of the bed, as far as I can tell. šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤” when you do the 515, is the nozzle suppose to be on the left or right side of the "edge of the bed"
miklschmidtā€¢4mo ago
This is wrong, it basically says your bed is 3mm offset from the middle, that's quite a bit of build error. you're also missing the bed_margin_x variable. Wow that's a lot.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
there are 2 common issues for that: 1. you calibrated the endstops with an active toolhead offset, before donig a new endstop calibration run _VAOC_RESET 2. your front z rail extrusions need to be aligned/twisted. Check if the leadscrews are centered over the oldham coupler hole, if not twist the extrusions until they are
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
I fixed that by rotating the front left extrusion. The rear one didn't fix it. The bed is now straight with the gantry on x, and there is minute deviation along a Y movement. I got the x offset now down to .96 something. I measured the -15 and 515 on the LEFT side of the nozzle, though this is not pointed out in the guide, I had assumed we were supposed to have the nozzle on the inside of the bed when doing the measurement, so I had lined up the left side of the nozzle when doing the -15, and lined up the right side of the nozzle when doing the 515. and i just redid it and it's off again. which side of the bed am i supposed to set the 515 on t1?
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
Which side is correct?
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miklschmidtā€¢4mo ago
There are no "sides", it should be centered on the edge of the bed.
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
That's not what the guide says...and Cruz said this as well....
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RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
Very confusing. So center the nozzle where the metal ends.
miklschmidtā€¢4mo ago
I'm talking about the nozzle being centered over the bed edge you're saying "left side of the nozzle" and "right side of the nozzle", that doesn't make any sense.
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
idex_xoffset = -1.0305952544778165 Good toolhead z-offset of 0.028750mm! Your toolhead z-offset is good! So, i think there is something else going on here with VAOC. I'm in VAOC right now, i align the nozzles, i click back to t0, its misaligned, then back to t1, its misaligned as well, but if i click back and forth between them, its misaligned in the same spot every time
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
the reason for that is what i just told you
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
no no
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
yes yes
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
so like, if i reset, it happens in the same spot reliably
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
trust me, its your gantry and/or the belts
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
why then, is the motor tone different
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
1. skewed gantry 2. a gantry that isnt skewed but forced with belt tension into alignment 3. too loose belts 4. unequal belt length 5. unequal belt tension its one of these or multiple of these
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
there is a tone coming from the motors while re-positioning, but if go to t0, and then back to t1, the motor tone is different
Helge Keck
Helge Keckā€¢4mo ago
thats normal
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
ok it's not off on y, just x
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
sigh So I loosened all the screws on the x Gantry and it's tilted by this much
RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
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RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
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RewireOPā€¢4mo ago
Takes less than a pound of force to straighten it I mean I can push on it with my pinky lightly and straighten it All the belts are off right now

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