(RESOLVED) Beacon firmware not updating
I hit update all and started getting firmware out of date errors. Searching posts lead me to try and update using SSH with no luck. Tried the configurator and only found the control board and toolboard. I have not followed the beacon site instructions as I read that ratOS should already be setup. Enclosed is everything I can think of to include.
10 Replies
FML... So reading wasn't a strong point for me. Here's what I did to fix the firmware update issue.
Used putty to SSH into the printer. Entered the user and password. (pi) (raspberry) Don't be me, change those to something different.
cd beacon
That puts you into the directory
For something that isn't being accessed outside of the network, I think the usual recommendation is to not change the default user/pass. Too easy to forget then you're starting over anyway
./update_firmware.py update all
But I'm glad you got it to update! 🙂
That updated and fixed everything.
The setup guide says to change it. I get it, but I like simple.