IDEX Offset Manual setup
Is there a way to apply the offset inside ratos-variables manually. VAOC module was a complete disaster so far for me.
There is a varible idex_applied_offset = 0 which I believe is like boolean whether to apply the offsets but it is 1 only when try to calibrate via VAOC module. Is there a way to force RatOS to use the offsets (idex_xoffset , idex_yoffset, idex_zoffset ) inside this file without the VAOC module.
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I can confirm that now It's working and I'm not getting control point error. The issue from the second video with the toolheads crashing was due to toolheads hitting my BTT runout sensors at the back and now the heads align in VAOC. Suddenly the move out of range error disappeared. After the new config I was getting the error and after sometime it disappeared.
62 Replies
you should not change
ratos changes this value by its own when selecting the toolhjeads, it just tells ratos which offset, for which toolhead, is currently spplied, 0 or 1
whats the issue with VAOC?
also, there is no need to FORCE ratos to use the offset values, it is alreqady doing itTo be honest not sure whether it's me doing something wrong or there are just bugs.
I'm following these steps
Click Start Calibrate
-> Adjust the T0 X and Y and focus
-> Cammera PXmm . Not sure what is the outer diameter of the standard 0.4 nozzle. Is it easier to set diameter to nozzle diameter and adjust it according to it?
-> Switch to T1 and adjust the X, Y and focus.
->Click Stop Calibration and I get and error move out of range. The message have a coordinate 477 on Y when my printer is only 300mm
If go batck to T0 from T1 instead of clicking Stop Calibration, T0 is no longer aligned. Clicking back T1 crashes the T1 into T0 even though T0 is away from the camera.
yeah, this sounds like a config error and probably your endstops as well
not VAOCs fault
please share your ratos and printer.cfg file
also, you dont need to set the focus for T1, this ahppens automatically with the z calibration button
it's printing just fine if I don't go to VAOC. I tried single IDEX and copy IDEX
please share the demanded config giles, and the ratos-variables.cfg fie as well
my Y control point aligns at 327.763 and was getting control point error. I checked mechanical part and everything seems at place and well aligned.
please share the correct error message, a screenshot please
Unexpected VAOC y-control point detected! Please run '_VAOC_RESET' to roll back to default values.
this is the error
it's from _VAOC_START macro
then you need most likely tune your y endstop position
the senity check
this tells me your y endstop position is off

this should be arround 333
so its off by ~8mm
thats why vaoc is complaining
honestly there is no way to be off by such amount.
I saw on another post the camera should be at about 300 + 30.5
where the Y endspot is there is no the much space to be misaligned by that much
its definitly the y endstop position
VAOC is checking this for good reasons
if you retune four y endstop it will work
I agree that it should the checks but I found a work around the Y issue. My main issue is on the X. When I align T0 -> T1 and get back to T0. T0 is no longer aligned
it's like adjusting T1 moves also T0
May be I'm putting wrong Outter nozzle diameter
its also possible that your belts are not tensioned equally
the default is set to 1
what default?
should I change it to something else for the default nozzles of VCore 4
what default?
the default for Outter Nozzle Diam is 1
but the Outter Nozzle diameter seems to be bigger
and it's hard to measure exactly
the outer diameter jsut needs to fit visually yur nozzle, it doenst affect any of the calculations
its jsut a helper tool
will pxmm affect the calculations
well, it jsut makes sure that your drag and draop orientation moves the nozzle with the correct distance
but if you center them they should be centered anyway
so it's just for the draging process.
I will try to reccord a video to show the issue as I don't think this is the normal behavior. It might be due to my misconfiguration but I followed the configuration guide.

this is my Y endstop
There is not much wiggle room. The Endstop stand is between two profiles
Unless there are spacers between the endstop and the stand there is no way to move it by 8 mm
i dont mean physically tuning it, i mean the y-endstop position in the printer.cfg
I have never changed it. I used the RatOS configuration for VCore 300 IDEX
First issue tried to calibrate and getting the following error once all is calibrated and I click Stop Calibration on 300mm printer
Move out of range: 114.463 478.061 30.800 [0.000]
I'm uploading the video now
the files was too big to upload here
Here is the video for the second issue. If I calibrate T0, calibrate T1 and go back to T0 it is misaligned. Align T0 again and go back T1 it will crach first to the right and then into T0 to the left.
There's a whole bunch of issues here.
First of all, you should set the pixel pr mm so that the inner ring matches the nozzle orifice when the tip is perfectly in focus (it is of utmost importance that you've set the correct nozzle diameter in the hardware configurator beforehand), then set the outer diameter so that it matches the outer edge of the flat part around the nozzle orifice. If you get this wrong, all your adjustments are screwed.
Second of all: I'm gonna need your debug zip to check for config problems, that last video is all out of whack.
Pixel per mm should be around
for the RR VAOC camera (but will differ slightly between copies). The outer nozzle diameter is usually 1mm but varies from nozzle type to nozzle type (and varies with nozzle diameter as well).Even with Outter Diam set to 1 and 300 Px mm I still get the Error move out of range on Y as it's trying to set it to 478mm on 300 mm printer
please run
then reproduce the error and share the complete console output
clean the console before doing itI will troubleshoot again in the evening. The issue from the second video might be due to toolhead hitting my runout sensors at the back and skipping steps. But the first one I have no idea so far.
i assume your
variable is wronglet me know in which in which file it is and I will check the value
if you do the enable debug thing this would help me
tonight I will be able to enable it and redo the tests
also plese share the ratos.cfg file
can you clean the console and run
and then share the output
no need to home or whatever
hmm, i think i found the issue, but im not sure why it happens.
your VAOC y-control point is at 328, and you are saying it tries to move to y 478, thats exactly 150 difference, which is the y coordinate it tries to move, i beleive it somehow moves realtive to the VAOC position instead of absolut
but i cant find anything wrong in your files@miklschmidt do we still use the VAOC_MOVE macro or did you somehow switched to a own thing inside the configurator?

it seems his printer somehow enteres the relative movement mode
do you use mainsail or fluidd?
everything is default as ratos image comes
I only increased sanity check macro tolerance to allow me to set control point 327.xx as in the original it was not allowing to get below 328
Didn't switch
It does now, if you update and run _VAOC_RESET
There were some old defaults used in that macro that i wasn't aware of, they're no emitted by the configurator so they're the correct same values as the defaults for ratos_variables.cfg
Thanks. I will update and try it tonight.
i updated and im getting the same error
I haven't tested but I checked the commits and they should solve the sanity check of control points. I haven't seen anything to solve the Move out of range error.
i can calibrate both positions with room to spare in y direction but i still get the error. Max y is 539.5 and the nozzle is at 538.61
re did the configuration wizard where it overrights config files and i still get the same error
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _VAOC_CALIBRATE_Z_OFFSET:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Unexpected VAOC y-control point detected! Please run '_VAOC_RESET' to roll back to default values.

ok i fixed that error
with this:
variable_expected_camera_y_position: 535.5
but now i get this error
10:06 PM
Error during homing move: Move out of range: 246.040 538.530 -7.000 [0.000]
10:06 PM
RatOS | VAOC: Move T0 to control point: X208.540221 Y538.530472 Z-1.300000 IS_FIXED=True
got rid off the last config and adjusted the endstops using the stock max distance
still dosnt work
11:17 PM
Error during homing move: Move out of range: 246.060 533.622 -7.000 [0.000]
11:17 PM
RatOS | VAOC: Move T0 to control point: X208.559820 Y533.622125 Z-1.300000 IS_FIXED=True
nope, never saw that
will try now
do i change it in the variables.cfg or printer.cfg?
always printer.cfg
Section 'variables' is not a valid config section
then you messed up your printer.cfg. Can't tell unless you share it
but please start your own post, you shouldn't be hijacking this one
sure, i will. But this is how information gets lost in a billion posts
I can confirm that now It's working and I'm not getting control point error. The issue from the second video with the toolheads crashing was due to toolheads hitting my BTT runout sensors at the back and now the heads align in VAOC. Suddenly the move out of range error disappeared. After the new config I was getting the error and after sometime it disappeared.
I think I got the same error
While I want to set the offset for x and y
It is too far away in y direction but I can’t go further