Who here runs an SSR with a BTT Manta M8P?

I see for the octopus documentary it shows a SSR for the bed but for the manta M8P it doesn't inlude it in the image. Now I am confused if I should wire it in or not.
44 Replies
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
You need a SSR to control the AC bed
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
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DJDupidOP•12mo ago
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DJDupidOP•12mo ago
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miklschmidt•12mo ago
as you can see it says 24V bed. You don't have a 24V bed, the v-core 3 (which i'm assuming is what you're building) uses mains powered bed (110v/220v AC). So you need an SSR. (which is in the RR default kit or you can add it via the configurator when you buy a custom kit).
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
Thank you. I am unsure why they have that.
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
I have the ssr. I didn't buy the RR kit. Just making sure my ssr routing is correct before i wire it up
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Follow the voron diagram you posted, except not on the board side, RatOS uses the bed output port because labels matter and reusing the same pins regardless of bed amperage is very convenient 🙂
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
Thank you!
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Just as a disclaimer, if you're at any point in doubt, please ask a professional (not me), live AC is no fun 🙂
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
the only thing I am worried about is not routing the wires correctly and blowing my new printer. All of this seems like it should be in the document correctly. Why they have a 24v heatbed in the diagram is beyond me but would have made quick work of things. I didn't see it was 24v until you said it I was just fixated on the image.
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
No description
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
ssr to bed out on the m8p
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Why they have a 24v heatbed in the diagram is beyond me
I did that. There's no "they" in this case (although Rat Rig's skips AC too for obvious reasons). I make RatOS and the RatOS documentation. It's largely against regulation in the EU for people to fool around with AC, and i don't want to get sued. I really don't understand why you're getting so hung up on the fact that the wiring diagram uses a 24V bed. You can very clearly see which port controls the bed. That's all that matters and all that RatOS cares about. What you put on the other end of it is on you. It's funny because i used to show a bed connection to an SSR, but people complained about that too (because the AC part was missing, again for obvious reasons) and the 24V bed thing was suggested by users as a compromise.
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
Im not hung up at all with the 24v bed. I mentioned that at the beginning that it isn't helpful. I know which port on the board. I posted a picture to verify the wiring from the ssr to the psu and plug. A disclaimer is all you need here in the states. To say get a professional to wire something up from a company that created the product seems incomplete. Most electricians here wouldn't take the job or if they do will charge more than the job is worth. This is not difficult at all just overly complicated by the incomplete instructions and a forum filled with people regirgitating fear instead of being helpful. Ratrig can easily tell what size wires to use for each model for a certain range of mcu's and combinations that dont seem far off spec from one another.
miklschmidt•12mo ago
I'm sorry, but If you want verification of AC wiring, ask an electrician.
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
no thanks you guys are funny
miklschmidt•12mo ago
No, just being responsible
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
no you sound like you dont know the answer if you work for ratrig then yeah your work is incomplete
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Seriously, that's where you're going with this? You're trying to make me feel like i need to prove something to you? I do this in my free time
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
no you just hold this attitude like the public needs to be respinsible for your unfinished product and then you come out with a new model before you finish the last one
miklschmidt•12mo ago
What? the manual says "ask an electrician". It's not a secret and it's the law. I don't know what you want from me
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
thats the law?
miklschmidt•12mo ago
You must be joking
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
so all other companies can finish a product except you you have an unfinished product that you suggest a random electrition to complete
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Which companies tell you to wire IEC plugs and ensure proper grounding etc?
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
im not joking you must not understand they all seems to have spec'd it out to the wire except you guys
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Again.. Who??
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
thats why they have the ability to fully complete a product ratrig
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Who are you talking abourt
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
is who
miklschmidt•12mo ago
they all seems to have spec'd it out to the wire except you guys
Who are "they" ?
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
every printer on the market is complete
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Listen buddy, those are not kits you assemble yourself. Those are preassembled
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
wired up no issue. ratrig just doesnt want to assemble it seems
miklschmidt•12mo ago
If you wanted a preassembled printer, you should have bought a preassembled printer
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
i dont need it preassembled. But to dismiss proper connections and say its the law is probably why you dont sell that here forget it man you and eye dont see to be on the same page
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Clearly you do
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
I appreciate the help but you obviously dont work at ratrig just this I don't live in your country and your law is funny to me
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Glad you're having fun
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
I can't sue you either so its stupid to know and answer but keep saying get an electrician i cleary posted the answer in the diagram This isn't my first printer ive built just asking an ssr question but it seems impossible here to get a simple answer
miklschmidt•12mo ago
Now, please either google and learn AC, like you said, it's simple. If you can't do that, ask a professional. That's it from me. I'm done here.
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
already did thats why I showed you the picture this is a revolving door of you not listening later

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