Rat0S for V-Core 3 hybrid

I have RatOS working on my V Core 3 hybrid 300 Z tilt and Bed Mesh are working perfectly. (Probing and meshing the correct points) on the bed) If I place an item in the middle of the bed in slicer, it prints it in the middle of the bed without any offset. However 1. Z homing has an offset to the left of the centre of the bed and 2. The prime blob is offset to the left as well. I am not sure what I need to do and where I need to do it to correct these two minor issues? To get hybrid mode working so far I just used the configurator set up wizard for the V-Core 4 hybrind and then added the following over writes in printer.cfg [stepper_x] position_max: 300 position_endstop: 0 position_min: 0 [stepper_y] position_max: 300 position_min: 0 position_endstop: 0
9 Replies
blacksmithforlife•2mo ago
when you home X and Y, and then tell it to go to x=0,y=0 does that line up with the front left corner of your bed? It might be off because of that and you needing to adjust the endstops in the config
miklschmidt•2mo ago
Besides calibrating your position_endstop/min/max, if you're using the V-Core 4 on a different printer, you need to adjust the bed_margin variables (find them in ratos.cfg) to match the amount of travel outside the print volume on your specific printer. The homing doesn't take probe offset into account, that's on purpose.
MFBSOP•2mo ago
Yep G1 X0 Y0 works perfectly. Many thanks! I have added the following overrides in printer.cfg and it has resolved that issue. [gcode_macro RatOS] variable_bed_margin_x: [0, 0] variable_bed_margin_y: [0, 0] Loving the V-Core 3 hybrid and RatOS made setting it up so easy, only left me a couple of minor steps as per this thread that I needed to do. I left the Y stop in the current V-Core 3 location hence the only other changes I needed to do. [stepper_x] position_max: 300 position_endstop: 0 position_min: 0 [stepper_y] position_max: 300 position_min: 0 position_endstop: 0 Dear Santa Miklschmidt is there any chance of a configuraton for V-Core 3 Hybrid in RatOS configuration Wizard at some point in the future? FYI (and amusement) These are the overrides I have in printer.cfg Note I use the Microlight print head with Beacon which has a different Y off set and I use a CPAP fan hence the fan settings. I use and adxl 345 board mounted on the top plate of my print head rather than the Beacon's Accelerometer. I use two separate fan ports on the Octopus for the two fans that cool my stepper drivers. Otherwise everything else is standard V Core 4 for the purposes of RatOS set up. [extruder] nozzle_diameter: 0.6 #faster for me to change nozzle size here than in the RatOS configurator [printer] max_velocity: 800 max_accel: 20000 minimum_cruise_ratio: 0.5 max_z_velocity: 50 max_z_accel: 600 square_corner_velocity: 5 [resonance_tester] #accel_chip: adxl345 #Increasing accelerations used for Input Shaper. 75 is stock in Klipper #accel_per_hz: 50 probe_points: 150,150,20 # 300mm printer [beacon] serial: /dev/beacon y_offset: 19.715 [z_tilt] z_positions: 0,0 150,300 300,0 points: 10,0 150,270 290,0 [bed_mesh] mesh_min: 20,27 mesh_max: 280,280 probe_count: 20,20 #I use stock VC3 X and Y endstop positions hence the following overrides [stepper_x] position_max: 300 position_endstop: 0 position_min: 0 [stepper_y] position_max: 300 position_min: 0 position_endstop: 0 #End of new stuff from VC4 hybrid #Overrides for margins in ratos.cfg that come from VC4 300 hybrid printer definitions [gcode_macro RatOS] variable_bed_margin_x: [0, 0] variable_bed_margin_y: [0, 0] #end of overrides [fan] pin: PB0 cycle_time: 0.0005 hardware_pwm: True shutdown_speed: 0 off_below:0.12 #tachometer_pin: ^PF9 #tachometer_ppr: 2 #tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0005 #Chamber Lighting [output_pin caselight] pin: PB10 #max-power: 1.0
#kick_start_time: 0.5 pwm: true shutdown_value: 0 value: 1 #This was 100 in non hybrid printer.cfg cycle_time: 0.005 #enabling fan3 whose pin name is PD13 as a second Controller fan [controller_fan my_controller_fan] Pin: PD13
miklschmidt•2mo ago
Dear Santa Miklschmidt is there any chance of a configuraton for V-Core 3 Hybrid in RatOS configuration Wizard at some point in the future?
Absolutely! 🙂
MFBSOP•2mo ago
Let me know if I can assist in anyway.
miklschmidt•2mo ago
I mean, if you're up for it, you could submit a PR where you've just duplicated the V-Core 4 hybrid config and made the changes to limits, margins and mesh/z_tilt positions, then we can take it from there?
miklschmidt•2mo ago
It's basically just about click "Fork" on https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configurator then make the changes, commit and click the pull request button 🙂
GitHub - Rat-OS/RatOS-configurator: The RatOS Configurator
The RatOS Configurator. Contribute to Rat-OS/RatOS-configurator development by creating an account on GitHub.
MFBSOP•2mo ago
Sorry I haven't used Github before (except to download the occassional CAD file). I think if I attempt this I will make a mess of it. Is it possible for you to extract what you need from the printer.cfg file I posted above? Some of my values might be slightly different because my Beacon offsetr to the nozzle is slightly different as I use the Microlight Print head instead of a Rat Rig one. I can assist by testing anything you want tested. My config seems to be working OK.
ds makesâš¡
ds makes⚡•2mo ago
hope this happens and get vcore v3.1 hybrid in the configurator coming to the firmware very soon up for test as well if needed? Thank you MFBS for the work you have put in and miklschmidt for all the work you do much appreciated.

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