Klipper reports: ERROROption 'mesh_min' in section 'bed_mesh' must be specified.
I have bought a Ratrig machine from a friend.
After network configuration and installation i am faced with this error message.
I have attached CFG files and a printscreen on the interface.
Please help!
39 Replies
I would update ratos to the latest 2.1 and use the new configurator. Keep the old printer.cfg for possible reference.
Could also delete the two
sections in your printer.cfg and restart. The mesh should get recreated at the start of each printI have used RatOS-v2.0.2 on my flashed micro sd card. Where can i find 2.1? When i search for bed_mesh in the printer.cfg, i find several places with ctr+f. I have attached a picture for you to see. Do you want me to delete this?

or these

the three at the end yeah. 60c, 65, ratos
Or better yet, flash the 2.1 version: https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/releases/tag/v2.1.0-RC2
Release RatOS-v2.1.0-RC2 · Rat-OS/RatOS
Documentation is underway, 2.1.0-RC2 is marked as a pre-release until it's ready. Update all packages after connecting RatOS to your wifi network.
Changes from RC1
Tons of bugfixes for boards,...
I have flashed and installed the new 2.1 version. However, i get this error message after the installation. See the attached picture.

now you need to use the configurator to setup your board and other settings
Is there a guide sir?
I think i found the configurator. But i have to ask my friend what brand of computer board he has tomorrow.
Should be able to look at it, but might be easier to ask
I can see on the card "Octopus Pro" But on the configurator there are like 4 different Octopus Pro to choose from. How can i know which one it is?

look at the big chip on the board. It will have the version printed on it

I think i can read STM32F446ZET6. So i think it might be the Octopus Pro 446 then.
So i am done with the configurator now. But i still have an orange error message. Should i do something in the printer.cfg?

I tried starting the machine and press restart on the interface and got another error message,

Could it be somewhere here?

If you fully reboot the mainboard and rpi, do you still get an error?
Yes. I ejected the power from the wall and plugged it in again after a while.

Your extruder has the wrong thermistor selected
you do have your bed thermistor plugged in, correct?
I took some pictures for you to determine if it is correct.

The error is about the extruder, not the bed though?
Yea. I thought you wanted to know if the bed thermistor was plugged in. Sorry.
How do i change the thermistor for the extruder?
in printer.cfg under
In which picture sir

the one with the square brackets like in my message (the latter)
Do you know what type of thermistor is on your extruder? any labels?
I can ask my friend
What hotend do you have?
hm, if your printer.cfg can be trusted you have a rapido
Phaetus Rapido Plus Hotend 2 UHF
under extruder says "PT1000" which should be correct then.
I think you have some bad wiring of the thermistor between the hotend and your board. Double check the wiring and take some careful pictures of where the wires are coming out, and what port they are connected to on the mainboard.Seems to be okay?

With a temp value that far out of whack, either the thermistor is broken, or the wires are shorted.
Thanks for your help! Ill ask my friend for further help.
Best of luck!
also note, it is bad practice to stack wires like you have on your PSU
I have found the issue. The cables were inserted in the wrong connections.
That would do it! Congrats on finding the cause 🎉
Are there any instructions on how to caliberate the building plate for the first time?