Horrible ghosting
I get very bad ghosting at any accel and speed. Even if I go at 50mm/s 500mm³/s. What could be the cause? Its also same bad on X and Y.

20 Replies
Is this a new printer setup, or happend suddenly? Did you tune your configuration with input shaper?
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
Its new and I havent done input shaper yet since i have problem with wiring adxl.
But for example my V0.1 without input shaper does 6k with no ghosting at all.
So to be sure - there are NO input shaper parameter in printer.cfg at the moment?
You can do manual input shaping without using ADXL
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
Its set to 0
See the Ellis setup guide
Or it should be in any klipper setup guide.
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
So I did input shaping
xenial-blackOP•3y ago

xenial-blackOP•3y ago
Is it bad or good?
I was in a hurry and didnt have time to properly secure cable so Im aware this might destroy my mesh a bit.
The y-axis looks a litte strange to me. the second peak should not be there. Please secure the cables and try again. X axis looks fine!
Sorry - did a clooser look right now to the first Y-Mesh. The two peaks are from different axis! THe fisrt one comes from Z and the second from Y only ?!?! Is your ADXL tightend briefly? thats strange to me....
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
Its tightened securely
And now I also got rid of wobbly cable
Almost nothing changed
xenial-blackOP•3y ago

phuu - that's interesting. Rails are also running smoothly in Y?
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
How to Read and Analyze Input Shaper Graphs Generated by Klipper
This video is supposed to be a brief overview on what the input shaper graphs can tell us. It is the first video of a series of videos which will give a more in depth view on the kinematic system and input shaping in Klipper.
As always: feel free to jump to those parts, that help you with your problems:
00:00 Intro
00:57 What we can learn from...
Have you seen this great explanation of graphs - at the end there are some shapes with the root cause, from what I can remember. Sorry, I've no idea at the moment 😦
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
They do a little typical clicking.
But I always had a bit of it on rails.
Not only on ratrig ones.
Tho X runs a bit smoother than Y
Here is comparission
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
hmmm, nothing strange I'd say. Y ist always a bit more strong to move - they are two of them 😉
Did you check the end of the video - sorry it's a bit busy today...
xenial-blackOP•3y ago
Ill check it today but a bit later.
Im not at home now and can't watch it.
Makes sense
So I just found the issue
And its so dumb
Pulley on one of xy motors was a bit loose
Printer also started to skip layers a lot.
Today motor started spinning freely without pulley
That leaded me to my diagnose
Sometimes its better when things break fully then partially, that lets you see they were broken
Ahh good to hear, that you found the issue - and thanks for sharing it. Happy printing 🙂