Change end of print and park position

can anyone tell me how to change the end and park positions from "back" to a specified location? I added the beacon and im trying to stop it from smashing into the back I tried variable_end_print_park_in: 200,390 but it didnt work
9 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
Configuring RatOS Macros | RatOS
RatOS comes with a bunch of flexible predefined macro's that can be customized via variables. In your printer.cfg at the bottom of the Macro's section, you'll notice this:
miklschmidt2y ago
park_in does "back", "middle" or "front". You can also modify the X position via variable_end_print_park_x. I would modify both start, end and pause parking in your case. Even better, i would use sensorless homing which by default homes in the front, then limit my Y. That's the best way to ensure you never hit the leadscrew. I do something similar with the 3DO nozzle camera. I have a 400mm machine, so if i do position_max: 380 on [stepper_y], that will limit any dangerous movements. Keep in mind you may need to change the bed_mesh min/max and z_tilt points as well.
audiorazorOP2y ago
I have position max set to 390 but I guess using "back" ignored that
miklschmidt2y ago
No it wouldn't But the problem is, if you're homing at Y_max (the back), you will just move 0 further away from the front. You either need to move your endstop to change where y_max is, or home at the front Makes sense? The physical endstop for Y determines where your Y_max is, regardless of whether it's 400 or 20.
audiorazorOP2y ago
yes makes sense. I printed a longer y endstop slider and have now updated my max position to 390. hopefully this works! thanks for the response. ill message here if I still cant figure it out
miklschmidt2y ago
That should work 👍 Please do 👍 Also i don't know if you noticed but there's partial beacon support now. You can do [include RatOS/z-probe/beacon.cfg], that'll take care of all the MCU stuff. You still need to install the beacon klipper plugin and add the beacon config section to your printer.cfg though. Mine is on the way, will make sure there's plug and play support in 2.1
audiorazorOP2y ago
amazing! I still need to update to 2.0 but im nervous since I just got the printer up and running
miklschmidt2y ago
Ah fair enough, you don't have to upgrade yet, i will still make sure v1 is supported until late May. (it may still work far beyond that, depends on breaking klipper/moonraker changes).
audiorazorOP2y ago
I have another pi sitting here so maybe I can slowly migrate without breaking my current setup is there a way I can test the end print or park macros without starting a print? Its all good now. So apparently I limited my Z stepper instead of my Y. works great now that I put the numbers in the right place hah

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