Primeline scrapes the bed

New v-core 3.1 default 400 with EBB42v1.2 & SKRAT, all looks well but primeline scrapes the bed (EMERGENCY STOP) this is after homing and mesh completes successfully. I set my Z offset using the paper method. Attaaching printer.cfg
7 Replies
SteveBoroughOP2y ago
BTW trying to print the pressure advance towere using PrusaSlier 2.6-alpha6
Do you still have the klipper log from when it happened?
SteveBoroughOP2y ago
I dont, guess i was running Z-probe wrong, did PROBE_CALIBRATE and its "starting" to work, prints are sliding off at layer 2, adjusting and testing
You said earlier you did it via the paper test. Was that not with probe calibrate?
SteveBoroughOP2y ago
it was not with probe-calibrate, just used mainsail then z offset>>save, I think i dindnt try to "get z=0" just did a save config when i hit the paper, also removed the gcode offset from the filament gcode (z=0 was the default) seems to be working, curious why probe_calibrate isnt the default instruction?
What instruction are you referring to? But yeah, probe offset is from z=0. If you don't start from there you will get incorrect results like you experienced
SteveBoroughOP2y ago
ratos instruction, the console command is foolproof? im the fool

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