Nitehawk-36 Toolheadboard

Hi, I just received my ldo-nitehawk-36 Toolheadboard. Is there any chance this board will be added in the near future? If not, is there anything I can do to help? Sorry if this isn't the right place or such a request.
I do… I’m waiting for the thing for testing before submiting the PR
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194 Replies
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Here a short summary: - RP2040 MCU, - TMC2209 stepper drive - ADXL345 accelerometer - "onboard"USB port - 2 Part Fan Ports - Hoted Fan Port with Tacho GITHUB: Example Configfile LDO Documentation:
GitHub - MotorDynamicsLab/Nitehawk-36: A USB toolboard for the Tool...
A USB toolboard for the Toolheads with 36mm Pancake Motors - MotorDynamicsLab/Nitehawk-36
Nitehawk-36/Configs at master · MotorDynamicsLab/Nitehawk-36
A USB toolboard for the Toolheads with 36mm Pancake Motors - MotorDynamicsLab/Nitehawk-36
LDO Documentation
Nitehawk-36 Toolboard
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thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Sorry I posted this already in the german channel: Hi zusammen, mein LDO NiteHawk36 USB-Toolhead board ist die Tage gekommen. Das wird ja bisher nicht unterstützt. Jetzt bin ich mal hergegangen und habe mir das "btt-sb-2209-10-rp2040" als Vorbild genommen und dann unter "~/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/ldo-nitehawk-36" die folgenden Dateien erstellt: 98-ldo-nhk-2209-12-rp.rules board-definition.json firmware.config toolboard-config.cfg Bei der toolboard-config.cfg bin ich mir aber nicht ganz sicher. Gibt es da irgend wo eine Info was da alles reinkommt / reinkommen kann? Was muss ich jetzt noch machen das mir im "Setup Wizard" das Board auch angezeigt wird? Oder soll ich mir den Ganzen Aufwand sparen, weil das Board in ein paar Tagen eh im Setup-Wizard drin ist? 😇
miklschmidt7mo ago
We're definitely planning to add support for the nitehawk, yes. There's a few minor roadblocks (RP2040 needs a bit of special casing in the configurator), but otherwise it's just a matter of doing it. I believe @MDFPereira plans to submit a PR for it. It will not be supported in 2.0 You'll need 2.1
MDFPereira7mo ago
I do… I’m waiting for the thing for testing before submiting the PR
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
That’s awesome!Tthank you! Btw I am using 2.1 Is there a way I can help?
miklschmidt7mo ago
You can help by testing when it's ready! Besides that, there's always the pesky wiring diagram 😄
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
I could give it a try!
miklschmidt7mo ago
you can copy paste one of the existing toolboards, the wiring diagrams open for editing in
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Made a Diagram.
miklschmidt7mo ago
Awesome work! We need it to match the general style of the other wire diagrams (font, arrow styling, wire colors, graphics used should be dynamically linked - reusing the existing graphics on - and not embedded, and the jumpers should be square).
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Thank you! I'm a frist timer to, so please baer with me. 😇 1. On I 'couldn't find any pictures for: - Beacon 3d - Orbiter (I now use the Extruder-Motor picture instead) - LDO Nitehawk-36 - LDO USB-Adapter Board So I can't link them dynamically to graphics on Should I leave them embedded? 2. I still need to figure out what font is used and how I can get the correct wire colors.
miklschmidt7mo ago
Right those need to be uploaded first
I still need to figure out what font is used and how I can get the correct wire colors.
Open an existing diagram and check the colors there. The font used is Oswald (google fonts)
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
the nitehawk36.png is a photo i did for myself, beacon3d is from the beacon website, I changed the color to match it from here: usb-adapterboard is from the docs from LDO
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thinksimpleOP7mo ago
New Version but beacon3d / nitehawk36 / usb-adapterboard need to be updated...
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
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thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Let me know when the graphics are uploaded. After that I can adapt the & .webp file. I'll just upload the files here, or? is a nice program, need to get a bit more familiar with it.
miklschmidt7mo ago
looks good! Put them here, or fork RatOS-configuration on github, and create boards/ldo-nitehawk36, put it in there and submit a PR I can fix the images once i get them added to the repo
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Thank you, was a pleasure and fun for me. If you need support for more of this stuff, I‘ll be glad to help. (Toolhead / Boards)
miklschmidt7mo ago
I absolutely hate doing wiring diagrams so that's super awesome to hear! 😄 We're currently missing a diagram for the Orbitool O2, i have already created the diagram but it only contains the board render i did a week or so ago.
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Nice, so I'll proceed with Orbitertool 2, it could take until Wednesday though... I really love doing things like that. Ah, and I've done the pull request. First time I've done something like this with github. So please tell me if I've done it rigt.
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
I have a Nitehawk-36 coming soon, and will be happy to test. If I 'follow' the first post, will I get notified of updates to this thread?
miklschmidt7mo ago
I think so.. But i'll be sure to tag you in here, that'll notify you regardless 🙂
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
My Eva 3 toolhead's coming along, with mods to support Beacon and a Nitehawk 36. Some wires to crimp tonight; then install onto the machine, probably tomorrow morning. Then I'm going to be ready to configure Klipper. Already have RatOS 2.1 installed.
As I said before, I'm happy to test the upcoming Nitehawk support, but will have to configure by hand if it's not ready soon. Could I pull it off a dev branch or something?
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miklschmidt7mo ago
@MDFPereira can you pull the nitehawk board out into it's own PR? (needs a separate branch) It's ready to merge, but the pull request contains stuff that isn't ready yet (primarily because my lack of time) Marcio has been in beast mode again and added a whole bunch of new boards 😍 @MDFPereira if it's too much of a hassle i can do it from here it's just gonna invalidate your current PR until you merge upstream changes.
MDFPereira7mo ago
Hey! I can do it, no problem 😉
miklschmidt7mo ago
awesome, thanks man!
MDFPereira7mo ago
Pushing PR. I will wait until merge to push all the others. PR complete
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Hi, if I download the files from the PR, will the board work? Or is the "special treatment" for RP2040 that what blocks it? @MDFPereira thanks for the good Work, your drawings are awesome!
MDFPereira7mo ago
you welcome... Someone told me how to do it 😛 Easy to know who... 😉
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
MDFPereira7mo ago
Downloading it may work but you need extra work in order to flash and identify the board as per RatOS hardware
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Ah, I don't know how to do that.... 🫣 I guess I know, 😇 For me it was my first time with So I'm still improving. Though this time it wasn't wasn't good enough, maybe next time 🙂
MDFPereira7mo ago
to make things easier, I just use an existent one and change as per need. New image and redirect the traces
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Yes, that was what miklschmidt said what I should do, but, ... first time so, didn't know how it works and had to work out how the workflow for that program is. Now I've got it! Maybe there'll be another chance to help. 😅 How did you make the render for the nitehawk board? looks awesome
MDFPereira7mo ago
Mikkel does it every single time 😉 he has to upload it to the server for me to use
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Oh, hmm, Maybe he can tell how that works, I can't imagine he draws the whole thing, ... or?!?
MDFPereira7mo ago
i believe he extracted and rendered from the cad file of the board
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
So, I managed to get my Nitehawk-36 running. There were two issues: 1. The automatic Firmware installation failed because the created firmware file is "klipper.bin" but if it's not "klipper.u2f" it failes.^ --> I tried to modify the "" (the cp -f part) but nothing I change seems to matter.
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "ERROR: Please run as root"
cp -f /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/ldo-nitehawk-36/firmware.config /home/pi/klipper/.config
pushd /home/pi/klipper || exit
make olddefconfig
make clean

if [ ! -d "/home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries" ]
mkdir /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries
chown pi:pi /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries
cp -f /home/pi/klipper/out/klipper.bin /home/pi/klipper/out/klipper.u2f
cp -f /home/pi/klipper/out/klipper.bin /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries/firmware-ldo-nitehawk-36.u2f
chown pi:pi /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries/firmware-ldo-nitehawk-36.u2f
popd || exit
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "ERROR: Please run as root"
cp -f /home/pi/printer_data/config/RatOS/boards/ldo-nitehawk-36/firmware.config /home/pi/klipper/.config
pushd /home/pi/klipper || exit
make olddefconfig
make clean

if [ ! -d "/home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries" ]
mkdir /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries
chown pi:pi /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries
cp -f /home/pi/klipper/out/klipper.bin /home/pi/klipper/out/klipper.u2f
cp -f /home/pi/klipper/out/klipper.bin /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries/firmware-ldo-nitehawk-36.u2f
chown pi:pi /home/pi/printer_data/config/firmware_binaries/firmware-ldo-nitehawk-36.u2f
popd || exit
2. The toolboard-config.cfg uses gpios like: "gpio06" but it should be "gpio6". ? (3.) is the filename "ldo-nitehawk-36.rules" right? or should it be "98-ldo-nitehawk-36.rules" Nevertheless,if I manually copy the klipper.bin to klipper.u2f while the configuration-wizard does the compileingprocess, flashing works like a charm. 🙂 Here is what I modified in the toolboard-config.cfg:
# To override settings from this file, you can copy and paste the relevant
# sections into your printer.cfg and change it there.
# WARNING: it is NOT recommended to override board_pins aliases,
# use the boards pin names directly in your printer.cfg instead.
# Look up the pins you need in the boards pinout diagram.

[board_pins ldo-nitehawk-36]
mcu: toolboard
e_step_pin=gpio23, e_dir_pin=gpio24, e_enable_pin=gpio25, e_uart_pin=gpio0, e_diag_pin=gpio3, e_heater_pin=gpio9, e_sensor_pin=gpio29,
# accel
adxl345_cs_pin=gpio27, adxl345_miso=gpio19, adxl345_mosi=gpio20, adxl345_clk=gpio18,
# leveling
bltouch_sensor_pin=null, bltouch_control_pin=null,
# fans
# 4 pin fans

[mcu toolboard]
serial: /dev/ldo-nitehawk-36

[adxl345 toolboard]
cs_pin: toolboard:adxl345_cs_pin
spi_software_sclk_pin: toolboard: gpio18
spi_software_mosi_pin: toolboard: gpio20
spi_software_miso_pin: toolboard: gpio19

[temperature_sensor toolboard]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
sensor_mcu: toolboard
# To override settings from this file, you can copy and paste the relevant
# sections into your printer.cfg and change it there.
# WARNING: it is NOT recommended to override board_pins aliases,
# use the boards pin names directly in your printer.cfg instead.
# Look up the pins you need in the boards pinout diagram.

[board_pins ldo-nitehawk-36]
mcu: toolboard
e_step_pin=gpio23, e_dir_pin=gpio24, e_enable_pin=gpio25, e_uart_pin=gpio0, e_diag_pin=gpio3, e_heater_pin=gpio9, e_sensor_pin=gpio29,
# accel
adxl345_cs_pin=gpio27, adxl345_miso=gpio19, adxl345_mosi=gpio20, adxl345_clk=gpio18,
# leveling
bltouch_sensor_pin=null, bltouch_control_pin=null,
# fans
# 4 pin fans

[mcu toolboard]
serial: /dev/ldo-nitehawk-36

[adxl345 toolboard]
cs_pin: toolboard:adxl345_cs_pin
spi_software_sclk_pin: toolboard: gpio18
spi_software_mosi_pin: toolboard: gpio20
spi_software_miso_pin: toolboard: gpio19

[temperature_sensor toolboard]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
sensor_mcu: toolboard
miklschmidt7mo ago
@MDFPereira sounds like there's still some work to do 😄
MDFPereira7mo ago
5 minutes… Done and pushed. My bad. When doing mellow sht36 v3, the compiled firmware was .u2f and I changed this too. The pins, freackin ctrl+v 😛 My fault, of course. Rules filename also corrected Should be done now Thanks @thinksimple for testing
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
@MDFPereira thank you very much!! ... maybe I do something wrong but the firmware still gets complied as klipper.bin and not as klipper.u2f. (see screenshot) --> I copied the files from your PR into my ldo-nitehawk-36 directory 🤷‍♂️ something else that I noticed: in the file: board-definition.json - Maybe there should stand "ldo" instead of "btt"? Don't know for what it but, ...?: "documentationLink": "",
- instructions: the sentence in brackets shouldn't be there?
(you can use usb power by placing a jumper on the VBUS pins)
(you can use usb power by placing a jumper on the VBUS pins)
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MDFPereira7mo ago
That is something really strange… Since it is a RP2040 it should compile as u2f. But I checked this afternoon and got a bin file. Will check in 1 hour
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
Wow, that whas a quick answer! But no hassle!
MDFPereira7mo ago
The link, you are correct, sorry. I think I will have to wait for Mikkel as soon as I change from no bootloader to 16KiB bootloader, it compiles as .bin. and this is a RP2040 board, it should be .u2f @thinksimple did you use klipper.bin and changed it's name to u2f extension? and did you download the files after the correction?
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
yes I didn't know how to downoad them from your PR, so I made a copy and paste from each file
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
@MDFPereira and @thinksimple, I'm about ready to configure my nitehawk; where do I get this updated software? ..doesn't seem to be in the RatOS project(s) on GitHub.
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
I got them from the PR from MDFPereira: but I had to copy and paste the files, 'cause I don't know how to download them from there.... 😅
MDFPereira7mo ago
it is not, yet. It is a PR and needs to be merged by the boss that might be the error... With copy paste you remove the permitions from the .sh files
MDFPereira7mo ago
here you go
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
I'll test it immediately.
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
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thinksimpleOP7mo ago
for you information
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
here you go
Thanks! I still have a bit to go, but should get to it this evening. Will report!
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
hmm, what am I doing wrong?
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thinksimpleOP7mo ago
so: 1. I deleted the old ldo-nitehawk-36 folder 2. extracted the rar archiev on my windows machine and copied all files to my printer 3. checked the permitions and did a
chmod +x *.sh
chmod +x *.sh
the problem is still there, only a klipper.bin gets created
MDFPereira7mo ago
I checked that. as soon as I change from no bootloader to 16KiB bootloader, it compiles as .bin. that is why I said we have to wait for Mikkel i believe it should be a u2f file because it is a RP2040 processor... But it is klipper compiling, not me
miklschmidt7mo ago
There's katapult on that board right? There's a few errors in the PR, i'll comment there. when there's a bootloader on the board (in this case katapult) klipper is supposed to compile a .bin. That .bin is what gets handed to the bootloader. .uf2 (not u2f) is for the stock RP2040 bootloader. So replace all u2f and uf2 instance with bin I've made the changes directly in the PR, please give it another spin 🙂
MDFPereira7mo ago
Gotcha and saw the commits. Thanks
miklschmidt7mo ago
@MDFPereira make sure you pull you local branch 😄
MDFPereira7mo ago
Anything new learned today… Will take that into consideration for all the others. But I believe they will not need it With katapult should be .bin instead of .uf2
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
Okay, I looked at the zip file you provided but can't make sense of it.
My hardware is ready to go, but my machine was configured for 2.1 and is now (understandibly) getting errors, since I no longer have bltouch, etc. connected to the original ports. So, how can I help test the (nascent) Nitehawk support?
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
@MDFPereira I just tired to flash the nitehawk but it still fails. Is this as it stand for now the expacted behaviour? Or is there something I do wrong? Here my output when I trigger flashing all boards from the "Help" button in the configuration Dashboard.
MDFPereira7mo ago
Open configurator and try to flash only the nitehawk. Probably you will need to enter DFU mode for the first flash
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
@MDFPereira and/or @thinksimple: Trying to get this going; here's what I've done. I've copied the RatOS-configuration fork from user 3dprintpt over the contents of my ~/printer_data/config/RatOS directory. I have not modified anything else on my PI, which was installed with the RatOS 2.1 release image. In the configurator, I now see the NiteHawk36 board. I select it, and attempt to flash via DFU mode, since automatic mode is not available. I push the described boot button sequence on the the nitehawk and ...nothing. It simply says "waiting for DFU" forever. I'm confident that the board is wired correctly. After power on (but before entering the boot button sequence), I see three ports under /dev/serial/by-id usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevD_1949E2BC4E4B333448202020FF0A3C31-if00 usb-Klipper_rp2040_3033393834097360-if00 usb-Klipper_stm32f407xx_btt-skr-pro-12-if00 Note that my beacon is connected via the 'passthrough' port on the Nitehawk. After pressing the boot button sequence, the 'rp2040' port disappears but the beacon port remains visible. I've also tried unplugging the Beacon. Of course, the beacon usb port no longer appears, but configurator still doesn't get past the 'waiting for DFU' point. I have not yet flashed anything to the Nitehawk board, but I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps the katapult bootloader is not actually installed on it. The Nitehawk docs say it should be there, but I have no way of knowing for sure. So, next up, I thought I'd try re-flashing the katapult loader first (via the LDO instructions). Your thoughts? ...could it be that I need to switch the remainder of my system (configurator maybe) to a development branch as well?
miklschmidt7mo ago
Nitehawk is based on RP2040 it does not have DFU mode, that shouldn't be in the board definition, @MDFPereira remove the dfu section. You can flash it via "unidentified devices" or "sd card" (bad name). For the latter you'll have to use the RP2040 usb otg mode, read the nitehawk manual about what to do with the firmware. Are you sure this is what the newest nitehawk PR code?
MDFPereira7mo ago
Going… Do you want me to include instructions for make flash?
miklschmidt7mo ago
No, RatOS runs make flash That's what the "unidentified devices" button does
MDFPereira7mo ago
miklschmidt7mo ago
I don't remember if i disabled it though, because people confused their boards too much.
MDFPereira7mo ago
miklschmidt7mo ago
"SD Card" works via the usb mount mechanism it's just poorly described (rp2040 wasn't supported back then)
MDFPereira7mo ago
Last time I used configurator it was present @miklschmidt We should include a section with flash instructions… Auto flash only works after first “manual” flash (via sd or whatever). Am I right?
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
I don't remember if i disabled it though
It was disabled for me.
miklschmidt7mo ago
we already have four of those, just need one for RP2040
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
I'm not sure what 'DFU' mode actually is, but the Nitehawk does seem to have three boot modes.
* The two-button reset allows you to mount a drive: this is how you install katapult (which is compiled to a 'uf2' file) * Double clicking the reset button alone enters 'katapult bootloader' mode. In this mode, you can install the klipper firmware, compiled to a 'bin' file * from there a single-click of the reset button boots the klipper firmware. I presumed from earlier comments that this was the approach configurator was taking. It's also possible to comple the klipper firmware to a .uf2 file, and skip the katapult bootloader.
miklschmidt7mo ago
You can flash it automatically via "unidentified devices" because katapult and klipper is already on there.
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
So.. if I can help more please LMK.
...but I think I'm going to have to hand-install (using the LDO instructions) and go from there. ...just to get my machine running.
MDFPereira7mo ago
Compiling via klipper (not katapult) always gives me a .bin
miklschmidt7mo ago
That is 2 modes 😄
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
I was counting the two-button boot; the 'reset only' boot (katapult) and the application itself.
miklschmidt7mo ago
If booting into usb drive mount mode overwrites katapult then that's a no go
MDFPereira7mo ago
Tomorrow I will assemble mine and test everything. I will correct what is needed
miklschmidt7mo ago
You don't need any of these though
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
..and maybe I'm mistaken about skipping the bootloader... but the LDO instructions mention using 'make flash' which is what I assumed this was. sorry if I'm confusing the issue.
miklschmidt7mo ago
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miklschmidt7mo ago
No that's a third method (that's what happens if you pick the option in the screenshot above)
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
Ah, ok. should I do that? ..or is it equivalent to the LDO method I've already done?
miklschmidt7mo ago
It needs to be done through RatOS to get the correct chipid
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
OK; giving it a shot. Will report.
MDFPereira7mo ago
Otherwise the board will not be detected correctly
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
Okay, I get 'Nitehawk 36 detected' ...should I click 'flash again?'
miklschmidt7mo ago
you need the latest files from the PR excellent you're done But yes you can flash again to test
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
I have the latest files, unles you've updated them in the last hour or so.
miklschmidt7mo ago
nope all good
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
k; I'll flash again to test.
MDFPereira7mo ago
Just small change, removed the DFU part
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
ah.. that just returns me to the previous menu maybe I'm good.
miklschmidt7mo ago
yeah where you can choose to flash it again, but if you already did that then there's no reason to do it again 😄
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
Ah.. and the rp2040 no longer appears under flash unidentified board so, I'm skipping it.
miklschmidt7mo ago
excellent That means it's working as intended There' automatic flashing (top left) which is what runs on update But it's basically the same thing just using the udev mapped path instead of the serial/by-id path
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
Okay; I'm off to the remainder of the config. Thanks amillion for your help. I'm happy to re-test if you update anything... lmk.
miklschmidt7mo ago
thanks! And thank you guys for doing the hard work
MDFPereira7mo ago
Will let you know tomorrow if something has changed. But giving it is working, I doubt 😛 A small grain compared to what you are doing
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
@MDFPereira @miklschmidt It Works!!!! I once again erased the folder and now took the files from here: not from the PR. (I thought the files are the same, ...?) Thank you so much MDFPereira and miklschmidt!
RatOS-configuration/boards/ldo-nitehawk-36 at development · 3dprint...
The RatOS modular klipper configuration. Contribute to 3dprintpt/RatOS-configuration development by creating an account on GitHub.
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
I'm now getting a klipper shutdown due to a version mismatch, I think: Klipper reports: SHUTDOWN MCU Protocol error This is frequently caused by running an older version of the firmware on the MCU(s). Fix by recompiling and flashing the firmware. Your Klipper version is: v0.12.0-208-g49c0ad63-dirty MCU(s) which should be updated: mcu: Current version v0.12.0-208-g49c0ad63 rpi: Current version v0.12.0-208-g49c0ad63 toolboard_t0: Current version v0.12.0-208-g49c0ad63 beacon: Current version Beacon 1.0.0 Up-to-date MCU(s): <none> ...could the 'dirty' thing be because I've copied the pull-request repo or something? I did reflash my BTT board; no change. Sorry... false alarm. My beacon firmware was out-of-date too; that was apparently the gating item. Fixed. Now I'm getting ADC out of range: MCU 'toolboard_t0' shutdown: ADC out of range This generally occurs when a heater temperature exceeds its configured min_temp or max_temp. Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Printer is shutdown ... I have a PT1000 RTD. relevant settings seem correct; doublechecking wiring. ..raw reading at the plug measures about 1.1k, which corresponds to 26C/78F.. so the sensor itself seems OK.
MDFPereira7mo ago
Maybe the pullup resistor has wrong values… will check tomorrow
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
Yes, that was it. The nitehawk has a 2.2K resistor; the default is 4.7k So, should that go in the board definition or something? I've added to my printer.cfg for now, and am no longer getting klipper shutdown errors. (figured it out at the same time you did; came here to trumpet my success, only to see you'd already thought of that 🙂
MDFPereira7mo ago
Just checked, I’m missing it on the board definition. Will include tomorrow. Thanks I thought of that, did not check until your last answer 😉 But on the phone I can’t correct it.. 2:34 in Portugal 😉
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
good night! and thanks!
MDFPereira7mo ago
Files corrected with thermistor pullup resistor... the files are exactly the same. But on my fork it is easier to download 😉
ptegler7mo ago
late to the game here.... my NH 36 should be here this evening. 2.1 v2.1.0-RC2-0-g3a587cf6 up and running, just checked the configurator and no nitehawk toolboard avail to select. Reading the thread above, how do I select and se up for the NH board?
MDFPereira7mo ago
You need to download the files in my repo and include the ldo-nitehawk-36 folder in the boards folder for RatOS Then you will have the NH36 available. It is not merged yet
ptegler7mo ago
tnx @MDFPereira Up and avail as described. All elec parts in hand just need some printed part mods prior to full assy.
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
@MDFPereira in RatOS.cfg stands the following:
#------------------------------------------------- EXTRUDER -------------------------------------------------
# The extruder motor used for pushing filament through the toolhead
# Connected to Nitehawk 36
# Driver: LDO TMC2209
# Motor: Generic Stepper
# Voltage: 24
[tmc2209 extruder]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
uart_pin: toolboard_t0:gpio0
run_current: 0.35
sense_resistor: 0.11

step_pin: toolboard_t0:gpio23
dir_pin: toolboard_t0:gpio24
enable_pin: !toolboard_t0:gpio25
microsteps: 64
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
rotation_distance: 22.67895
#------------------------------------------------- EXTRUDER -------------------------------------------------
# The extruder motor used for pushing filament through the toolhead
# Connected to Nitehawk 36
# Driver: LDO TMC2209
# Motor: Generic Stepper
# Voltage: 24
[tmc2209 extruder]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
uart_pin: toolboard_t0:gpio0
run_current: 0.35
sense_resistor: 0.11

step_pin: toolboard_t0:gpio23
dir_pin: toolboard_t0:gpio24
enable_pin: !toolboard_t0:gpio25
microsteps: 64
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
rotation_distance: 22.67895
but it should be:
[tmc2209 extruder]
sense_resistor: 0.100
[tmc2209 extruder]
sense_resistor: 0.100
MDFPereira7mo ago
I'm not sure where @miklschmidt is storing this data. I only have a line to select what driver is used. "extruder": "LDO-TMC2209" Maybe I need to include it too... Also I’m not sure where the low value on run current is coming. Orbiter 2 and it’s cousins should be 0.707. What extruder are you using? Ok, sherpa mini is correct. Be sure to select the correct stepper motor for the extruder… 0.35 seem very low. Only 36sth17-1004ahg uses that found it... We need Mikkel to change something on the configurator. LDO-TMC2209 was created for the Orbitool o2 and Leviathan. It uses 0.110. The Nitehawk uses 0.100 as you said. I will speak to Mikkel about this
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
You’re Awesome! And that was exactly the one I used… until yesterday where the Motor died. Searching for a possible cause I found the sense resistor problem. But I believe there was something going on with it before. 🤷🏼‍♂️ No I‘m using the moon’s CSE14HRA1L410A-02 motor. Seems much better regarding heat.
MDFPereira7mo ago
No!!! Mikkel is 😉 Everything is better than 36sth17 regarding everything 😉 files updated...
Matt(mkeveney)7mo ago
What does this 'sense resistor' setting do? My orbiter motor got fried, but it was an older one that should have been operating at .35. Could this sense resistor business be realated as well? looks like it's related to a reference voltage. found it in klipper docs, but it's thin on detail:
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
sense resistor is one of the factors which determine peak A for the motor. Together with the Current Scale setting,
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
I really like this guide on how to tune your steppermotors. Working it through (and the excel spreadsheet) gives a good idea how everything works together.
TMC Driver Tuning
Documentation for mods and group buys. Contribute to MakerBogans/docs development by creating an account on GitHub.
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
There is also a klipper extension for automatic configuration and tuning of TMC driverrs.
GitHub - think-simple/klipper_tmc_autotune: TMC stepper driver auto...
TMC stepper driver autotuning Klipper python extra - think-simple/klipper_tmc_autotune
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
sorry, this got off topic.
ptegler7mo ago
not getting a response from LDO.... strikes me odd I'm the first one asking about the nitehawk 36 board version documentation. EG: Parts cooling and hot end fans. wouldn't you want the 3 pin (w/tach) as the parts fan, and the 2 pin fan for the hot end? They even mechanically placed a 2 pin connector, right next to the HE therm connector, which is right next to the hot end screw terminals. Yet IT, and a duplicate at the far left are labeled as parts fans ????? I was about to plug my NH 36 in, but figured it would balk, so was preping a HE thermo at least when I noticed the pinning. @MDFPereira @miklschmidt noticing in the nitehawk repository...the pinouts do indeed match the mfr oem layout and (assuming here) 'kilpperized' verbiage etc ...wondering if docs should reflect it's use for the RatRig based RatOS configs... noting, or defaulting or allowing options to reverse which fan is on which port(s) from the git [board_pins ldo-nitehawk-36] mcu: toolboard aliases: x_endstop_pin=gpio13, e_step_pin=gpio23, e_dir_pin=gpio24, e_enable_pin=gpio25, e_uart_pin=gpio0, e_diag_pin=gpio3, e_heater_pin=gpio9, e_sensor_pin=gpio29, # accel adxl345_cs_pin=gpio27, adxl345_miso=gpio19, adxl345_mosi=gpio20, adxl345_clk=gpio18, # leveling bltouch_sensor_pin=null, bltouch_control_pin=null, probe_pin=gpio10, # fans fan_part_cooling_pin=gpio6, fan_toolhead_cooling_pin=gpio5, # 4 pin fans 4p_fan_toolhead_cooling_tach_pin=gpio16 -OR- is this board, requiring a bit a pin cross connector wiring/plugging to op correctly?
MDFPereira7mo ago
sorry, i don't understand what you mean. Did you check wiring.drawio.svg? I just checked again and everything is correct unless your fans have different wire order...
thinksimpleOP7mo ago
I would say that the hotend fan is good with tacho, so you can earlier recognize if the fan doesn't show the expected behavior anymore ... ?!?
ptegler6mo ago
I just find it interesting, Nithawks 'stock' fan config. you'd think you'd want the tach on the parts fan to get facilitate % cooling while printing. Yet, I can understand having a tach pin on the HE fan to validate the HE is actually being cooled. BUT.. is Klipper actually regularly even checking something like that?
Matt(mkeveney)6mo ago
I had the same question; got my answer here: ...but I don't know whether klipper is 'regularly checking'. That's a good question.
miklschmidt6mo ago
It's absolutely useless for part fans. It's very useful for hotend fans as you'll then be able to tell if it's stalled (which causes potentially very bad problems). yes, it'll run at higher current than requested since the actual sense resistor is lower than the configured one. won't be a lot though with the 10% difference.
Matt(mkeveney)6mo ago
It's very useful for hotend fans as you'll then be able to tell if it's stalled
...but the question is: does RatOS/Klipper automatically recognize the rpm pin and implement some kind of warning if the fan is not running? ..or is there some extra config required? So, I take it this is half of a voltage-divider somewhere? Can you point me to something that explains the circuitry in more detail?
miklschmidt6mo ago
No there's no voltage regulation going on at all (it's PWM), the sense resistor is what's used for current sensing, specifying a wrong value results in wrong (in this case lower) readouts and thus the input voltage is applied longer resulting in higher current flowing through the coils. The TMC driver documentation as far as tachometers and hotend fans, needs pin, ppr and poll_interval configuration, safety checks can be done via delayed gcode macros
Matt(mkeveney)6mo ago
...Okay, but there's nothing implemented by default?
miklschmidt6mo ago
No As it's very uncommon in fact the nitehawk and the orbitool are the only toolboards that offer a tachometer option for the hotend It's kind of insane that it hasn't been the standard from the start.
Matt(mkeveney)6mo ago
I just got a nitehawk, but don't have a 3-wire fan for my hotend... Now you're making me rethink that. I've never had a problem, but now that I know the possibility exists, I'm worried 🙂
miklschmidt6mo ago
It's just a question of how much you value safety. For printers with a solid metal connection between the hotend and the rail, it's less of a worry compared to printers where it's mostly plastic. that said, i've seen melted aluminum in hotends before, but multiple things would have to go wrong (and many safety checks would have to malfunction) for that to happen.
Matt(mkeveney)6mo ago
Yeah, that's what I was thinking... don't we have some runaway protection via the RTD anyway?
miklschmidt6mo ago
There's no runaway required if your fan stops your heatsink will rise to temperatures close to your target print temp
Matt(mkeveney)6mo ago
ah, right.
miklschmidt6mo ago
if you're printing PC for example, that can be dicey, some of those like upwards of 350C. which is right around where cheap aluminum starts melting
Thomas Sandberg
Are all the files for the nitehawk-36 removed until the new revision of the board is out? All links I find here when searching gives me a 404.
MDFPereira4w ago
Yes, that is correct. I’m expecting the new board to take care of it.
Thomas Sandberg
Awesome! Thanks for clarifying that
MDFPereira4w ago
I hope yo have it already this week.
Votius4w ago
they are starting to send out replacements
Thomas Sandberg
Yep, I see that west3d and already got the new revision C in stock. My local dealer should have them in stock next week so I will order it there.
MDFPereira3w ago
I'm getting mine next monday and will take care of implementation... it is already in the mail
DZisky2w ago
@MDFPereira How's it going? I got mine already too.
MDFPereira2w ago
I hope between today and tomorrow to have the PR pushed
Thomas Sandberg
Any success getting the new board running @MDFPereira ? 🙂
MDFPereira2w ago
I’m only missing the wiring diagram. Hope to finish after dinner today
Thomas Sandberg
Awesome! 👌 Will the update show up in the update manager automatically when the PR is merged? (I'm running the 2.1 RC)
MDFPereira2w ago
nope. Only after being merged by the master but should not take long, I hope
Thomas Sandberg
Got mine today 😄 I was supposed to use a EBB42 for my minion 1.1 upgrade but after seeing the NH-36 today I ordered one more. The board I got today is for another printer. Luckily I get these boards locally in Norway so just 1-2 days before they arrive.
thinksimpleOP7d ago
Hey got my NHK-36 last week, just rebuilding my printer (to hybrid) and then putting the new nhk-36 in there! My Printer has been on hold since I rosted my NHK-36 in August last year, ....
MDFPereira7d ago
Already have everything ready to push the PR and wait for Mikkel to merge it.
Votius5d ago
got my replacement this morning
MDFPereira5d ago
I can share the files with you guys while this is not merged into RatOS You just paste the folder inside the boards folder and it should work
Thomas Sandberg
That would be great!
MDFPereira4d ago
please, let me know if anything goes south The files had small issues but PR is already pushed. Errors on firmware.config and json file. If you want to test it before the merge, please, grab this two files from GH on RatOS-configurator
MDFPereira4d ago
correct files
Thomas Sandberg
I have copied the files from your last RAR into the boards folder and the NH36 is showing in the configurator. But when I try to flash it the configurator just stays at "waiting for DFU". My pi is seeing the board and it also enters BOOT mode when I follow the instructions. The first lsub is before I press the buttons and the second one is when its entered BOOT mode. What could be wrong? Why isn't the pi detecting the DFU?
No description
Thomas Sandberg
manual flashing with DFU do not work here, but if I use the option "flash unidentified board" and select it there. It flashes it again and detects it OK.
No description
Thomas Sandberg
I got two NH-36 boards and two different Pi's. DFU mode fails on both.
MDFPereira4d ago
I will check later, thanks. Boot and dfu is not the same thing. I might have messe it because rp2040 does not go dfu like any other stm32
Thomas Sandberg
Ahh I see. Just shout out if you want me to check/test something
MDFPereira4d ago
I believe I found the issue. Will let you know as soon as I change it
Votius3d ago
finished wiring mine up
thinksimpleOP2d ago
My Printer isn't ready yet, and I think it will take another week or two, - busy schedule ... 🤷‍♂️
MDFPereira2d ago
I hope this time is correct...
MDFPereira2d ago
had some small issues in json file .bin instead of .u2f and boot jumper set as true and should be false
Votius2d ago
mine is still trying to boot via dfu, no other option available
MDFPereira2d ago
I will connect my board tomorrow and check. Sorry :/
Votius2d ago
no worries, no rush for me
Votius2d ago
ratos does see that its connected:
No description
MDFPereira18h ago
Guys, tested everything. First flash has to be "Flash unidentified board". After that the auto flash works correctly.
Votius18h ago
I dont have the option to do so
MDFPereira18h ago
is the board connected and powered via 24v? usb power is not enough
Votius18h ago
yep sure is
MDFPereira17h ago
are there leds on the nw?
Votius17h ago
yep, 4 of them
MDFPereira17h ago
Votius17h ago
and the rp2040 is seen by ratos under usb devices
MDFPereira17h ago
Go back to mainsail, ssh to the pi and send sudo systemctl restart ratos-configurator and go back to the configurator
Votius17h ago
same result
Votius17h ago
Didnt notice this last night though:
No description
MDFPereira17h ago
I just did it with 2 different boards update and then you need to paste again the folder on the rpi under home/pi/ratos-configurator/configuration/boards place the NH folder inside that
Votius17h ago
hmm yeah, same thing, wont let me flash another board. I do have a klipper error because my ebb42 is no longer connected, but i figured that wouldnt matter for making a new config
MDFPereira17h ago
did you reset the configurator settings before going to NH? the klipper error is just because i can´t connect
Votius17h ago
Now i dont remember, what should i do to reset the config settings?
MDFPereira17h ago
start configurator, do everything again. Change to another printer, it should ask if you want to start again. Tell yes. Go back and select the correct machine again. At the end, if you don't save it, your old configs will still remain. is you select a different printer from what you current have the system asks if you want to start fresh.
Votius17h ago
that did it its flashing now 😄
MDFPereira17h ago
nice!!! it is nice when you don't make changes because it remembers everything you set on a previous config. but then, you need a start fresh if you change anything

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