BTT Pad 7 - Unable to install any feature, change time zone, etc,

Hello everyone, I am using a Pad 7 with my vcore 500. I used the 2023-06-09-RatOS-2.0.2-armbian-CB1.img.xz img to flash the Cb1. All my issues started first when I wanted to change the time of the Pad 7 to my timezone. However, the system won't allow me to send the sudo raspi-config command (see picture). Then, I have tried to install some features (octoeverywhere) from kiauh and it won't allow me to do so (see pictures). It seems I have two partitions: one is BTT and the other is PI. I may be wrong - I am not too used to Raspberry Pi. I haven't had any issue with my RSPi 4's but this Pad gives me grief haha. Does someone has the skills to help me on that one ? Thanks guys. JS
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14 Replies
ratos isn't kauh based, so that is just going to mess things up. Also, since it isn't a raspberry pi board, you don't have the raspi-config commands (that is normal)
NewCalJsOP17mo ago
Previously, it was working - so i don't know after the full reflash, it doesn't. What do I need to get access ?
Get access, as in ssh?
NewCalJsOP16mo ago
to the raspi-config command - I have been able to make it work with the CB1 @blacksmithforlifebefore the new flash. Anyone else ? Thanks 😄
miklschmidt16mo ago
Sure. Raspi-config is a raspberry pi os binary for configuring raspberry pi os specific features. The CB1 distro is based on armbian. It does not have raspi-config - it doesn't make any sense on armbian. You're using a different OS. Raspberry Pi OS != Armbian. If you want to install octoeverywhere, follow the octoeverywhere installation instructions. If you want to change the timezone / locale etc. Google "how to change timezone on Armbian". You'd benefit from listening to blacksmithforlife he's the one who set up the CB1 image.
NewCalJsOP16mo ago
Thank you @miklschmidt - I understand. It still doesn’t explain how I manage to get access to the raspi Config before I had issues and reflags everything
miklschmidt16mo ago
You didn't. Not on a CB1 you didn't.
NewCalJsOP16mo ago
Yes, very bizzare. Anyway, you brought me a solution. Much appreciated. I’ll have a look at that on Monday
miklschmidt16mo ago
I think you're confused, you probably ran some other CLI tool and thought it was raspi-config. Raspi-config only works on Raspberry Pi OS, and Raspberry Pi OS does not boot on CB1. So either you confused the tools or you were running on a raspberry pi
NewCalJsOP16mo ago
Certainly I am confused as I still learning about the systems Thanks mate for clarifications !
miklschmidt16mo ago
NewCalJsOP16mo ago
I’ll update you tomorrow at work Enjoy the rest of your WE.
miklschmidt16mo ago
You too
NewCalJsOP16mo ago
Hello @miklschmidt so I followed your direction and you were right about the debian's commands but I can't recall any of them haha. Also, when I select my timezone, it is again. totally out whish is weird too. I have to fake for the closest time I coul find, and there's still an issue with 20min difference, interesting..

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