RatOs 2.1 help in setting up (renamed post)

I just reflashed my CM4 with Ratos 2.1 (VERY nice configurator, gents,...!!!) After entering all my hardware (Manta M8Pv1.0, EBB42v1.2, physical endstops, perfomance mode) , press next, save, goto mainsail and get an error on pins (see picture). Ratos.cfg shows me that the UART pin is wrong. this should be z1_uart_pin=PD13. Strange, as the RatOS/boards/btt-manta-m8p/config.cfg shows the correct value (second picture). Also, the Stepper-z1 enable_pin: now has an exclamation mark. not sure if that is correct? Similar thing for z2 motor. Error on PD10 which is z2_step_pin but also uart_pin. Corrected this to PC7 and then the thing goes into a loop (not connecting)... Must be doing something wrong, but am not seeing it...
At least I am back in business, It's purring away quite nicely on the first print after the upgrade (steep learning curve again) Thanks @Helge Keck and @miklschmidt
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113 Replies
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
Make sure you've updated everything There were quite a few pin bugs in the initial RC1 release As usual, update RatOS first, then the rest ๐Ÿ™‚
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Just rebooted and saw update manager waking up,... accidentilly started with klipper updating,... (stupid, I know better). I'll see how I fare,... Thanx Mikl (ps: do you ever sleep? ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) FYI: Updated everything, next error is ADC out of range,... in [extruder] it had sensor_type: PT1000. I used to run max31865. corrected this and now pullup_resistor is not valid. Commented this out (my toolboard btt EBB42 has a max31865 chip and I have the rapido plus connected to this)
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Now I am stuck with a pin error PD13 for spi2 (but also Uart pin for Z1)
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Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
My apologies for all the hard work that has gone in, but I am not having a good time with the upgrade... I am going back to 2.0 I think... too many custom things that I can't get to work and if I reboot, the Ratos.cfg reverts back to default (probably by design) and I do not know how to change the Max31865 and delete the pull_up sensor from this file... Also, all my fans are screwed up (part cooling didn't work connected to EBB42, CM4 fan is not working properly, Toolhead_fan goes on at100% and doesn't go off (below 50degr).... I'll try again in a few months.
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
This will break @Arthur_C see https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/859890291591217162/1249842989417631784 I don't recommend running the MAX31865, but if you want to use it, just pick a different thermistor (only PT1000 forces the alternative pullup). This happens if you use hardware spi on the same bus that runs the adxl or steppers, RatOS resorts to software spi as hardware spi is very broken with multiple devices. Use the software_spi pins instead of spi_bus for your MAX31865.. These weren't bugs, they were caused by custom configuration, it'll be the same in a few months ๐Ÿ™‚ The PT1000 one was even mentioned here once before (the only other user using the MAX31865 ๐Ÿ˜‚)
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
just reset klipper as per your suggestion (although it is not yet clear to me what that solves, but I trust it is the right thing to do...)
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miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
There are severe probe problems with the newest klipper code
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Would you then connect the rapido plus thermistor to the ebb42 like it was at pt100?
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
RatOS pinned klipper to the commit you just checked out, but since you updated klipper before RatOS you got the new code. PT100 won't work as a thermistor, those require an amplifier (and pretty much nobody uses them). PT1000's work just fine and plenty accurately as a thermistor yes. If you use a toolboard such as the BTT EBB series with an alternative pullup_resistor option for using PT1000 on thermistor (makes them a bit more accurate), RatOS requires you to put in the PT1000 jumper on the board. It even shows you a warning about this in the hardware configurator
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Yes, I saw the warning,.. even read the manual (and who does that...) As I have the rapido plus AND ebb42 with max31865, it was not clear how to connect it. The manual gives an option in case you'ld have the NON Max version so I think i should use that: connect the 2 wires (from rapido plus to TH0, jump the 2 pins and ignore the max31865 chip. Configure it as per picture
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miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
it was not clear how to connect it
The RatOS wiring diagrams shows you how to connect it ๐Ÿ™‚
onnect the 2 wires (from rapido plus to TH0, jump the 2 pins and ignore the max31865 chip. Configure it as per picture
That's it, yes.
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
When you guys start taling about these SPI-things I am fully lost :-). I am barely hanging on in terminology but this was a bit much for an old Civil Engineer,...
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
It's pretty confusing, i don't blame you. It's also one of those nice undocumented klipper quirks you have to discover through trial and error lol. There's a lot of weirdness in klipper that RatOS handles for you, one of them is not using MAX31865 because it's a PITA to deal with. And the benefits are very very small with a PT1000 in the first place. If you had a 4-wire PT100 the MAX chip makes sense. With 2 wire thermocouples you introduce extra resistance from the wiring, and it trips up almost everyone.
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Appreciate all the support, Mikl! Thanks (if you ever need advise on how to build an offshore windfarm, give me a call so I can return the favour!!!)
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
I hear there's decent money in those ๐Ÿ˜‚ Worth considering lol
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Not as much fun as 3D-printing, though,... FYI, I did the "revert Klipper to previous commit"-thing, yesterday. Today I put the Rapido thermistor on TH0 (as per above). Stuff is starting to behave now. Had to revert the pin for all three Z motors, and X and Y and toolhead_cooling_fan pin, did the calibration of the beacon model... looks good now... next step : Bed_mesh_calibrate and Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE. After that, webam and start printing? Any idea of the status of the documation? Maybe somewhere where I can help reading/drafting etc?
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
Had to revert the pin for all three Z motors, and X and Y
This is normal, pin direction depends on motor, cable and board. So they're always configured for the default hardware.
toolhead_cooling_fan pin
This is not necessary, you just picked the wrong fan in the configurator. People seem to struggle a lot with this I'm not sure what to do about it
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
Any idea of the status of the documation? Maybe somewhere where I can help reading/drafting etc?
Helge has been writing a whole bunch and i've been working on incorporating the wiring diagrams into the wizard. See helge's work here: https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/tree/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/configuration
RatOS/site/docs/configuration at documentation_v2.1 ยท HelgeKeck/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Not realy sure if I agree... In the wizard, I get one choice for a fan and that is the controler_fan, cooling the MantaM8P. I choose a 4pin and that works as designed. I do not see (kindly correct me if I am overlooking this) any place where I can choose the fan and pin that control the toolhead. In the generated ratos.cfg, there is an exclamation mark at the pin, which caused my fan to run at boot and switch off when extruder is on and/or above 50deg C. I had to remove the exclamation mark to get it to work (and also add a tach as I run Ellis' extruder-fan-monitoring macro,... if I can get that to work....)
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miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
In the wizard, I get one choice for a fan and that is the controler_fan, cooling the MantaM8P
Configurator screenshot is controller fan, config screenshots are part fan and hotend fan. There are separate dropdowns for those in the the toolhead box.
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
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Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Ah,... Got it,... must have overlooked it only 10 times or so,... (apologies)
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Next "issue": filament unload is very much changed compare dot 2.0. I see a lot of variables added (or at least in default [gcode_macro T0]). I trust all these lengthes are already tuned to my setup. When I press the button to unload filament on the orbiter 2.0 filament sensor, a little dance starts with the filament going up and downd, faster and faster (no problems here, I think I understand what is going on). at what I assume to be the last step (actuall unloading the filament) my extruder makes a high pitch noise but doesn't do anything. I think the unload speed is to high but I can't find a variable to change that fixes this (see the last 4 variables.). Also, the default of 60 should be no problem with an orbiter, right? Again, a little nudge in the right direction would be appreciated
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miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/macros.md at documentation_v2.1 ยท Hel...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
it's relatively slow by default and shouldn't cause issues, so i'm not sure what's going on there.
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/filamentsensors.md at documentation...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Oh...Crap,... I just used the old UNLOAD_filament macros'.... Let me try again with the correct config... (the "pause_on_runout: False" surpises me a bit but I assume the macro will handle pause.) Ha,... funny (not).... extruder motor was still reversed,...
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
The macro's handle pausing Well ๐Ÿ˜…
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Working quite nicely I must say,....:chefkiss: Now to sort out some custom gremlins (Ellis' Hotend Fan RPM monitoring,... worked like a charm this morning,... not anymore now....).
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Ok, Sorted the " Hotend Fan RPM monitoring" issue. Back to following the config guides. Did the Beacon calibrate, did the latency check / poke test (it is between 0 an 1, so that is good). At probing it give me an error (Probe samples exceed sample_tolerance), but eventually (after a firmware restart) it succeeded. When I started the BEACON_CALIBRATE_NOZZLE_TEMP_OFFSET, it gives the same errors and the test fails (extruder at 0 succeeded, 150degr succeeded, 250 succeeded, 150 degr failed. Rebooted, and test failed at the beginning). Is this something we could look at here or should I go the the Beacon discord?
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miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
(it is between 0 an 1, so that is good
Good? That's incredible ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Probe samples exceed sample_tolerance
Either loose motor couplers or nozzle isn't clean / meltzone not empty Can also be a loose nozzle or loose hotend It's not a beacon bug ๐Ÿ˜‰ It's very good at revealing all the problems with your machine that were otherwise ignored and caused bad first layers
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
I got the extruder up to 280, brushed the nozzle (it was already tight) and with some minor misprobes, it succeded in the calibration! Which brings me to step 5. it says: Override the beacon_contact_expansion_multiplier from here to fine tune your first layer squish. Higher value means less squish and lower value means more squish. 1.1 = a bit less squish, 0.9 = a bit more squish, .... but it is unclear HOW I should override this. What I now did for my first print is baby step until I had a good first layer and then saved the new offset in the beacon model. somehow, that doesn't appear to be what I SHOULD have done,.... One general comment/question I have now: If I do a first print, there is a lot going on: -home xyz -calibrate beacon/contact (I think) -tilt correction -bed meshing -another contact probe in the centre -a contact probe at the primeblob location -primeblobbing There seems to be no such thing as making a quick print anymore? Is it going to do all these things every print?
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
like all other RatOS variables: in printerc.fg:
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_beacon_contact_expansion_multiplier: 1.0
[gcode_macro RatOS]
variable_beacon_contact_expansion_multiplier: 1.0
but it is unclear HOW I should override this. What I now did for my first print is baby step until I had a good first layer and then saved the new offset in the beacon model. somehow, that doesn't appear to be what I SHOULD have done
Correct, contact should be perfect after autocalibration But it's fine with the model you calibrated, should still work
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
sure, but finding the right multiplier, is that then trial and error, or is there another spiffy macro how to solve that?
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
There seems to be no such thing as making a quick print anymore? Is it going to do all these things every print?
Yes. Because that means perfect layers every time (including if you swap plates or nozzles).
sure, but finding the right multiplier, is that then trial and error, or is there another spiffy micro how to solve that?
You could do something like the following: - Start a print - Baby step to perfect Z. - new expansion coefficient = old_expansion_multiplier - (expansion_coefficient * (print_temp - 150) / runtime z offset adjustment) / 100) . ie 1 - (0.0073423 * (250 - 150) / 0.01) / 100 Generally for beacon contact ask in #beacon-contact @Helge Keck does this makes sense IRL like it does in my head? ๐Ÿ˜‚
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
there is no live method atm to tune that multiplier. i can think about it how to implement one. the reason why we are using a multiplier instead of a real z-offset is that a z-offset is temperature related, the multiplier not, means one time set it works acorss all printing temperatures i coul dthink of a easy test where you print like 9 squares at once with exlude object and set a multiplier for each object, i can make a script for that similar to the ellis em tuning test maye @miklschmidt has a better idea for doing it but honestly, tuning that multiplier isnt that hard imo. you print your first test layer and then you see if you want more or less squish, then you print asecond and maybe a third the good thing is this is a one time tuning and then hit and forget
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
If my math is right, you could just baby step and calculate the multiplier by calculating 1-(expansion_coefficient * (print_temp - 150)/ amount of manual z offset adjustment) / 100
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
I highly Appreciate you (both) responding to all my questions! I now set the z-offset back to 0 and used a multiplier of 1.1. seems a bit to high (z-offset was only 0.03 so almost negligable)
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
oh, we could make a simple macro that spits the multiplier out based on the current z-offset
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
yes! gotta go
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
if its a bit too high just reduce the multiplier a bit, try 0.95 for example, this mreans 5% less
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
I increased the z-offset to 0.03 (+) so Mikl's calculation shows....euhm,... wait for it,.... 1 - (0.06969*(250-150)/0.03)/100 = 1 - expansion_coefficient = 0,930313 Ah,... [exclude_object] was not in the printer.cfg,.... That's why the printer keeps shouting at me: Unknown command:"TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME" Unknown command:"EXCLUDE_OBJECT_START"
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
yeah, by default not activated bc some slicer are too stupid to proper implement it
Arthur_Cโ€ข9mo ago
At least I am back in business, It's purring away quite nicely on the first print after the upgrade (steep learning curve again) Thanks @Helge Keck and @miklschmidt
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
ah if it was with 1.1 it would be 1.1 - (0.06969*(250-150)/0.03)/100 = 1.03031
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Ah! Got it! Try that in the morning.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
its this here (expansion_coefficient + baby_step) / expansion_coefficient = new multiplier
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
isn't it relevant to convert the baby_stepping to a "change per 1 degree" unit, like the expansion coefficient?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
hmmm i think you are right
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
ie "i need 0.03mm per 100 degrees" I'm pretty sure old_expansion_multiplier - (expansion_coefficient * (print_temp - 150) / runtime z offset adjustment) / 100) encapsulates all of it it's converting the expansion_coefficient to a "change per x degrees" that matches the runtime z adjustment instead, but same thing. 150 should be replaced by whatever temp the beacon contact is done at
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
right dude, just reprint another square :kekw:
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
While we are fumbling with numbers,... is there a sketch or a drawing of some kind on how these variables measure out?
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Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
I would like to get into your brain to see if I understand it but a drawing would be more practicle.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
no this doesnt exist
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Found it:
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Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
thats actually not correct this is a completely different setup it doesnt represent the rapido, orbiter and a sensor on top of the extruder the vc4 doesnt have the sensors insode the hotend
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Well it is actually the model of the rapido UHF with the orbiter 2 and sensor that i run on my Vcore 3.1... crossections are (mostly derived from the existing cad model,... not sure why you say this is not correct,..
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
its still wrong extruder gear to toolhead sensor cant be inside the hotend like in the image you share thats definitly wrong the sensor sits on top of the extruder and not between extruder and hotend
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
The measurements I put in to see if I can correlate wht the macro's and defaults are doing
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
i dont know who made this images, but they are definityl not correct the values ni ratos are for orboiter, rapido and the sensor, you dont need to change them
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
labels are not correct (yet). the guy who drew this has an off day,... I'll have a chat with him in a minute
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
normaly you dont need to change these values
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
and still, I do not get fillament out of the nozzle when I load new filament. I am trying to understand what you guys have put in here and see how this all works.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
this has nothing to do with these values when loading new filament it is not supposed that filament comes out of the nozzle if you want to purge filament out of the nozzle after loading it just change the purge_after load value i do njot recommend to change the values you just shared these values are correct and should not be changed why dont you tell me exactly what issue you are having instead of asking for graphs then i can probably help you
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Appreciated and noted to above. Deleted it from my printer.cfg. I allready (earlier) changed variable_purge_after_load: 60 and still have not filament coming out the nozzle. So question then is: If variable_purge_after_load: 0 is the print not going to underextrude for the first part of the print? In 2.0 I believe I tweaked variable_filament_load_length
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
this is not related to printing only for manual filament loading during printing you dont use the load filament feature at all so im a biot confused what the actual issue is
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
So, in case of filament runout or color change, an unload/Load is initiated right? That is at least what I was refering to
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
on filament runout or color change you still need to maually load the filament theis feature is not designed to maek everything automatically for you means you load the new filament, extrude a bit, cvlean the nozzle and then press resume
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Sure, so in ratos 2.0 I had it setup that in case of runout or colour change, the nozzle parked un unloaded. I can then do a filament change (away from the printed object) and made sure that the nozzle is fully loaded/charged before I hit "resume". I am trying a similar thing here.
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
but it does the same you load new filament, extrude a bit, clean the nozzle and then you resume the print this is the workflow if you want to fine tune the amount of extrusion the is a offset varraible in the toolhead macro one sec so you can finetune it that it load to the nozzle tip, but still
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
understood. I have seen that. I believe it is set to -5
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
you should always extrude a bit manually and then clean then nozzle before resuming a print otherwise you will never get a good seam when the print resumes
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
variable_filament_loading_nozzle_offset: -5
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
yes you cna use this variable to finetune, but as i said, its still better to extrude a bit and clean the nozzle
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Can you explain what to use: variable_filament_load_length or variable_purge_after_load
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
this is more for idex and mmu operations
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Thanx Helge for the assistance
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
no problem
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
btw, the "new" primeblob" got me startled a bit. The secand have of the move is MUCH faster then before. Is that correct or did I screw up a parameter somewher (wouldn't be the first time,....)
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
we made it shorter and faster this is intended
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Cool,.. scarry at first but cool (more filament extruded also with my 0.6 nozzle, also,... is it now more "aware" of the nozzle size and does it addapt to the nozzle size?)
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
yes, its now nozzle aware
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
I haven't even tried the new one myself yet, i mathed it out and helge was like "a bit shorter" and this is the result ๐Ÿ˜‚
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
sometimes shorter is better, dont trust your wife
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
I have no real success in feeding more filement through after loading btw. After loading the filament I need to extrude about 20mm extra before it oozes out. Added variable_filament_loading_nozzle_offset: 20 after which I still need to extrude approx 15 to 20mm. Also set it to variable_filament_loading_nozzle_offset: 60 with similar results. Any ideas? (I do NOT have IDEX machine, just a simple, good old VC3.1-300)
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
If you want it to purge after loading automatically, you need to set variable_purge_after_load to the amount you wish to purge after the filament has been loaded. Do not use nozzle_offset for that (if you do that none of the other filament macros will work correctly). I can do a sanity check of your config if you post it here
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
so this is from my VC200 which still has a EVA 3.0 toolhead. and it loads exactly to the nozzle tip of my Rapido UHF
[gcode_macro T0]
variable_cooling_position_to_nozzle_distance: 40 # heatbreak length from cold zone to nozzle
variable_extruder_gear_to_cooling_position_distance: 40 # distance in mm from the extruder gear to the end of the hotend cold zone
variable_filament_loading_nozzle_offset: 7
[gcode_macro T0]
variable_cooling_position_to_nozzle_distance: 40 # heatbreak length from cold zone to nozzle
variable_extruder_gear_to_cooling_position_distance: 40 # distance in mm from the extruder gear to the end of the hotend cold zone
variable_filament_loading_nozzle_offset: 7
and i dont even use variable_purge_after_loadn thsi case, its set to 0 if you have a standard eva toolhead and you still need to extrude this hugre amount of filament then something might be wrong you might want to check if your extruder latch is not too loose or if you have some drag somewhere in your bowden tube, like a kinked curve or whatever this should work out of the box or you have set the overrides on the wrong place maybe
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
he doesn't want it to stop at the nozzle tip, he wants it to purge afterwards
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
yes, i know that. but he said that he needs to extrude like 20mm until it comes out there is something wrong
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
ah fair
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
if he has set the offset to 20 then it should have come out already
miklschmidtโ€ข9mo ago
yeah something ain't right
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
@Arthur_C would you please share your ratos and printer.cfg
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Idealy, i want to stop at the nozzle, but it now still needs to feed about 15 to 20 mm to get to the nozzle .. i'l do a sanity check in the morning with a free hanging filament (and delete the earlier mentioned variable value.)
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
Also set it to variable_filament_loading_nozzle_offset: 60 with similar results
there is clearly something wrong alone thi ssetting should have give a huge extrusion amount i assume your heatbreak entrance is partly blocked and your extruder gears could be dirty maybe
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
HI Helge, Please find attached. (I feel somewhat burdened to ask all of this from you guys... I am used to solving my own issues without troubling other too much...)
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
all good, want to know what it is i dont see an y overrides for the varaibles? how did you changed these values?
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
stuffed them in the printer.cfg....? (This is the part where you tell me I f#ck-up...)
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Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
ahh yes, sorry had the wrong file open no wait, it isnt there there is nothing in the printe.cfg overwritten yeah, this dosnt work this way these are not RatOS variables these are toolhead variables
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Should it be lower down in the printer.cfg?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
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Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
you see that
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
you did put them under ratos
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Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
so you actually never changed them
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
you need to copy and paste this complete thing to your printer.cfg and changing the values there
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Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
So all overrides related to T0 have their own macro! And I need to copy/paste the whole thang and not only the variables I'ld like to change?
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
copy the whole block to the printer cfg
Helge Keck
Helge Keckโ€ข9mo ago
including this header
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Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
I was just about to say that I had the feeling that the variable_filament_grabbing_speed also appeared to have no effect... But this explains it. Whell good to know. Ill make the changes and try tomorrow (kids are asleep and somehow they do not share my 3D printing enthousiasm in the chamber next to their beds...) Appreciate the assistance here Helge!
Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Took me 127 prints to dial it in to 1.02493,... Now I must remove it again?
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Arthur_COPโ€ข9mo ago
Just kidding of course ๐Ÿ˜‰ ,... Progress is made!!

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