Bad First Layer Outside of Probed Area

Basically always getting bad first layer on the right side of the plate where the probe can't reach. I don't know what Klipper does, if it guesses what the area is like past the probed max area, or what. What it is doing is moving the nozzle too far away so the last 3cm on the entire right side is always bad. The klipper settings for bed mesh and documentation don't make mention of what it does for the area. I've squared the frame the best I can, the 3 points that are probed are within 0.02mm of each other, the bed just isn't the greatest I guess but usually the heightmap is less than 0.17mm tolerance.
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7 Replies
SorcerousRose0212mo ago
You can increase the area of meshing by editing the coordinates of your mesh min and mesh max on the [bed_mesh] section and subtracting the offsets of the probe. I did that to my printer for the same reason.
skyline131313OP12mo ago
That's what I already did. The probe is 3cm to the left of the hotend. The max is set to 220mm, I could maybe increase the x range the printer can move but physically there's only maybe 5mm of travel left, and that's with the toolhead gantry hitting the end. I guess I could try putting 250mm as the max, but then I think will try to make a movement for the nozzle to 280mm, which would probably stop the printer
SorcerousRose0212mo ago
I got some improvement by disabling the fade. Can't remember if i changed something else but now my first layer is consistent even with my gantry not being perfectly squared
skyline131313OP12mo ago
Well if I disable the fade then I'd just turn off bed meshing completely wouldn't I? Or did you reduce the amount of fading that is done? I think one of the settings do that
SorcerousRose0212mo ago
this is from my cfg file, i have a vcore 200 btw, maybe is more forgiving because of the smaller plate [bed_mesh] horizontal_move_z: 5 mesh_min: 0,0 mesh_max: 172,172 probe_count: 7,7 #fade_start: 1.0 #fade_end: 10.0 mesh_pps: 2,2 algorithm: bicubic bicubic_tension: .2
skyline131313OP12mo ago
Well I tried it and it was significantly worse, the side was the same and then it failed for spots it otherwise was able to do before.
SYG|Krizalid8712mo ago
Decrease bicubic tensione,try

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