Upgrade to ratos 2.0 from 1.2.4

Currently running 1.2.4 but would like to update to 2.0, are all of the alpha versions stable, or ids there one in particular to stick with for now? Also a bit confused as to how to go about installing 2.0 over 1.2.4, will I also need to flash my controller?
8 Replies
miklschmidt•3y ago
Alpha versions are inherently unstable. Alpha5 is the current one. Alpha releases should not be regarded as permanent, you will need to reflash your pi once newer versions are released. After alpha there is beta, and after beta there is release candidates, then stable releases. You can use alpha5 as is, it is fairly new and contains pretty major changes, but at this time i'm not aware of any major issues. Controllers don't need to be reflashed (although the configurator will help you with that in v2.x, so it's super easy).
Also a bit confused as to how to go about installing 2.0 over 1.2.4, will I also need to flash my controller?
You reflash your pi and redo your configuration.
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
So flash new image to pi sd card, re insert sd in pi and boot the pi, all automated from there except re configuring printer.cfg file?
miklschmidt•3y ago
bingo 🙂
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
I struggle with git hub, can’t seem to find the image when looking at the alpha 5 page.
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
I’m assuming in one of these areas, but still don’t see a .img file
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miklschmidt•3y ago
you need to go to the releases page: https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/releases
Releases · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Assuming this?
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vicious-goldOP•3y ago
Nevermind, answered my own question….. thank you for your help

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