Pi Camera V3 / Crowsnest not working

Hi, Currently I am having issues with my camera. Initially I had a pi camera V2 which didn’t work after the crowsnest V4 update. When carefully taking all these (https://os.ratrig.com/blog/crowsnest-v4-breaking-changes-manual-upgrade/) steps the Pi still wouldn’t recognize the camera. After quite some time fiddling around it got very frustrated and I bought an Pi camera V3 wide hoping this would work. Unfortunately this is not the case ☹. I get a black screen for the webcam and no image. Hopefully you could help me solving this issue. I have absolute no clue how I could fix this. Current status: - Pi 3 B+ with Camera V3 wide connected with original short CSI cable - New ‘fresh’ install of Ratos 2.0.2 , 32-bit version - Everything fully updated - In /boot/config.txt I changed gpu_mem=256 since I have 1gb ram - Reinstalled crowsnest V4 (master) -> this solved input/output error in libcamera-hello - Still got a buffer error when executing libcamera-hello but no error in crowsnest log I still get a totally black screen
Crowsnest v4 contains breaking changes and requires manual steps to...
Crowsnest just recently made huge changes to the way it works. This is great news, because it should be much faster and more reliable. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade. When you update to V4 through the machine tab in mainsail, crowsnest will stop working until...
6 Replies
rival-blackOP2y ago
After getting some help it turned out that a V3 camera doesn't work together with a screen. This is causing the issues. Using these steps I was able to go back to legacy stack and use ustreamer with the V2 camera again; https://crowsnest.mainsail.xyz/faq/how-to-setup-a-raspicam#ov5647-and-or-klipperscreen I am very happy that I have a working camera again, unfortunately not the V3 wide camera 😅
jornamon2y ago
I don't want to confuse you more, but I have a working Picam v3 wide with klipperscreen 🤷‍♂️
rival-blackOP2y ago
Really?! Are you using crowsnest V4? Could you share your crowsnest.conf and /boot/config.txt? Oh and do you use a pi 3 or pi4?
jornamon2y ago
Crowsnest v4.0.2-2-g8b54eae9 Pi 4
jornamon2y ago
IF you need anything else just let me know

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