RatOS2.1 hotend fan pin swap not working

I had this line in my printer config to swap hotend fan to PD13 but now I'm running 2.1 the hotend fan is not working, I did see something about pin aliases not beeing required in 2.1 so what do I need to change this too to get my fan working again? [fan] Swap part cooling fan to a new port on the board as i shorted out the original and killed it pin:PD13
yes part cooling is now working and hot end cooling too, still a little confused as my part cooling is on a different port on the octopus as i shorted and killed the original but i dont have the pin switch line in printer.cfg but it still works
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20 Replies
miklschmidt•10mo ago
You put this in printer.cfg, that's all Just like before
AndycOP•10mo ago
Ok thanks, I have another problem then as I have no hotend fan, and hotends now in bits clearing the clog....
miklschmidt•10mo ago
[fan] is part cooling. you want [heater_fan toolhead_cooling_fan]
AndycOP•10mo ago
Part cooling fan is running all the time.... but if I put the slider control up is slows down, seems to be reversed control ,100% on the slider is off 0% is max
miklschmidt•10mo ago
Yeah if you're using a 4028, your [fan] override will do that (it should be inverted). If it does it without the override, that means you picked the wrong fan type in the configurator, read the text above the dropdown. You should've selected "Digitial PWM on 2-pin port" because you're using a 4-pin fan.
AndycOP•10mo ago
So your saying I got click happy and didnt read the instructions........Guilty as charged.... as usual "Digitial PWM on 2-pin port" has 2 options octopus v1.1 and EBB42 V1.2 T0, Ive got the octopus one selected, or has it seen what I have now and selected it for me ?
miklschmidt•10mo ago
The default selected option depends on the printer definition, but i believe all printers that default to having a toolboard, defaults to Digital PWM on 2-pin on the toolboard (unless the come with a 2-pin fan). You should pick the one that matches your setup, if you run your 4028 PWM wire back to the octopus, you should pick the octopus 🙂
AndycOP•10mo ago
Re run the configurator and fixed the fan, now works correctly, still no hotend fan though, will look again tomorrow night and see whats stopping that running , Many thanks again for your help. Goodnight
miklschmidt•10mo ago
AndycOP•9mo ago
I still cant get the hotend fan to work after the v2.1 upgrade, its a 24v fan plugged into PA2 on an ebb42 board, also tried it in PA1 as thats the one listed in ratos.cfg file under the [board_pins toolboard_t0] General pins section but neither of these get any voltage when the dashboard shows the Toolhead cooling fan as being on
miklschmidt•9mo ago
0) Make sure everything is updated in the mainsail machine page 1) Delete your fan overrides in printer.cfg if you made any. 2) Pick input voltage PWM on 2-pin port (pay attention to which board it's on) in the hotend fan dropdown in the configurator and save the configuration. 3) If it still doesn't work, please post the debug zip. And also make sure to check your wiring and your power jumpers.
AndycOP•9mo ago
Hi Mikl, Ok so ran through above instructions, updated a few things, deleted fan overide in printer.cfg , noted the fan was set to octopus v1.1 and not toolboard so changed this and rebooted, and its still not running, so here's my debug.zip file
AndycOP•9mo ago
well thats strange, Ive been heating extruder to 50 deg to start the fan running so I dont burn myself, after the last try I realised I'd left it heating, so switched extruder off, after a few minutes it had cooled so turned fan off and fan starts up! switch on heating and fan go's off, let it cool and it starts up........
miklschmidt•9mo ago
yes because you keep picking the wrong fan type:
# Hotend cooling fan
[heater_fan toolhead_cooling_fan]
heater: extruder
# 4-pin fan connected to the toolboard on T0 (toolboard_t0)
pin: !toolboard_t0:PA1
cycle_time: 0.00004
# Hotend cooling fan
[heater_fan toolhead_cooling_fan]
heater: extruder
# 4-pin fan connected to the toolboard on T0 (toolboard_t0)
pin: !toolboard_t0:PA1
cycle_time: 0.00004
You're not using a 4-pin fan.... What fan are you using for part cooling? Because you've set that one to a 2-pin fan. Looks like you're mixing up hotend fan and part cooling fan. Part cooling fan is the one that cools the parts you're printing. Hotend fan is the fan that cools your hotend.
AndycOP•9mo ago
oh shit yes, sorry was so happy when i saw i was on the octopus not the toolhead that I still managed to pick the wrong one
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miklschmidt•9mo ago
yeah these should be switched (assuming you're using a 4028 for part cooling)
Andyc•9mo ago
yes part cooling is now working and hot end cooling too, still a little confused as my part cooling is on a different port on the octopus as i shorted and killed the original but i dont have the pin switch line in printer.cfg but it still works
AndycOP•9mo ago
lol I dont get it either... but going to leave well alone as its working, Thanks for you help
miklschmidt•9mo ago
yw 🙂

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