mcu pin name vs board pin name

Trying to utilize one of the four 24V heater block connections labeled HE0 - HE4 on the BTT Octopus V1.1 board to power the LED bars I received with my V4 kit. For no particular reason I conected first to the HE3 block and set up my "LED" text Identifying the "white" pin as PB11 per the BTT pinout. Klipper provided an immediate "No LED pin defined" that I eventually troubleshooted by finding the text "e_heater_pin=PA2" in the RatOS.cfg. I moved my wiring to HE0 and redefined the LED pin as "PA2" and all is well. My question is if I ever want to get 24V from HE3 would I need to define another "e_heater_pin=PB11" in the RatOS.cfg, or would that be asking for trouble?
13 Replies
no, don't mess with the aliases. Just use the pin name (PB11) directly
Ag_BackOP3d ago
Thanks, but I did that and got the LED pin not identified error. [led Bed_Light] white_pin: PA2 cycle_time: 0.001 hardware_pwm: False #initial_RED: 0.0 #initial_GREEN: 0.0 #initial_Blue: 0.0 initial_WHITE: 0.1 When I used "PB11" here instead of "PA2" Klipper apparently wouldn't recognize it. Is there something I'm missing or simply ignorant of on how to get pins recognized?
you would need to share your printer.cfg
Can you include RatOS.cfg ?
are you sure you have a octopus 1.1 F446?
Ag_BackOP3d ago
That sounds pretty damn ominous. It's the board that came with the machine, but I'll double check the coding on the CPU later this morn.
Ag_BackOP3d ago
So what did you see that prompted the question?
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That the pin should indeed be PB11 but it's not working, so maybe you had a different board
Ag_BackOP2d ago
Any significance that PB11 is defined under "ADXL" (Line 147 of RatOS.cfg) as "spi_software_mosi_pin: toolboard_t0:PB11" The lights are working fine using PA2 - I was just wondering if there was anyway to get PWM control of any of the other headers on that heater bus. Fundamentally I don't know the logic of redefining the board pin number - in due time. Thanks for looking into it.
It isn't redefining it. It has toolboard_t0 which says it is the PB11 on the toolboard not the main board
Ag_BackOP2d ago
Ok, thanks for that - it was a grope in the dark trying to ID why PB11 on my mainboard isn't recognized. C'est la vie...

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