Crowsnest collapses during installation

Hello people, I've been fighting with crowsnest for several days, and I always encounter the same problem. At a certain point, about 10-15 minutes after the start of the installation, the system collapses and the connection with the Raspberrypi is lost. At that moment the fan for cooling the parts turns on. On the Raspberrypi both the red and green LEDs remain lit. Once manually turned off and turned back on, crowsnest is installed at version v4.1.2-1-ge209d19d. I never got to step 9 of the manual installation on the official website, by Mikkel Schmidt. The system collapses first. Since crowsnest was installed, I tried to continue with the installation, from point 13 onwards, skipping 9, 10, 11 and 12 as the system collapsed. I followed all the steps but I can't get streaming. I also tried to follow the guide on the mainsail site. I also found The KIAUH method. I tested them all both from the terminal and with PuTTY. Every time at the same point the system collapses. Here are the photos of the system when it collapses, with the terminal, and the string where it crashes. Crowsnest error notifications appear when you uninstall Crowsnest. In the other photo, after the system crash and after the manual restart, you can see Crowsnest v4.1.2-1-ge209d19d, installed and active without an update in the interface. You can see that it is installed, even with KIAUH method. There are no more notifications as the entire system appears updated. I'm using the rat rig kit with Raspberrypi 3B. I hope no one else has this error. While I try and try again to install crownsnest, in various ways, I hope someone can tell me, why the system crashes, during the registration of that string, and what could cause the excessive consumption of CPU and MEM. Sorry for my English, I hope you understand the problem. Thanks in advance to everyone. Let's hope it's resolved 🙂
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9 Replies
blacksmithforlife•14mo ago
you shouldn't have to install anything, crowsnest comes installed on ratos. Not sure what steps 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, etc you are talking about
lostpexOP•14mo ago
I'm talking about this guide. Now after a long time I have decided to try my hand at terminal operations, and I see that every time I start the installation it freezes before finishing and the system collapses.
Crowsnest v4 contains breaking changes and requires manual steps to...
Crowsnest just recently made huge changes to the way it works. This is great news, because it should be much faster and more reliable. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade. When you update to V4 through the machine tab in mainsail, crowsnest will stop working until...
blacksmithforlife•14mo ago
what raspberry pi do you have? Are you using the 32 bit or 64 bit image?
lostpexOP•14mo ago
I think I'm using version 64, but how can I check this, where can I find this information? Thanks in advance. I installed rat OS2 from the beginning, and the camera worked, then after a year I tried to connect with SSH and I decided to update Crowsnest, because the yellow notifications bothered me. As explained in the instructions on the attached page, I uninstalled crowsnest without problems and rebooted. Then when I wanted to install it again, as recommended on the attached site, at a certain point the PI collapses (in my opinion because the memory and CPU are used to the maximum), but I don't understand why. Rasberi 3b taken from ratrig with the complete kit. And in my opinion a standard installation. As you can see from the photo, obico, octoprint, etc. are installed correctly and without system collapses. It only happens with crowsnest, always at the same point.
blacksmithforlife•14mo ago
you can SSH into the pi and run top and see what is taking up so much CPU/Memory
miklschmidt•14mo ago
I remember this being a common issue at the time and widely discussed in the Mainsail discord. I don't know if they ever implemented a fix. Generally 64-bit has tons of issues like this which is the reason we discontinued it. The 3b doesn't have much memory to being with (1gb) and 64-bit nearly doubles the memory requirements for many things. I remember they mentioned several times that they wanted to include precompiled binaries, but i don't think they ever got there. The reason it fails for you is that camera-streamer has to be compiled from source, that takes up a lot of resources, and your pi runs out of memory and starts swapping to memory card and then everything grinds to a halt. There are 2 options: 1) Reinstall RatOS 2.0.2 which comes with v4 preinstalled (i know, not fun with a customized setup like yours running obico and octoprint (!!!)... for some reason) 2) Ask on the mainsail discord's crowsnest channel what to do
lostpexOP•12mo ago
Thanks so much for the answers, I'll reply later when I solve it, I'll let you know if I had to reinstall or if I found any shortcuts. Hello everyone, after several weeks of testing I was unable to get the webrtc stream. I reinstalled ratOS, on a new card, and immediately tried to connect to the infrared pi cam v1. But it did not work. Then I changed mode in crownsnest.confg , activated camera-streamer and changed the URL Stream to webcam/webrtc. But without success. I continued to follow the guide, as I use a V1 picam and, I selected I1 Legacy Camera -> No, adding dtoverlay=ov5647 to the (all) section at the end of the config.txt I rebooted, and added the right device to crownsnest.conf, again to no avail. In the end I thought it was a cable or camera problem, and I searched on the internet, finding this guide (Open a terminal and set libcamera-vid to show a preview screen, and then listen for any IP address to connect on port 8888. on this page and connecting in striming to the PIcam via VLC. This made me realize that the camera works. I tried to reinstall crownsnest again, as explained at the beginning of the guide, this time successfully having a 32-bit OS system, I repeated all the sections of the guide again checking if all the parameters are correct, but the stream on webrtc doesn't work . I then added a DJI webcam, and connected it using a USB cable, then using usreamer I can get a fairly stable strim at 18-20 fps with the webcam. I tried repeatedly to activate and deactivate everything. In the end I separated the two cameras in crowsnest by changing rtsp-port and port, and changed the URL webcam/webrtc to webcam2/webrtc. The only thing that changes is that with these settings the wheel on the screen (connection animation) disappears after a few seconds. By changing the service to Adaptive MJPEG I receive the webcam streaming again even if the URL is webcam2/webrtc I thought it was connected, now the streaming is coming, but nothing, the screen remains black, the writing connection is not there, the webcam works, and VLC transmits the pi cam. I attach the photos hoping they can be useful for some other guide or for clarification if someone gets stuck during the guide which in my opinion is already clear as it is. I can't understand where I'm going wrong and what the problem is why I can't get the PIcam stream. Not that I need it much, but since I have it and it works well in the dark, I would like to use it on some occasions, having the printer at home and sometimes staying up late, I could check the printing in the dark. I was hoping to solve it but nothing. I'm writing this more as feedback but you never know, maybe a solution will be found. As advised, I'll try to ask in the Crowsnest channel but I wanted to repeat the process several times being careless, I didn't want to do things halfway and understand a little better how this system works, learning many things that may help in the future. Thank you very much for your time and sorry for the long sausages I write. Have a good continuation of the day.
lostpexOP•12mo ago
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lostpexOP•12mo ago
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